Thwarted Attack

Right ....

Makes you wonder why a homosexual ambassador was sent to a hostile muslim country to begin with.
And, then deny him requested security!

I have told anyone I know who is gay--regarding democrats--"You think they will do something for YOU?"
They will pander to you and play you like a harp--like the do black-folk.
They knew precisely what they were doing sending Stevens to a muslim country.
He (Stevens) did like the country himself--so he was complicit as well.
But--the bottom line is this--HE lies in his grave as I type this.
Thanks a lot.
A straight Ambassador might have gotten help and reinforcements for security precautions.
They cut this guy loose and entrapped him into his own death.
The Obama/Clinton team did this.
Hilary Clinton should have thrown Obama under the bus.
Instead, she played along, making her just as culpable!

She did.

She made him look small and petty for his unwillingness to take this seriously. He then had to attempt to take responsibility from her (remember the last debate ?). What a gift !

He can't throw her under the bus and there wsa no way she was to assume any real responsibility. She wouldn't be working for him after January anyway. A meaningless act that made BO look bad.
She did.

She made him look small and petty for his unwillingness to take this seriously. He then had to attempt to take responsibility from her (remember the last debate ?). What a gift !

He can't throw her under the bus and there wsa no way she was to assume any real responsibility. She wouldn't be working for him after January anyway. A meaningless act that made BO look bad.
Yes I agree, I remember. I also remember Bill's comment about it "being broke"

But, I was hoping see would expose the cove-up!
She did.

She made him look small and petty for his unwillingness to take this seriously. He then had to attempt to take responsibility from her (remember the last debate ?). What a gift !

He can't throw her under the bus and there wsa no way she was to assume any real responsibility. She wouldn't be working for him after January anyway. A meaningless act that made BO look bad.

I guess she never noticed he was "part" African-American...
Hillary should have taken responsibility for this. It's her job to see that the ambassadors have the correct amount of security. Now if Obama said no, that's a different story. Actually, she should have pulled him out of Benghazi and Stevens should have demanded it or quit his post. The whole thing is one big ball of incompetency.
Hillary should have taken responsibility for this. It's her job to see that the ambassadors have the correct amount of security. Now if Obama said no, that's a different story. Actually, she should have pulled him out of Benghazi and Stevens should have demanded it or quit his post. The whole thing is one big ball of incompetency.

The Clintons are ALWAYS "without sin".
They can do no wrong--make no mistakes.
Guilty of nothing.
Free of "original sin".
They--are gods!