Why listen to Obama? Truth is not in him!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2009
I have read what Obama will belch out tonite as he for the 113th time talks about his attempt to destroy America by controlling the health care of all American and making all their personal decisions concerning their lives .
Following are reasons NOT to listen:
1- He is untrustworthy
2- he intends to destroy America
3- As he stated ,his agenda is to fundamentally change America from a CONSTITUTIONAL form of a REPUBLIC into a Marxist state
4-His naming of Radical Anti - America CZARS to advise him is in itself a very dangerous and telling sign of what he has in his heart.
5- Be fooled no longer , in just eight months he has shown how his thoughts , his radical agenda brings great harm to America . We have been warned ! We must not fall for his lies as we did in Novenber 2008 . The best way to show your support for AMERICA would be to NOT watch his pathetic
televised "show" tonight , keep his ratings low!
Hopefully , only his Teleprompters , his leftist Congress and His leftist Czars will be watching . SAVE AMERICA ! Watch ANYTHING else at 8:00 P.M. tonight. He will say "NOTHING NEW" , same old GARBAGE we have rejected time and time again. If OBAMA gets his hands on our HEALTH CARE they will soon slip around our THROATS! NO PUBLIC OPTION!! NO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER! We do need IMPROVED HEALTH CARE through the PRIVATE SECTOR just as our Congress and our President enjoys NOW!
Why does not Obama allow us to have the same formula they use . PRIVATE HEALTH CARE OPTION with a MENU of Plans available - NO GOVERNMENT envolved! Why ? because Obama is after CONTROL of our LIVES not improved Health Care! DO NOT TRUST HIM!
I have read what Obama will belch out tonite as he for the 113th time talks about his attempt to destroy America by controlling the health care of all American and making all their personal decisions concerning their lives .
Following are reasons NOT to listen:
1- He is untrustworthy
2- he intends to destroy America
3- As he stated ,his agenda is to fundamentally change America from a CONSTITUTIONAL form of a REPUBLIC into a Marxist state
4-His naming of Radical Anti - America CZARS to advise him is in itself a very dangerous and telling sign of what he has in his heart.
5- Be fooled no longer , in just eight months he has shown how his thoughts , his radical agenda brings great harm to America . We have been warned ! We must not fall for his lies as we did in Novenber 2008 . The best way to show your support for AMERICA would be to NOT watch his pathetic
televised "show" tonight , keep his ratings low!
Hopefully , only his Teleprompters , his leftist Congress and His leftist Czars will be watching . SAVE AMERICA ! Watch ANYTHING else at 8:00 P.M. tonight. He will say "NOTHING NEW" , same old GARBAGE we have rejected time and time again. If OBAMA gets his hands on our HEALTH CARE they will soon slip around our THROATS! NO PUBLIC OPTION!! NO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER! We do need IMPROVED HEALTH CARE through the PRIVATE SECTOR just as our Congress and our President enjoys NOW!
Why does not Obama allow us to have the same formula they use . PRIVATE HEALTH CARE OPTION with a MENU of Plans available - NO GOVERNMENT envolved! Why ? because Obama is after CONTROL of our LIVES not improved Health Care! DO NOT TRUST HIM!

President Obama is sooo much better than the lying TORTURING gang of thugs we just kicked to the curb... it's ridiculous to even try and run him down.

Just makes you look kinda weak and a really bad loser.:D

I have read what Obama will belch out tonite as he for the 113th time talks about his attempt to destroy America by controlling the health care of all American and making all their personal decisions concerning their lives .
Following are reasons NOT to listen:
1- He is untrustworthy
2- he intends to destroy America
3- As he stated ,his agenda is to fundamentally change America from a CONSTITUTIONAL form of a REPUBLIC into a Marxist state
4-His naming of Radical Anti - America CZARS to advise him is in itself a very dangerous and telling sign of what he has in his heart.
5- Be fooled no longer , in just eight months he has shown how his thoughts , his radical agenda brings great harm to America . We have been warned ! We must not fall for his lies as we did in Novenber 2008 . The best way to show your support for AMERICA would be to NOT watch his pathetic
televised "show" tonight , keep his ratings low!
Hopefully , only his Teleprompters , his leftist Congress and His leftist Czars will be watching . SAVE AMERICA ! Watch ANYTHING else at 8:00 P.M. tonight. He will say "NOTHING NEW" , same old GARBAGE we have rejected time and time again. If OBAMA gets his hands on our HEALTH CARE they will soon slip around our THROATS! NO PUBLIC OPTION!! NO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER! We do need IMPROVED HEALTH CARE through the PRIVATE SECTOR just as our Congress and our President enjoys NOW!
Why does not Obama allow us to have the same formula they use . PRIVATE HEALTH CARE OPTION with a MENU of Plans available - NO GOVERNMENT envolved! Why ? because Obama is after CONTROL of our LIVES not improved Health Care! DO NOT TRUST HIM!

Obama may not be completely trustworthy, but he apparently is more trustworthy than the the author of this OP. "Destroy America' is pure crap, a rant and nothing else. This Marxist state charge is yet more bull. Your radical anti-American czar is what some might call a freedom fighter. The Private Sector has failed to provide decent health care, and its failure is getting more costly and worse as time passes.

BTW, using all those caps doesn't make your point any stronger. It just demonstrates more clearly to all that you're a Wingnut on a rant.
Obama may not be completely trustworthy, but he apparently is more trustworthy than the the author of this OP. "Destroy America' is pure crap, a rant and nothing else. This Marxist state charge is yet more bull. Your radical anti-American czar is what some might call a freedom fighter. The Private Sector has failed to provide decent health care, and its failure is getting more costly and worse as time passes.

BTW, using all those caps doesn't make your point any stronger. It just demonstrates more clearly to all that you're a Wingnut on a rant.
when's the last time you heard anyone from Obama's administration talk good about this country and about capitalism.

If capitalism goes, than so does America. At least as we knew it
Obama sucks, he has not lied to start a war , and we are well into her first year now, what gives? we have American lives to lose!

Well he did blast Bush for "nation building" during the campaign and now his Afghan strategy is basically nation building.
President Obama is sooo much better than the lying TORTURING gang of thugs we just kicked to the curb... it's ridiculous to even try and run him down.

Just makes you look kinda weak and a really bad loser.:D

I see obama had his two LIEPROMPTERS at his side for his Health Care TAKEOVER LIE -- His appearance was BILLED as the most important speech in 100 years . He was going to lay out his plan to save HEALTH CARE _ He was 16 minutes late ! That says it all! This clown wants to take CONTROL of each and every citizen in our nation . By taking control of YOUR health care he controls you . He is very cold , has no compassion , and will bury you in a heartbeat to further his marxist agenda . His poll numbers will drop even lower after "thinking and freedom " loving Americans digest his speech and separate his lies from actual facts.America is in GREAT danger! .
OBAMA = One Big Ass Mistake America ! THINK!

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