First I will say this is all outrageous. What do you people think goes on at GITMO? You think we sit around an crush people testicles, or electrocute their testicles and break their bones?
People do not know what goes on at GITMO and therein lies the problem. This is a democracy of sorts and the people have a right to know what is being done in their name.
We do not do any of that. The problem with "torture" is that the media has decided that they need to be told every detail of an interrogation so that they can decide what and what is not torture, but it is not up to the media to decide what it is.
Yes, and that is exactly the way it should be. Torture is a social evil, it cannot be done in public it has to be done in secrecy, we need clear open policy and oversight on this issue because anyone who would do torture would not hesitate to lie about it. George Washington rejected the use of torture saying that it was not what Americans do--no matter what their enemies do--it's what sets us apart.
I think warfare has changed a lot since then, and I think the enemy is completely different as well.
Have right and wrong changed? Torture is wrong no matter who does it, because our enemies do it is no reason for us to stoop to their level.
... we should put Bush on trial for anything, the precedence of that is terrible.
If Bush broke the law he should stand trial and be punished, without the law we have no credibility in the world.
Further, it was Clinton that started the Rendition program (outsourcing of prisoners) to be tortured. Bush simply carried on precedence that he inherited. His problem was bringing it back to US soil.
If Clinton did that, then he was wrong and should be punished. George brought it home and made it legal, he too should be punished.
On top of that, why do you feel like you need to know the interrogation techniques that are used? It has already been mostly outlined, it is nothing such as smashing testicles or anything of the sort, especially not in any US holding facility.
Testicle crushing goes on in a lot of places, it would go on here too if the people would let happen, but I hope with public oversight it won't.
Over and over again I hear this bogus rhetoric of all these "civil rights" you have lost, but when asked no one ever can tell me which ones they actually lost.
Got your national ID card yet? Did the North American Union agreement get signed? Has Bush pushed to ban Constitutional equal protection for gay and transgendered people? Look around, BigRob, you like what you see happening in our country?
Heaven forbid that the President attempt to uphold his constitutional obligation to protect the country.
He's destroying our country with his protection. I can only hope that Obama will be better, but it's always a choice between the lesser of two evils when we vote for President. Personally, I'm with John Hightower who said, "If God wanted us to vote He would have given us candidates."