Thwarted Attack

Strange things are always afoot--when democrats come into power--their intrigues to inflict on the nation.
Corruption at it's best simple because they know their socialist agenda will not set well with the American people.
Even then presidential candidate Hilary Clinton said the Obama's 2008 campaign was the dirtiest most corrupt Presidential campaign in our history.
Four years later after winning president, look what Obama has done!
You see why we shouldnt removed any Dictators. You let their people to remove them. You make things worse by removing them. Just like we installed the Shah of IRAN which planted a seed for the islamic revolution. We removed the Taliban from Afgainstan,, made it worse. Removed Saddam from IRAQ,,, made it worse. Removed Hosni Mubarak from Egypt and ,, made it worse, And got Muammar Gaddafi killed and made it worse. Now learn the lessons. Leave IRAN and SYRIA alone!

Interesting perspective.
Corruption at it's best simple because they know their socialist agenda will not set well with the American people.
Even then presidential candidate Hilary Clinton said the Obama's 2008 campaign was the dirtiest most corrupt Presidential campaign in our history.
Four years later after winning president, look what Obama has done!

The democrat party--as it exists today--MUST be DESTROYED.
I get the feeling that there has to be more to this story. There have also been some hints that a lot of weapons are getting into Syria from Libya. Was Stevens directing weapons traffic into Syria and Iran caught wind of it?


Arms Flow to Syria May Be Behind Benghazi Cover-Up

According to an August, 2012 report from the Library of Congress and the Kronos organization, “Al-Qaeda in Libya: A Profile,” Ansar al-Shariah is an Al Qaeda franchise operation, established in Libya with the assistance of senior Al Qaeda operatives dispatched from Pakistan specifically to supervise the set up of a new clandestine Al Qaeda network in Libya that would refrain from using the Al Qaeda name.
The Derna, Libya Ansar al-Shariah cell is led by a former GITMO detainee named Sufian Ben Qhumu. The September 11, 2012 attack on the Benghazi consulate compound that killed Ambassador Stevens, his staffer Sean Smith and the two Navy SEALs was
directed and led by Ansar al-Shariah.......

great article
Obama Admin May Be Arming Syrian Rebels, Despite Denials

Russian Gen. Nikolai Makarov said: "We have reliable information that Syrian militants have foreign portable anti-aircraft missile systems, including those made in the USA... it should be cleared up who delivered them."
Prior to Makarov's comments, there had been "unconfirmed reports" of Syrian rebels using shoulder-mounted missiles. This came to light when Syrian rebels claimed to have shot down a fighter jet near the Iraq border in August. Some have suspected the missiles could be U.S. Stingers.
Obama Admin May Be Arming Syrian Rebels, Despite Denials

Russian Gen. Nikolai Makarov said: "We have reliable information that Syrian militants have foreign portable anti-aircraft missile systems, including those made in the USA... it should be cleared up who delivered them."
Prior to Makarov's comments, there had been "unconfirmed reports" of Syrian rebels using shoulder-mounted missiles. This came to light when Syrian rebels claimed to have shot down a fighter jet near the Iraq border in August. Some have suspected the missiles could be U.S. Stingers.

they did with Libyans so why not ?
Anyone who believes these stories about thwarted attacks is an imbecile

You might as well state that you put Elephant repellant outside your US homes and cite its effectiveness.

These stories (lies) are put out to make you think that there is a real threat from terrorism so that you will support huge spending on arms, huge cuts in civil liberties and the wholesale slaughter of Muslims in oil rich countries.

The US population is the most easily manipulated on earth.