America's most DANGEROUS enemy!

good people like...trump who said a 10,000 square foot apartment was really 30,000?
not sure if fraudulant lies come from "good people" duh
Who said the property was larger than it was, Trump or one of his business managers, and did a wrong evaluation result in harm to anyone? If someone or some entity was harmed by the transaction a decade ago then why was it not litigated then instead of now, after the statute of limitations has expired?
you don't think republicans get abortions and do lewd sex acts in public? duh.
you must rejoice in your hypocrisy
Republicans tend to oppose abortion and sex changes for children while Democrats tend to support those things. But too many Republicans and Democrats do not honor God in public and in decision-making and that is the real problem in the US.
did "typical values" include slavery, women not voting, etc? that is how this country started.
Republicans have always opposed slavery more than racist Southern KKK Democrats. The overwhelming majority if modern Republicans oppose racism of any kind, which makes blacks and Democrats themselves racist for falsely accusing the innocent of racism.
Poor deluded and deranged Carlin.

Luke 16

19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day:

20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,

21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;

23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
Who said the property was larger than it was, Trump or one of his business managers, and did a wrong evaluation result in harm to anyone? If someone or some entity was harmed by the transaction a decade ago then why was it not litigated then instead of now, after the statute of limitations

Trump is responsible

Engoron gave a succinct explanation for how he concluded that Trump was personally liable. “Each and every [statement of financial condition] was issued on behalf of ‘Donald J. Trump.’” There is much more evidence connecting Trump to the fraud, though. Year after year, on page after page, the documents sent to lenders repeated a line that followed the same rough formula: “The estimated value of” whatever number “is based on an evaluation by Mr. Trump in conjunction with his associates and outside professionals.”

Trump also signed his name to certify the accuracy of the financial statements. In addition, he personally touted the puffed-up financial statements to lenders. “Hopefully you will be impressed!” he wrote to the CEO of Deutsche Bank Securities in 2011.

On top of to the paper trail, Trump’s own words confirm his involvement. Trump admitted in a 2007 deposition that he looked over the statements with his former chief financial officer. He also said that he kept a copy on his desk.
Who said the property was larger than it was, Trump or one of his business managers, and did a wrong evaluation result in harm to anyone? If someone or some entity was harmed by the transaction a decade ago then why was it not litigated then instead of now, after the statute of limitations has expired?
There is no legal requirement that someone be harmed, just like for dui4 duh

Statue of limitations doesn't apply to fraud as already pointed out to you

You don't understand the law lol
Republicans have always opposed slavery more than racist Southern KKK Democrats. The overwhelming majority if modern Republicans oppose racism of any kind, which makes blacks and Democrats themselves racist for falsely accusing the innocent of racism.

This wasn't about Republicans who didn't exist at the countries founding duh
You talked about american values duh
Republicans tend to oppose abortion and sex changes for children while Democrats tend to support those things. But too many Republicans and Democrats do not honor God in public and in decision-making and that is the real problem in the US.
So you admit Republicans have abortions
Those clueless punks dispensed, pretty freely, with all their "predictions"....convinced they'd never get their noses rubbed into any o' their fuck-ups.

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The rest of us have a PATRIOTIC-OBLIGATION to make sure the correct-history is documented, for future generations' reference purposes..
Slappin' the shit outta MAGATS is just one o' the perks!
Heres a bit about which is being exposed as their future agenda.
It is inconceivable that the GOP can let this progress with uttering a word. It's clear they are following orders to let it happen.
But the irony is how they call democrats fascists but yearn for an autocracy under Trump.

Heres a bit about which is being exposed as their future agenda.
It is inconceivable that the GOP can let this progress with uttering a word. It's clear they are following orders to let it happen.
But the irony is how they call democrats fascists but yearn for an autocracy under Trump.

Here's a bit that surely can't be refuted. The man is a complete nut.

Where are the republicans on here usually bashing the keyboards to defend him? This is the traitor I said he was but don't believe me.

America's most dangerous enemy is Satan and those rebels against God who are taken captive by him at his wicked will.

2 Timothy 2:25-26​

King James Version​

25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;​

26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.​

Should we blame Timothy or the translators for writing this confusing drivel?