Trump and Vance have married into immigrant families

You don't have to remind me that leftist Democrats seceded from the Union back then because they rejected conservative Christian views on blacks and racism back then just as they do today.

prove they "rejected conservative christian views on blacks and racism".
but you wont because all you have is nonsense and blather lol
prove they "rejected conservative christian views on blacks and racism".
but you wont because all you have is nonsense and blather lol
Yea, the Confederacy was definitely racist. Those plantation owners were 100% Communists.
leftist? prove it. lol.
god you just make this stuff up.
they were overwhelmingly christians, and 100% traitors to the united states.
and prove they were "out of step with god", lying ******.
Were the Christians and traitors you talk of similar to Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton in religion, or similar to someone like Billy Graham?
prove they "rejected conservative christian views on blacks and racism".
but you wont because all you have is nonsense and blather lol
Bible believing Christians numbering in the thousands were staunch abolitionists but Christians of the sort that don't have close relationships with jesus rejected the conservative views of the Bible-believing Christians.
Unsaved sinners do not understand freedom and righteousness.
You don't understand freedom. You think there is only one true religion and you want everyone else to agree with you. You are a silly fanatic holy roller.

You even think that Trump <snicker> is righteous.