Trump and Vance have married into immigrant families

My father was a history buff and our home was filled with history books. My father helped resurrect the County Historical Museum and the County Historical Society. The most famous Civil War figures in the County were Frank Alexander James and his brother Jesse Woodson James. There were a number of Woodsons and Jameses in my high school classes. When they dug up Jesse, CNN was there, interviewing my father. Turns out that some old guy who claimed to be Jesse James in Oklahoma was not related to Jesse.

My American history teacher was a chubby woman named Naomi Johnson. She was famous for grabbing students by the ear and twisting it. In her history class, she spent as I recall, for days discussing the Civil War. She did not mention Frank or Jesse, or the Missouri Redlegs or the Kansas Jayhawks or Bloody Bill Anderson or Willam Quantrill who fought over slavery in Kansas Territory. She did not mention any of the battles fought in the area. My father and I spent a lot of time at various sites with a metal detector, digging up bullets, minnieballs, and coins and such.

My father offered to talk about County history with the class, but Naomi was not interested. And Dad had an office job and it was not convenient for him to do this, so he never insisted.

American History in my high school ended 25 pages short of the rather ancient textbook, with the election of President Harding in 1921. The book ended with Roosevelt's first term.
Supporting American traditions and laws is not fascism,
How could attempting to overthrow the govt be a tradition and not breaking the law? Do you ever read the shit you write?
It's fascism anywhere else in the world.

confiscating the guns of law abiding patriots, looting, arson, and destroying statues and properties is fascism.
If you vote for Trump you will be supporting just that.
Yet your filthy religious believes forbids you from seeing. You want to eradicate democrats at all cost. Don't bother about the country. Just install a govt that will suck up to your beliefs. And you call yourself a patriot.
USA is full of nutters like you.
The statues that the Democrats propose removing from prominent display were all of PRO-SLAVERY CONFEDERATE Generals, like Nathan Bedford Forrest, Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson and Braxton Bragg,

There is no movement to remove Union generals, such as US Grant and William Tecumseh Sherman,
Nearly all the statues of former American leaders that baby-pants leftists tore down were images of former American Democrats.
What’re you talking about?

No law abiding citizens firearms are being confiscated.

Looting and committing arson aren’t remotely exclusive to fascism.

Removing Confederate statues/monuments, the majority of which were erected decades after the Civil War during the Jim Crow era to intimidate and remind blacks of their place, is a much belated right/proper action.
Leftist weenies were offended by statues of former Democrats erected by Democrats.
Kamala's dad is from Jamaica not India.

You need to take your ass back to Georgia! of my rare mistakes..her father is still an immigrant

the thrust of the logic remains the same

comrade stalin
victorious in the donbass
I think that nearly all Americans are abolitionists presently. Or at least there are few who are pro slavery that will admit it.
From an ideological standpoint, the Confederates LOST the war. But we still have schmucks like Mark Francis who wants us to believe that all people of African descent are primitive and inferior.

However, nearly all the statues of Civil War heroes were erected decades after the Civil War was over, and they are nearly all of Confederate soldiers. The reason these were erected was to send a message to the former slaves and their descendants that the ideology of the pro slavery Confederacy was not ye dead and they had better think carefully about getting all uppity and demanding the same rights as White folks.

In my high school in NW Missouri, there was a long tradition at all pep rallies that the band would play "DIXIE" and when the students heard this, they stood up and posed with their hands over their hearts. This was in the late 1950's. Again, this was not in the Deep South. A majority of the original settlers at the time of the Civil War in that part of Missouri were Germans, and Germans in NW Missouri were nearly all opposed to slavery. You would not know this because by 1950, the Schneiders had changed their named to Taylor, the Schmidts were all Smiths, the Schumachers had all become Shoemakers, because it was not popular to be German or even fond of beer during the WWI/ Prohibition period.

The HS principal was a guy named Pulaski, and he forbid the band to play Dixie at all, because the local NAACP chapter had pointed out that this was offensive to the 22 out of 350 or so students in the high school.

For this, he was called a "damn Polack".
Should Americans still hate "Japs" because of WW2? Should Americans despise the descendants of Americans who were forced to fight on the side of the South during the Civil War even though they owned no slaves and did not support slavery? Should descendants of Americans who died in the Civil War be forced to destroy all memories of those who fought on the wrong side? No, let them remember their dead. The South lost. The war is over. There is no need to hunt down, dig up, and mutilate the remains of the dead because modern weenies still think they should execute more vengeance on the losers, their descendants, and their memories.
As a native Southerner with many similar experiences and a correct understanding of the history of racism in pre/post Antebellum America, I fully understand and agree with everything you’re saying.

Ignorance of, or deliberate attempts at perpetuating revisionist history by folks like @mark francis is disgraceful.
As a Christian I see the error of holding grudges against every human who ever unjustly belittled, maligned, murdered, abused, persecuted, or otherwise mistreated Christians in the past. Jesus said, "Vengeance is mine.". Assaults on modern Americans and long celebrated American traditions because modern malcontented unregenerates want to keep alive the hatred from very old past atrocities is unChristian and ungodly.
Should Americans still hate "Japs" because of WW2? Should Americans despise the descendants of Americans who were forced to fight on the side of the South during the Civil War even though they owned no slaves and did not support slavery? Should descendants of Americans who died in the Civil War be forced to destroy all memories of those who fought on the wrong side? No, let them remember their dead. The South lost. The war is over. There is no need to hunt down, dig up, and mutilate the remains of the dead because modern weenies still think they should execute more vengeance on the losers, their descendants, and their memories.
There is NO REASON to venerate the Southern traitors with statues. We have ways of remembering the deceased and everything about them, They are called books.
No one is mutilating the corpses of the Confederate dead, hat are only MOVING the statues from places of prominence. Statues are not dead soldiers, statues are monuments that celebrate the heroism of the warriors. Was defending slavery heroic? No, it was not.

Should we find a statue of a "Jap" general we could also remove it.

The purpose is erecting these statues was to tell the slaves and there descendants that they should RESPECT the memories of the people who once held them in bondage, you insufferable idiot.
As a Christian I see the error of holding grudges against every human who ever unjustly belittled, maligned, murdered, abused, persecuted, or otherwise mistreated Christians in the past. Jesus said, "Vengeance is mine.". Assaults on modern Americans and long celebrated American traditions because modern malcontented unregenerates want to keep alive the hatred from very old past atrocities is unChristian and ungodly.
Yet you support the rapey convicted criminal Trump who often speaks about how he wants REVENGE on everyone wh offended him by pointing out what a lying incompetent asshole he has been all his life.
Trump is no Christian and he is not in any way godly, and never has been.
How could attempting to overthrow the govt be a tradition and not breaking the law? Do you ever read the shit you write?
It's fascism anywhere else in the world.
Democrats stole the election by fraud and invented the fake J-6 sedition narrative to cover up their treason.
If you vote for Trump you will be supporting just that.
Yet your filthy religious believes forbids you from seeing. You want to eradicate democrats at all cost. Don't bother about the country. Just install a govt that will suck up to your beliefs. And you call yourself a patriot.
USA is full of nutters like you.
I support traditional American views and values and democrats don't.
Democrats stole the election by fraud and invented the fake J-6 sedition narrative to cover up their treason.

I support traditional American views and values and democrats don't.

all you need is proof of this fraud, but you mor.ons have none. lol.

traditional american views like..slavery? women not voting? i agree, democrats dont support those :)
There is NO REASON to venerate the Southern traitors with statues. We have ways of remembering the deceased and everything about them, They are called books.
No one is mutilating the corpses of the Confederate dead, hat are only MOVING the statues from places of prominence. Statues are not dead soldiers, statues are monuments that celebrate the heroism of the warriors. Was defending slavery heroic? No, it was not.

Should we find a statue of a "Jap" general we could also remove it.

The purpose is erecting these statues was to tell the slaves and there descendants that they should RESPECT the memories of the people who once held them in bondage, you insufferable idiot.
You cannot undo the atrocities of slavery by continually digging up and re-destroying the past. Many former Americans opposed the declaration of independence on the side of England but going through public and private records to expunge their memories and deny their descendants the right to observe their memories makes no sense.
You cannot undo the atrocities of slavery by continually digging up and re-destroying the past. Many former Americans opposed the declaration of independence on the side of England but going through public and private records to expunge their memories and deny their descendants the right to observe their memories makes no sense.

no one is denied the right to observe their memories, ******. they can do it every day if they want, duh
god you are stupid

taking down statues honoring traitors makes a lot of sense..if you are an american patriot anyway.