These are the people Biden and Harris want to make peace with .

Mammoths died off perhaps several thousand years ago. When they have been found, they have been buried in permafrost .
Dinosaurs were gone millions of years ago.
No biologist mistakes mammoth bones for dinosaur bones.
How could anyone be as ignorant of everything as you are?
Your ignorance of dinosaur fossils is stunning.
Darwin looked at monkeys and said, 'The evidence clearly shows humans descended from monkeys.'
Actually, humans are more closely related to apes, chimps, bonobos and orangutans.
Monkeys have tails, perhaps you also have a tail, bu humans and apes do not.
I didn't deny anything
I gave you the opportunity not to look stupid
And you didn't take it lol

Radiocarbon Dating of Dinosaur Fossils | TASC ( Nov 2013

Radiocarbon Dating of Dinosaur Fossils

Below is a list of some dinosaur fossils and their dated ages from the Miller paper. 6

  • An allosaurus from the Morrison formation, late Jurassic, found in 1989 was dated by the University of Georgia by accelerator mass spectrometry. The age was found to be 31,360 ± 100 years old.
  • The femur of an Upper Creataceous Hell Creek formation triceratops-like dinosaur (perhaps a new type of ceratopsid) found in 2007 was carbon-14 dated by the University of Georgia using accelerator mass spectrometry and found to be 39,230 ± 140 years old.
  • Another Hell Creek formation dinosaur, found in 2004, a triceratops, was dated by the University of Georgia by accelerator mass spectrometry in 2009 as 24,340 ± 70 years old.
  • An apatosaurus was found in late Jurassic strata of the Morrison formation, and excavation was done in 2007 and 2009. In 2011 the University of Georgia dated the fossil to 38,250 ± 160 years old.
  • A hadrosaur’s hip bone was found in 2011 in the Hell Creek formation. The University of Georgia dated a sample from this bone to be 37,660 ± 160 years old.
  • In 2012 a triceratops horn was found. The University of Georgia dated the fossil to be 33,570 ± 120 years old.
  • A femur bone from a hardosaur in 2004 was found in the Hell Creek formation. The University of Georgia using accelerator mass spectrometry dated the sample to 25,670 ± 220 years old.
  • An acrocanthosaurus (carnivorous dinosaur) specimen was excavated in 1984 near Glen Rose, Texas and was tested in 2010 by the University of Georgia. It was found to be 29,690 ± 90 years old.
Are the dates beyond the range of testing technology? No, the University of Georgia had extended the maximum limit up over 50,000 years, and the ages were all well below this. Are the ages still too old? After all, even though these ages are much younger than conventional ages, many creationists believe life on earth to be much younger than even the reported carbon-14 ages of these dinosaur fossils. This question will be dealt with in a later section of this article.