Thwarted Attack

as are all politicians in Washington....

True--but these two--are the slimiest characters of corruption this nation has ever seen--by a long shot.
And Billy Blow-Job is a sexual deviate to boot.
Obama may surpass all this.

They all make Richard Nixon look like Mohandas Ghandi.
A lot of what I am hearing regarding Benghazigate is that it was policy to show "normalcy" in that area. They are all idiots if they believed they could pull that off in a place like Benghazi. And on 9-11 no less. Talk about riding unicorns is a pink cloud sky. What is wrong with these people?

I get the feeling that there has to be more to this story. There have also been some hints that a lot of weapons are getting into Syria from Libya. Was Stevens directing weapons traffic into Syria and Iran caught wind of it?
A lot of what I am hearing regarding Benghazigate is that it was policy to show "normalcy" in that area. They are all idiots if they believed they could pull that off in a place like Benghazi. And on 9-11 no less. Talk about riding unicorns is a pink cloud sky. What is wrong with these people?

I get the feeling that there has to be more to this story. There have also been some hints that a lot of weapons are getting into Syria from Libya. Was Stevens directing weapons traffic into Syria and Iran caught wind of it?

As do I--but democrats will hide and obfuscate everything they say and do.
They have no other modus operandi.
A lot of what I am hearing regarding Benghazigate is that it was policy to show "normalcy" in that area. They are all idiots if they believed they could pull that off in a place like Benghazi. And on 9-11 no less. Talk about riding unicorns is a pink cloud sky. What is wrong with these people?

I get the feeling that there has to be more to this story. There have also been some hints that a lot of weapons are getting into Syria from Libya. Was Stevens directing weapons traffic into Syria and Iran caught wind of it?

You think 9-11 was a conspiracy? Some folks do.. Not even Bill Maher think 9-11 was a conspiracy but he hated bush.
You think 9-11 was a conspiracy? Some folks do.. Not even Bill Maher think 9-11 was a conspiracy but he hated bush.

No I don't think 9-11 was a conspiracy. But Fast and Furious was real, how would this be any different? We went into Libya to help the "people" and that was after a thousand people were killed. 30+ thousand have been killed in Syria.
A lot of what I am hearing regarding Benghazigate is that it was policy to show "normalcy" in that area. They are all idiots if they believed they could pull that off in a place like Benghazi. And on 9-11 no less. Talk about riding unicorns is a pink cloud sky. What is wrong with these people?

I get the feeling that there has to be more to this story. There have also been some hints that a lot of weapons are getting into Syria from Libya. Was Stevens directing weapons traffic into Syria and Iran caught wind of it?
This is also what I have read. I agree with both you and Johnny on this one. There probably is more to the story and under the socialist democrats, we will never get the truth.
This is also what I have read. I agree with both you and Johnny on this one. There probably is more to the story and under the socialist democrats, we will never get the truth.

I hope the Romney Administration can delve into this.
Make Darrell Issa Attorney General. :)
You see why we shouldnt removed any Dictators. You let their people to remove them. You make things worse by removing them. Just like we installed the Shah of IRAN which planted a seed for the islamic revolution. We removed the Taliban from Afgainstan,, made it worse. Removed Saddam from IRAQ,,, made it worse. Removed Hosni Mubarak from Egypt and ,, made it worse, And got Muammar Gaddafi killed and made it worse. Now learn the lessons. Leave IRAN and SYRIA alone!