Weak dude!
Senator Obama is a well respected United States Senator and in a week will be the President elect of our United States of America.
While it's true George Bush is a big screw up and Republican policies have devastated our country on several fronts the fact is people are voting for Senator Obama because he's a kind and extremely intelligent man that cares about our country in the same devoted way he cares about his own family.
You sound a lot like the Nazis you claim to be fearful of.
God Bless America and God Bless Senator Obama and his wife and little girls!
BUT, EVEN today, THE L.A. TIMES refuses to release a tape they have showing OBAMA addressing a P.O.L. group that hates ISRAEL and ALL JEWS!
OBama seems to have at least this hatred in common with the Furher!
AMERICA better THINK before VOTING! Perhaps the best CHANGE for America is to TURN AWAY from OBAMA!!
He is so respected that he never gets to vote on any issue. People already know where he stands...THE MOST LIBERAL IN THE SENATE....![]()
Gestapo like threat? Take your tin foil hat off mate. We don't want to stop you telling the truth, we want you to stop chatting balls.
This is a forum that tries to achieve a higher level of threads than "today I heard a madman he sounded like Hitler". As it is a privatley operated forum, if we tell you to stop posting rubbish, its up to you whether you want to stop posting unintelligent tosh or leave the forum.
So you4 ENGLISH!!
I thought we settled the issue about our freedoms with you jerks in the 1700's. I know we shed our blood in WW2 to save you guys but I think that was a mistake too.
Today I listened to Obama give his stump speech in Ohio. You know it really scared me. I'm old enough to remember the rallies of another madman ,Adolph Hitler. Hitler too was a very smooth orator, he could tell vicious lies and never blink. He could turn race against race and incite violence. those in the present day democrat party promise violence if Obama should lose. Joe Biden even says we will have a crises if Obama wins ,Jim carvel , calls for violences , cities will burn if Obama is beaten. America faces a dangerous foe to our Constitution. Obama says America has been wrong , his "change" is to DESTROY our Constitutional Law and replace it with a government that will control our daily lives and dictate our every thought. Hitler was effective into turning German citizens into Jew Haters and what followed was a HOLOCAUST!
Today I see good citizens of America , frightened by economic hardship ,swallowing this poison Obama is spreading. Friends Class Warfare is not the AMERICAN WAY , Obama is preaching Class WARFARE . Rev. Wright is joined at the hip with Obama . Our FAR LEFTIST MEDIA hides the evils of Obama due to their HATE for President Bush. Look back at history MOST of the Followers of HITLER were not bad people , they swallowed his lies because their economy was sick and all were in need . You know how GERMANY suffered under HITLER, millions died world wide to correct his evil.
Yet today we see where a repeat can happen now if in the next 8 days we do not AWAKEN our CITIZENS!! All must PRAY for GOD'S help!! THINK about what YOU are doing! Please do not be used by those who seek to destroy AMERICA! If YOU are a OBAMA supporter, the only "Change " you can do to SAVE this Nation is to "CHANGE " your mind , come to your senses , refute this madman before it is to late. SAVE AMERICA!!!
You sound scarey to me! Your thinking and observation of who this man is, is frightening!!! You don't believe your own words. The words you are speaking are really to cover up what you really want to say. So, I'll say it for you........You can't believe how far this black man has advanced in this race to be President of the United States. He's smart, isn't he? That too, blows your mind. For you to compare this man to Hitler is totally insane! Are you smoking crack? I can't stand Sarah Palin, but she sure can draw a crowd. Who do you compare her to? Does she scare you? Does McCain scare you? You talk a lot of foolish talk. Stop smoking or drinking so much. You sound like you have some serious mental health issues.
Yeah, he does sound exactly like many oppressive tyrants of the past. He's ambiguous 'hope' and 'change', and "yes we can!" without saying what, have all been common themes of former dictators.
It was said that so many of the germany people didn't believe that hitler was actually slaughtering jews. Why? Because hitler promised change, promised hope in restoring the economy, and the 'yes we can' that caused so many to follow him blindly. Most didn't even know what hitler really stood for.
Case and point...
Any questions?
This is TOO funny. Actually, I guess it isn't funny. Voting for a person BECAUSE of his color! Isn't that the same thing as NOT VOTING for someone because of their color?
Thanks for sharing Andy! That video made me laugh till my side hurts!![]()