.....More-commonly-referred-to (in "
conservative"-circles) as

While it might be the first time I agree (( partial )) with the body of Dems typing here. The Geneva Convention and handful of other well documented and implemented doctrines within the Armed services state specificly that what is taking place can be viewed as torture.
The fact is that America helped to set up these doctrines for a good reason. If we allow ourselves to travel down the path as was done in Gitmo.. we will eventually seperate ourselves completely with any regard to human life in a war-time sencario. America must stand up and act accordingly as the number one super-power who are governed by laws and morals that can not be broken simply because of fear-mongering.
How far is the border between international terroists being tortured to civilians at home.
America must maintain its civil nature and not digress into "old school" methods. We not only avoid scrutiny from the global view but also ensure that our moral fiber stands above all in any situation.
As far as the quote by Mr.Shaman... Haven't we already addressed the fact that conservatives are not made up entirely of bible thumping wackos who view the world first thru religious dogma and second of rational thought?
Check your threads... I'm sure you will find it.
BTW... I myself.. while a believer in God.. am a conservative who believes pratical , logical thoughts superseed religous fever when applied to reality and what constitues morality.
Group us all togther if you like , but realize your doing so with ignorance. Not a witty intelligence. Opening the doors to the possibility that all social groups differ in varying ways might help you to get past this. (( I.E. not all Dems are atheists, Or gay , or socialpaths , or socialists , or liberal spenders , or liberal at all.. point made?!?! ))