Part #2 of my American experience !-OUR DARK AGE!
If America does not crush the politics of radical liberalism and its evil child, brutal Fascism, we will see a very poor economy, we will see affirmative action increasing in our schools and universities.We have seen the shrinking of the principle of achievement and replaced by a fascist governments demands to force its will upon the citizens through regulations , mandates , and much higher taxes.Today ,in America, after only nine months of a fascist federal government we see just horrid "change" sweeping our nation . Our class rooms are teaching our youngest the political propaganda songs reminniscent of the days of the "Hitler youth Movement". Yes, we have brave americans protesting our governments punishing programs but the do so looking over their shoulders , some have been beaten by Union Goons encouraged by the Obama adminstration to do so. Obama has drowned our government with Czars of very questionable character. These Czars have various sordid backgrounds from Communist , Socialist, past records of attempts to blow up our Pentagon , various other anti- american policies and plans . None of these people were ever vetted or approved by our Congress. Why would any American President want people like this sitting next to him and offering advise on what is best for America? The honest answer ,I'm sure will scare all loyal Americans .No one can be positive about America's future .Other cultures suffering from self inflicted rot have made a complete reversal.If America is to do so then we must begin by doing the following:
1- Return our Nation to GOD! , GOD blessed our Founding and America blossomed into the GREATEST NATION in the history of this world and did so in less than Two Hundred Years.
2- Stop supporting our National News media, As you read your local newspaper ask yourself , " are the views of this paper just parroting the radical leftist propaganda? Are they truthful? Are YOUR views being reported or are they hidden from the public . Cancel your local leftist newspaper and find one that is Fair and Balanced . If you cannot find one , ask me , I know.
3-Support very strongly the Conservative political voices and candidates in your area. VOTE YOUR PRINCIPLES , NOT PARTY in 2010 & 2012!
Throw out of office your Congressmen who support the oppressive Obama agenda , regardless of which party they are in , if they support views not shared by your PRINCIPLES then VOTE them out!
IN 2012 , WE can then get to the "Big Nut " , the huge ACORN in our government and throw Obama out! Let him rejoin his "community of destroyers"
in Chicago.
These three simple steps , faithfully followed , can and will save America!
I must go now but will press on with lessons learned from "My American Experience".
The loud ranting and raving that will soon gush forth like the product from a sewer is just the radical left and its child ,fascism , doing what they always do.
Fear not ! America's past is a source of Pride and a GIFT from GOD. We have allowed his gift to be misplaced but HE has not forgotten us , all we need to do is repect HIS WORD .
It is becomming increasingly more difficult to determine if the originator of this thread is a loony or a satirist.
I would be interested in other's opinion of this observation.
Comrade Stalin
It's like listening to records backwards... you hear the noise but it makes no sense.
But one little nugget did come out. The "God" card. He's obviously an evangelist now and he's fallen hook line and sinker for the BS that there's some connection between God and Conservatives.
Could be jail house religion... could be one too many acid trips... who knows.But this ranting does go along with the old adage... There's no stronger advocate than a convert.
I'm actually glad to zero in on a possible cause of the mean spiritedness. I was firmly of the belief "always" posts were just writing turrets syndrome.
Our "DARK AGE", The Obama Problem!
AS we retreat more deeply into the nihilistic Obama reign of terror .We shall see even more hateful attacks on America's Values and Traditions....
And your worries about this so called facist state you say we are heading in also applies to your conservative views because I'll be god damned if I and anyone else participates in your utopia. So remember you talk about how things would be better if people like you ran this country well revolutions can start on the other end as well and I can't wait for Republicans and conservatives get back into power because you guys haven't seen nothing yet. You think liberals and democrats are bad....please oh please win in 2010 and 2012.....You'll see a revolution that will scare the **** out of you!!!
More liberalism? Are you serious.
What has that done to help the inner cities that are all run by very liberal people?
My only thoughts concerning "top Gun" are his "gun " must be a water pistol .
A water pistol connected to its source by a kinked hose, rendering his effect on the educated portion of our society totally useless and ineffectual. I now "wash my hands" of top gun and suggest he holster his utterings so as to deny self embarrassment! "Always ,known for speaking truthfully, yet in a compassionate manner"
It is becomming increasingly more difficult to determine if the originator of this thread is a loony or a satirist.
I would be interested in other's opinion of this observation.
"Always ,known for speaking truthfully, yet in a compassionate manner"
Quotation marks are used to indicate the words that someone has actually spoken/written. In this case, Always himself said those words. It should be obvious that he is the only one who thinks that he is known for, "...speaking truthfully, yet in a compassionate manner". Buffoonery at its most laughable. Do you suppose that he would make a good Republican candidate for the next presidential election?
I assume by your ravings that such a revolution would by your own words
" Bring you out" in an attempt to scare us , sorry that will not work!
OMG...Good Luck LooseChange; with getting this irrational mental midget to do or say anything constructive...I'm still waiting for that all knowing 'LIST' that {she/he} says our president is ignoringI want to see you and the rest of the tea parties come to the urban area's of America and spend some quality time with the locals and share your views. I want them to see the true conservative passions that you would show them. Also tell them how you feel about ACORN and don't hold back. Tell them that it was their vote that is according to you and those on the right that helped in destroying this country. Also tell them that you think they are not deserving of or for that matter entitled to the benefits and resources of helping them do better with their lives. Now when you are done with that go to members of the military who voted for Obama(Yes Always, members of the military did vote for the man, and yes the military is part of the EVIL government. I know what a shock right?!?)Make sure that you let them know you hate them and that they are just as evil as Obama and more so then Bush ever was. I mean according to a lot of people, Bush and Obama are in the same camp....Can't imagine why? Now after all of this come back to the boards and let us know how it went. I want you to reach out to your fellow Americans and share you wonderful philosophy on how this country should be according to people like you. Between me and you, your lucky the first amendment even exists because if it didn't you still be at home living with mommy and daddy sucking on your thumb figuring out on what to make of your life. Now don't confuse me for a Liberal cause I have a sister who is one and she hates BUSH and the Republicans with a passion so I know what one is as for me I don't hate Bush or Obama...I just dislike their political parties and honestly both democrats and republicans are cut from the same cloth and your no different from a liberal.![]()
AreYOU not the same guy who said "I have a DAGREE!"? LOL,LOL
We know what make yoi tick!,A loose spring! lol,lol
I want to see you and the rest of the tea parties come to the urban area's of America and spend some quality time with the locals and share your views. I want them to see the true conservative passions that you would show them. Also tell them how you feel about ACORN and don't hold back. Tell them that it was their vote that is according to you and those on the right that helped in destroying this country. Also tell them that you think they are not deserving of or for that matter entitled to the benefits and resources of helping them do better with their lives. Now when you are done with that go to members of the military who voted for Obama(Yes Always, members of the military did vote for the man, and yes the military is part of the EVIL government. I know what a shock right?!?)Make sure that you let them know you hate them and that they are just as evil as Obama and more so then Bush ever was. I mean according to a lot of people, Bush and Obama are in the same camp....Can't imagine why? Now after all of this come back to the boards and let us know how it went. I want you to reach out to your fellow Americans and share you wonderful philosophy on how this country should be according to people like you. Between me and you, your lucky the first amendment even exists because if it didn't you still be at home living with mommy and daddy sucking on your thumb figuring out on what to make of your life. Now don't confuse me for a Liberal cause I have a sister who is one and she hates BUSH and the Republicans with a passion so I know what one is as for me I don't hate Bush or Obama...I just dislike their political parties and honestly both democrats and republicans are cut from the same cloth and your no different from a liberal.![]()