trump continues to fade


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2022
Former President Trump’s favorability rating has sunk to its lowest level since 2015, as he mounts his run to reclaim the White House, according to a new Quinnipiac University Poll.

The poll, released Wednesday, found that less than a third of registered voters, or just 31 percent, have a favorable view of the former president, while 59 percent view him unfavorably.

The rating is Trump’s lowest recorded by Quinnipiac since July 2015, just after he’d announced his first run for the presidency.

The former president has a 70 percent favorable rating within his own party — but that figure is also the lowest recorded among Republicans since 2016, according to the pollster.

democrats are PRAYING that ***** republicans learn nothing from the midterms and nominate trump. By election time, inflation will have receded, biden's aid to ukraine should have ended putin's war, things will be looking up for them...and meanwhile trump will still be whining about his "stolen election" (hahahha) and desperately trying to come up with new juvenile nicknames for people.

fortunately for the dems, republicans are in fact stupid enough to nominate trump again, even though the midterms proved that people are tired of trump. What looked like a breath of fresh air in 2016 when he won turned out to be a stinky fart :)