favorability poll

Prove it, lying moooron lol
Here's what your failed pollsters told you in 2016 before Trump blew the bottom out of all their erroneous prognostications:

https://alumni.berkeley.edu/california-magazine/online/election-polls-are-only-60-percent-accurate-which-0-percent/ 10-30-20

Election Polls Are Only 60 Percent Accurate, Which Is 0 Percent Surprising.

For many Americans, Donald Trump’s 2016 victory came as a shock, especially considering how much he’d trailed Hillary Clinton in the polls. Even FiveThirtyEight founder and famed pollster Nate Silver got it wrong. But UC Berkeley business professor Don Moore thinks we should cut Silver some slack.

“He got some flack for his forecasts that Hillary would win with 70 percent probability,” says Moore. “Should we be outraged that an outcome occurred, Trump winning the election, that Silver only gave a 30 percent probability? No, things with 30 percent probability happen all the time. If you think there’s a 30 percent chance of rain tomorrow, there’s a good chance you’re gonna bring your umbrella.”
Here's what your failed pollsters told you in 2016 before Trump blew the bottom out of all their erroneous prognostications:

https://alumni.berkeley.edu/california-magazine/online/election-polls-are-only-60-percent-accurate-which-0-percent/ 10-30-20

Election Polls Are Only 60 Percent Accurate, Which Is 0 Percent Surprising.

For many Americans, Donald Trump’s 2016 victory came as a shock, especially considering how much he’d trailed Hillary Clinton in the polls. Even FiveThirtyEight founder and famed pollster Nate Silver got it wrong. But UC Berkeley business professor Don Moore thinks we should cut Silver some slack.

“He got some flack for his forecasts that Hillary would win with 70 percent probability,” says Moore. “Should we be outraged that an outcome occurred, Trump winning the election, that Silver only gave a 30 percent probability? No, things with 30 percent probability happen all the time. If you think there’s a 30 percent chance of rain tomorrow, there’s a good chance you’re gonna bring your umbrella.”
that doesn't prove that pollsters deliberately try to mislead or anything close to what you claimed.
god you are stupid. lol
Here's what your failed pollsters told you in 2016 before Trump blew the bottom out of all their erroneous prognostications:

https://alumni.berkeley.edu/california-magazine/online/election-polls-are-only-60-percent-accurate-which-0-percent/ 10-30-20

Election Polls Are Only 60 Percent Accurate, Which Is 0 Percent Surprising.

For many Americans, Donald Trump’s 2016 victory came as a shock, especially considering how much he’d trailed Hillary Clinton in the polls. Even FiveThirtyEight founder and famed pollster Nate Silver got it wrong. But UC Berkeley business professor Don Moore thinks we should cut Silver some slack.

“He got some flack for his forecasts that Hillary would win with 70 percent probability,” says Moore. “Should we be outraged that an outcome occurred, Trump winning the election, that Silver only gave a 30 percent probability? No, things with 30 percent probability happen all the time. If you think there’s a 30 percent chance of rain tomorrow, there’s a good chance you’re gonna bring your umbrella.”
Trump LOST the popular vote in 2016 and again in 2020. He lies all the time about everything. he is a convicted criminal and needs to be stuffed away in prison.
Trump LOST the popular vote in 2016 and again in 2020. He lies all the time about everything. he is a convicted criminal and needs to be stuffed away in prison.
You speak the truth. Lots of people are lying about the voting fraud in 2016 and 2020.
If the legal system allowed democrats to steal the election by blocking investigations into fraud then the courts failed America.
"if"? did it? lol

all you have is right wing BS.
you should be ashmed of yourself, but you are too anti american do be :)
"if"? did it? lol

all you have is right wing BS.
you should be ashmed of yourself, but you are too anti american do be :)
Democrats examined themselves and found they had committed no fraud in 2020. Some 'investigations' no doubt were completed in just minutes or a frew hours. How unusual for them to suddenly stop committing election fraud after more than a century of majoring on election fraud in nearly every election cycle.
Democrats examined themselves and found they had committed no fraud in 2020. Some 'investigations' no doubt were completed in just minutes or a frew hours. How unusual for them to suddenly stop committing election fraud after more than a century of majoring on election fraud in nearly every election cycle.
So you have no evidence to actually back up your stupid post you must enjoy looking stupid and I certainly enjoy laughing at you LOL