Trump and Vance have married into immigrant families

You make no sense at all.
There is no reason to maintain a heroic statue of a pro slavery Confederate soldier in a place of honor, none at all.
They can move these statues to a museum, they can break them up for gravel, they can dismember them and sell the pieces. Buy Robert E Lee's head for $500, buy Braxton Braggs' ear for $29.99, buy Nathan Bedford Forrest's crotch for $299.95.
Yet you support the rapey convicted criminal Trump who often speaks about how he wants REVENGE on everyone wh offended him by pointing out what a lying incompetent asshole he has been all his life.
Trump is no Christian and he is not in any way godly, and never has been.
The vulgar sins of many politicians have been exposed to the world yet those critics who ignore the sins of sinners they vote for while spotlighting the sins of those they don't vote for is nothing but bent political bias, not a genuine abhorrence of sin.
all you need is proof of this fraud, but you mor.ons have none. lol.

traditional american views like..slavery? women not voting? i agree, democrats dont support those :)
Facts remail true and accurate regardless of whether believed or not and whether proven or not.
The vulgar sins of many politicians have been exposed to the world yet those critics who ignore the sins of sinners they vote for while spotlighting the sins of those they don't vote for is nothing but bent political bias, not a genuine abhorrence of sin.
Up your giggie with a wah-wah brush, a wah-wah brush, a wah wah brush.
Trump is no Christian and he belongs in prison for his crimes.
no one is denied the right to observe their memories, ******. they can do it every day if they want, duh
god you are stupid

taking down statues honoring traitors makes a lot of sense..if you are an american patriot anyway.
Blacks erected a monument to Nat Turner. I'm OK with that. How is a statue of Nat Turner going to hurt any modern Americans?
You make no sense at all.
There is no reason to maintain a heroic statue of a pro slavery Confederate soldier in a place of honor, none at all.
They can move these statues to a museum, they can break them up for gravel, they can dismember them and sell the pieces. Buy Robert E Lee's head for $500, buy Braxton Braggs' ear for $29.99, buy Nathan Bedford Forrest's crotch for $299.95.
How are statues of dead Civil War soldiers going to suddenly create racist hatred in the US now after decades without racists explosions over the images? Democrats have created the racist narratives so many years after the statues were peacefully erected because modern Democrats wickedly use inflammatory racist narratives to unjustly and dishonestly brand innocent conservatives as hateful racist fascist enemies of democracy, which is a bunch of lying leftist crap.
Up your giggie with a wah-wah brush, a wah-wah brush, a wah wah brush.
Trump is no Christian and he belongs in prison for his crimes.
Many modern politicians deserve to be jailed for their crimes, especially those uncivilized degenerates who oppose God on so many key issues.
Leftist weenies were offended by statues of former Democrats erected by Democrats.
Really dumb response.

Confederates didn’t change parties to become Republicans after the Civil War, and supporting the removal of monuments to literal traitors to America is the right thing to do. You probably think that all of the monuments to Hitler and Nazism should’ve remained after WW2.
Many modern politicians deserve to be jailed for their crimes, especially those uncivilized degenerates who oppose God on so many key issues.
This type of thinking is an example of why the founding fathers wisely chose to make our country’s government secular.
As a Christian I see the error of holding grudges against every human who ever unjustly belittled, maligned, murdered, abused, persecuted, or otherwise mistreated Christians in the past. Jesus said, "Vengeance is mine.". Assaults on modern Americans and long celebrated American traditions because modern malcontented unregenerates want to keep alive the hatred from very old past atrocities is unChristian and ungodly.
You consider celebrating literal traitors, violent oppressors, and murderers as “long celebrated American traditions”?

Factually, that is what the Confederacy stood for.
all you need is proof of this fraud, but you mor.ons have none. lol.

traditional american views like..slavery? women not voting? i agree, democrats dont support those :)

Slavery? A democrat lecturing us about slavery?

They are the slave party.

Who is against women voting?