Thwarted Attack


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2012
Terrorist attempts to blow up Federal Reserve Bank

A Bangladeshi terrorist tried to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank in Lower Manhattan this morning using a 1,000-pound bomb, according to a criminal complaint.

Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, of Jamaica, Queens, parked a van filled with the fake explosives — which were provided by an undercover FBI agent — outside of the Liberty Street building, authorities said, then tried to set them off using a cell phone detonator.
You see why its importaint to vote Republican? Democrats are soft and liberal like Bill Clinton was ,,Remember?? This was the real reason why 9-11 happend
If Bill Clinton would done his job 3000 people would been alive today
Terrorist attempts to blow up Federal Reserve Bank

A Bangladeshi terrorist tried to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank in Lower Manhattan this morning using a 1,000-pound bomb, according to a criminal complaint.

Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis, 21, of Jamaica, Queens, parked a van filled with the fake explosives — which were provided by an undercover FBI agent — outside of the Liberty Street building, authorities said, then tried to set them off using a cell phone detonator.

Who could have foreseen this?
El Al--that's WHO!

BTW--WTF is a quazi-mohammed? This name is a fake--I am sure.
This is Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis
I guess he saw the famous movie trailer and got all jazzed up about it. if only BO hadn't gotten that thing so popular it went viral then maybe it would have just drifted off into the ether as it was destined to do...
Who could have foreseen this?
El Al--that's WHO!

BTW--WTF is a quazi-mohammed? This name is a fake--I am sure.
The word Quasi is defined as:

: having some resemblance usually by possession of certain attributes <a quasi corporation>

So we can assume this perfectly "normal" thinking muslim was trying to make up a clever name to reflect "the likeness of Mohammed"
If Obama has any shot being Re-Elected he better do this to Pakistan

It WAS a nation that gave big bonuses to terrorists who attacked and killed Americans for many years.
That proved to be a bad decision.
Their leader also murdered thousands of his own people and buried them in mass bulldozed graves and he was responsible for a war that killed 1,000,000.
But--I guess--"that's DIFFERENT!"

The Moral of the Story is this:
If you have a leader that attacks more powerful countries--best get rid of him before bad things happen.
Which Youtube video has Obama blamed for this attack?

lol thats funny because you know..there where protests all over and thats what the reports said...And there where people that reported that that was going on when the attack happened...But you know what Obama was not there...and the Fog of war throws things off ...but yes he called it act of terrorism the next day...I recall on Sept 11 planes missing that where not. the White house was reported on Fire..And Republicans already blaming Iraq....ALso people on the ground who fought in the attack against them...have said that there was a protest...Reporters on the sceen reported protests...But just keep bitching because the lack of a protest outside when we know they where going on is the big issues here...
Bush needed a reason to invade IRAQ cause Saddam tried to kill his daddy. And 9-11 gave him that reason to invade IRAQ. Saddam had nothing to do with 9-11. Just like Clinton invaded KOSOVO And Millovich didnt even have WMDs