Will a Major Economic collapse save America?

I was speaking about all people in general and not just the working poor.

But if you want to make it about the working poor:
According to the US census the working poor have plenty of income to pay exactly what you have described. My facts are based on the census, are yours from dreamland?

Furthermore if people paid for regular and everyday conditions out of pocket the prices would be lower. Paying for things that should not be paid for with insurance with insurance raises the costs - for all.

Now, about the actual poor: They don't pay for their own health care needs so it does not matter how much money they have.

What about those that are in between? Working so they are too rich to be poor but not making enough to pay for regular and everyday health care needs? Well the way "poor" is defined in this country the bar is kind of high so there is not in between. The definition of "poor" includes plenty of people who are doing much better than what any sane person would normally think of when they think of poor.

The wealthy can rationalize away the misery of poverty and sickness.
Over 12 million American kids suffer from poverty, and it infects every aspect of their lives—from family relations, to school friendships to dreams for the future. Jesse Staley, a teenager from Harts, West Virginia dreams of graduating from high school and attending prom. While her friends buy prom dresses and arrange after parties, she struggles to feed her sisters and brothers. As other families choose between colleges, hers much choose between medical care and welfare. http://www.un.org/works/goingon/poverty/jessica_story.html

According to The Catholic Campaign for Human Development 37.3 million Americans live in poverty. http://www.usccb.org/cchd/povertyusa/

The number of Americans living in severe poverty - with incomes below half of the poverty line - increased by 1.2 million in 2003, to 15.3 million. (U.S. Census Bureau, Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2003, Current Population Reports, August 2003)Since 1999, the number of poor Americans suffering from "food insecurity" and hunger has increased by 3.9 million - 2.8 million adults and more than one million children. In 2002, 34.9 million people lived in households experiencing food insecurity - that is, not enough food for basic nourishment - compared to 33.6 million in 2001 and 31 million in 1999. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Household Food Security in the United States, 2002, October 2003.)

About 15 million children -- one out of every four -- live below the official poverty line.

22% of Americans under the age of 18 -- and 25% under age 12 -- are hungry or at the risk of being hungry.

Everyday 2,660 children are born into poverty; 27 die because of it.

Children and families are the fastest growing group in the homeless population, representing 40%.

Health in the United States is very strongly correlated with income. Poor people are less healthy than those who are better off, whether the benchmark is mortality, the prevalence of acute or chronic diseases, or mental health. As a consequence, study of the physical and mental health of low-income populations has been a component of much IRP research.

Extreme poverty in the US has reached its highest point in at least three decades, according to an analysis of Census Bureau figures by McClatchy Newspapers published February 22. The increase reflects the stark reality of declining living standards for the majority of the population in the so-called capitalist recovery of the past five years as well as during the period that preceded it.http://www.wsws.org/articles/2007/mar2007/pov-m05.shtml

From 2000 to 2004,[George W. Bush presidency] the prevalence of severe poverty increased sharply while the proportion of Americans in higher income tiers diminished. These trends have broad societal implications. Likely health consequences include a higher prevalence of chronic illnesses, more frequent and severe disease complications, and increased demands and costs for healthcare services. Adverse effects on children warrant special concern. The growth in the number of Americans living in poverty calls for the re-examination of policies enacted in recent years to foster economic progress.

In America unemployment has become the order of the day. Just as the rate of unemployed people increase, the rate of uninsured people also increases. This is as a result of the high cost of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation ACT (COBRA) for most workers in America.http://ezinearticles.com/?Jobless-W...ealth-Insurance-Importance&type=sv&id=2567356

I am sure that you will rationalize the above also, as you sit in your upholstered chair in your air conditioned office taking hundreds of dollars from people for listening to them ventilate about their problems. Perhaps if you were a single mother working at a 7-11 for eight hours a day, standing on your feet you would have a different perspective.
The wealthy can rationalize away the misery of poverty and sickness.

I am sure that you will rationalize the above also, as you sit in your upholstered chair in your air conditioned office taking hundreds of dollars from people for listening to them ventilate about their problems. Perhaps if you were a single mother working at a 7-11 for eight hours a day, standing on your feet you would have a different perspective.

I spent 4 years at a 7-11 hating it and thinking why did I not finish college. What can I do to get out of this rat trap. Then I set my mind to getting a better job with better bennys, and I got it. But it was not easy.

At no point while I worked at the 7-11, no matter how bad my feet hurt or how scared I was of being robbed did I ever think other people owe me, I knew I owed myself, and I was just an 18 year old kid.
I spent 4 years at a 7-11 hating it and thinking why did I not finish college. What can I do to get out of this rat trap. Then I set my mind to getting a better job with better bennys, and I got it. But it was not easy.

At no point while I worked at the 7-11, no matter how bad my feet hurt or how scared I was of being robbed did I ever think other people owe me, I knew I owed myself, and I was just an 18 year old kid.
But you were not relying on that as your sole income. You were living at home, with a roof over your head with your parents adding to your support. As an 18 year-old you would not have though of the millions of people (adults, some with children), who have to rely on that amount of income (or less, or none), for rent, food, diapers, an auto to get to work, with no health care.etc. etc. It is not a matter of feeling entitled. It is a matter of having compassion and turning one's back and ignoring the suffering of the adults and their children around you. For millions of adults, there are no better jobs (especially in these times), with better "bennys". You did not bother to read the red highlighted text above, did you?
I spent 4 years at a 7-11 hating it and thinking why did I not finish college. What can I do to get out of this rat trap. Then I set my mind to getting a better job with better bennys, and I got it. But it was not easy.

At no point while I worked at the 7-11, no matter how bad my feet hurt or how scared I was of being robbed did I ever think other people owe me, I knew I owed myself, and I was just an 18 year old kid.

Pandora, I congradulate you on your efforts to improve yourself without waiting for a "FREE" handout from Uncle Radical Liberal. However , to try and make those who are looking to live off the productive citizens to understand and change their blood sucking ways is just a waste of your valuable time .
Today ,America faces great danger because we made One Big Ass Mistake America ! The only 7-11 this personalty type seeks is what comes up on a "Roll of the Dice".Their main goal in life is to sponge off the sweat of others!
Thank You for being a PRODUCTIVE citizen ana PARENT!

O-B-A-M-A=" One Big Ass Mistake America!"- VOTE PRINCIPLE NOT PARTY in 2010!
But you were not relying on that as your sole income. You were living at home, with a roof over your head with your parents adding to your support. As an 18 year-old you would not have though of the millions of people (adults, some with children), who have to rely on that amount of income (or less, or none), for rent, food, diapers, an auto to get to work, with no health care.etc. etc. It is not a matter of feeling entitled. It is a matter of having compassion and turning one's back and ignoring the suffering of the adults and their children around you. For millions of adults, there are no better jobs (especially in these times), with better "bennys". You did not bother to read the red highlighted text above, did you?

That "highlighted text above " is complete GARBAGE!! , it is that lazy , useless , selfish , type of thinking that has tured America into a "gravy train " for the "takers" and a huge burden for the "productive and thoughtful " citizens . It is time we return to demand ,"If YOU DO NOT WORK ,YOU DO NOT EAT !"-- except for those with severe mental or physcial problems . just being a Radical Leftist or a "HATE AMERICA "type does not qualify for a "free Lunch" or a Government meaningless job.What say YOU ?
But you were not relying on that as your sole income. You were living at home, with a roof over your head with your parents adding to your support. As an 18 year-old you would not have though of the millions of people (adults, some with children), who have to rely on that amount of income (or less, or none), for rent, food, diapers, an auto to get to work, with no health care.etc. etc. It is not a matter of feeling entitled. It is a matter of having compassion and turning one's back and ignoring the suffering of the adults and their children around you. For millions of adults, there are no better jobs (especially in these times), with better "bennys". You did not bother to read the red highlighted text above, did you?

Just because some Radical Leftist RED LINES his Propaganda does NOT make it TRUE! Remember ! - O-B-A-M-A= One Big Ass Mistake America! THINK!
But you were not relying on that as your sole income. You were living at home, with a roof over your head with your parents adding to your support. As an 18 year-old you would not have though of the millions of people (adults, some with children), who have to rely on that amount of income (or less, or none), for rent, food, diapers, an auto to get to work, with no health care.etc. etc. It is not a matter of feeling entitled. It is a matter of having compassion and turning one's back and ignoring the suffering of the adults and their children around you. For millions of adults, there are no better jobs (especially in these times), with better "bennys". You did not bother to read the red highlighted text above, did you?

OMG...I so love it when someone else cuts through the 'simplistic emotional hysteria' and sees/hears, what was really said and not the: 'it's all about ME and WHAT I'VE ACCOMPLISHED'; while sitting under a roof that her parents provided for her and eating food that her parents provided for her and knowing that if she can't handle the 'JOB' that her parents would be there to support her...MAN AIN'T THAT JUST SWEET;)

Now take that real world reality check into the lower income/poverty pockets in America and see how they view your Pollyanna lifestyle and how they see the world from a 'non-protected-filter' for the life that they were raised in and survived :confused:
SWEET JESUS...the gap between the 'real world' and the growth and maturity for PANDORA'S thought process is just a 'grand canyon' of differences and misunderstanding. Good Grief...you really are clueless about the choices that poverty forces upon others!!!
The wealthy can rationalize away the misery of poverty and sickness.

I am sure that you will rationalize the above also, as you sit in your upholstered chair in your air conditioned office taking hundreds of dollars from people for listening to them ventilate about their problems. Perhaps if you were a single mother working at a 7-11 for eight hours a day, standing on your feet you would have a different perspective.

I am not wealthy by any means.

I retired a few years ago not because I was rich but because I wanted to stay home with my children to raise them myself rather than have them in daycare. It is a sacrifice that causes hardships in our budget everyday.
I am sure that you will rationalize the above also,

You don't see the rationalizations that created those stats?

Yes some of that is real and does represent problems that need to be addressed.

But don't you see how they have substituted words like hunger with "food instability" to inflate the problem? Don't you see the contradictions in those stats?

Don't you see how people, politicians, are inflating the size of the problem to manipulate people?
But you were not relying on that as your sole income. You were living at home, with a roof over your head with your parents adding to your support. As an 18 year-old you would not have though of the millions of people (adults, some with children), who have to rely on that amount of income (or less, or none), for rent, food, diapers, an auto to get to work, with no health care.etc. etc. It is not a matter of feeling entitled. It is a matter of having compassion and turning one's back and ignoring the suffering of the adults and their children around you. For millions of adults, there are no better jobs (especially in these times), with better "bennys". You did not bother to read the red highlighted text above, did you?

When our politicians stop inflating the real problems that are out there and stop using the problems as manipulation to pass programs that don't need to be done then we can focus on the real problems and the real solutions.
Will a Major collapse of our economic system save AMERICA from OBAMAISM?
The surviival of our Republic , our Constitutional form of Governemt may very well depend on a Complete collapse of our Economy . Today American citizens are slow to anger , we sit back and allow our freedoms to be destroyed piece by piece . We alow Obama to name CZARS to advise him . Most Repugnant is the lack of character these advisers have . His closest avisers are Communist , Statist , haters of America , and are past politicial loons and union goons .His group of Czars are much closer to Marxism then they are to the beliefs of our Founding Fathers. Why would any President of The United States want advisers of this stripe counciling him?Yet , our National Media ignores this danger , they are messengers of the Radical Left and wish America no good . Of course , we do not want armed conflict , all the armed might is under the control of the oppressor.Nothing makes an oppressor happier than to crush his opposition by brute force . So, we must never think of violence as a way out of our danger . We are left with the "ballot box " and / or an " Economic Collapse " as two tools that may save our Nation . An ECONOMIC COLLAPSE may UNITE those who LOVE America,and save us from OBAMAISM. America , elections do matter and we are paying a very high price for this lesson.
As we watch our economy sink lower and lower, as we see our Capital Markets become like a third world country . We must not become despondent and upset over our financial losses
this may be the only sane road out of our HUGE mistake in the election of 2008!
Our FINANCIAL COST will be very high but comparing those losses to the loss of our FREEDOMS , LIBERTY , and THE AMERICAN DREAM , it will be a bargain . WHAT SAY YOU??
What a load of Crap.
What a load of Crap.
Marxism is on the rise whether everyone can see that or not. World government planners at the UN are working to get all nations to accept inclusion in a new world order that has eliminated national patriotism, individual rights and wealth, and personal property rights, among other ideals. These Marxist ideals have been promoted in America, mostly by the educated elite, for decades.

An old video of Robert Welch, head of the John Birch Society, has been making its way around social media. He describes a ten-point plan to take down America by communist, subversive means. One of these points is the deliberate bankrupting of the nation by a constant waste of public money. The very first point he makes alludes to this idea. “Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible.” As crazy as that may sound, that pretty much sums up what we have been witnessing over the past several decades. A constant increase in spending, which in turn, adds to the debt. There is also the Cloward & Piven Strategy. For those that don’t know, Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven were sociology professors at Columbia University. Their 1966 article, The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty calls for the creation of an unsustainable welfare state that would ultimately crash the economy and force America to adopt a socialist system. Again, this sounds kind of conspiratorial. Can anyone honestly say that it isn’t happening?
Marxism is on the rise whether everyone can see that or not. World government planners at the UN are working to get all nations to accept inclusion in a new world order that has eliminated national patriotism, individual rights and wealth, and personal property rights, among other ideals. These Marxist ideals have been promoted in America, mostly by the educated elite, for decades.

No schools to show.
Tim Brown is an author and Editor at FreedomOutpost.com, SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. He is husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows", jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, MeWe, Spreely, Mumbl It and Steemit.
Marxism is on the rise whether everyone can see that or not.

Where's the evidence of that in USA? You're a liar and typical republican scare campaign basically threatening people with a Chinese communist invasion. What a load of shit. Grow up.
World government planners at the UN are working to get all nations to accept inclusion in a new world order that has eliminated national patriotism,
Again no evidence. Just your hate filled opinion. Are all Americans as dumb as you?
individual rights and wealth, and personal property rights, among other ideals. These Marxist ideals have been promoted in America, mostly by the educated elite, for decades.
Why would they promote the destruction of the country in which they live and fought for and paid their taxes?
Those educated elites, who ever they are, are republicans. That proves you argument even sillier.

An old video of Robert Welch, head of the John Birch Society, has been making its way around social media. He describes a ten-point plan to take down America by communist, subversive means. One of these points is the deliberate bankrupting of the nation by a constant waste of public money. The very first point he makes alludes to this idea. “Greatly expanded government spending for every conceivable means of getting rid of larger sums of American money as wastefully as possible.” As crazy as that may sound, that pretty much sums up what we have been witnessing over the past several decades. A constant increase in spending, which in turn, adds to the debt. There is also the Cloward & Piven Strategy. For those that don’t know, Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven were sociology professors at Columbia University. Their 1966 article, The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty calls for the creation of an unsustainable welfare state that would ultimately crash the economy and force America to adopt a socialist system. Again, this sounds kind of conspiratorial. Can anyone honestly say that it isn’t happening?
Little wonder you are attracted to such ridiculous predictions. Heres a definition of that group if hate filled ratbags.
Further result, which you could have done, would reveal they detest the use of public money on the poor and working class. They are also godbotherers. Those attributes match you perfectly.

The John Birch Society (JBS) is an American right-wing political advocacy group. Founded in 1958, it is anti-communist, supports social conservatism,[3][4] and is associated with ultraconservative, radical right, far-right, or libertarian ideas.

Sound familiar dickhead.

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