These are the people Biden and Harris want to make peace with .

So it's a psychological defect
Admitting that is the First step towards curing you
Darwin's defect has infected millions of modern rubes who think his speculations, assumptions, and prognostications were science at its best.
I find the arguments of fundamentalists to be rather illogical and somewhat insane. Almost none of them have actually read Darwin, and they know nothing about all the evolutionist biologists that have added to the writings of Darwin, including those who have examined RNA and DNA. They claim that all they have to do is poke holes in evolutionary theory to disprove it, but who also assume that if evolution cannot be proven that proves that the Biblical creation story, in which an eternal being creates a man from dirt and the wife of the man from the man's rib. All this actually back 6000 years ago in a mythical garden with a magical forbidden tree and a talking snake. What would have been the divine purpose of creating a lying talking snake?
The reason evolution cannot stand for people to poke holes in it is because it will collapse if those holes are not patched and hidden from the public.
The reason evolution cannot stand for people to poke holes in it is because it will collapse if those holes are not patched and hidden from the public.
The reason more evidence of earlier hominids have not been found is due to the fact that most bones rot after thousands of years.
Evolution is simply a FACT.

Even if you could disprove evolution (and you cannot), it would NOT prove that the Biblical creation story is accurate. Why? Because we have never found the remains of Adam, Eve, Cain Abel or the talking snake.
What happened to the dinosaurs, according to the fundies?

Jesus, Paul, and others in the New Testament do not mention dinosaurs. There are no images of dinosaurs left by ancient Egyptians, are there?
Reputable labs have dated dinosaur bones at less than 50,000 years and guaranteed their results were not flawed or contaminated. Never mind what rage they erupted into after they found out that the bones had come from dinosaurs and not other creatures like mammoths.
The reason more evidence of earlier hominids have not been found is due to the fact that most bones rot after thousands of years.
Evolution is simply a FACT.

Even if you could disprove evolution (and you cannot), it would NOT prove that the Biblical creation story is accurate. Why? Because we have never found the remains of Adam, Eve, Cain Abel or the talking snake.
You bring up a good point. Fossils of massive mammoths have been found all over the earth but without any scientific explanation for how those fossils were formed without suffering decay in the process.
Reputable labs have dated dinosaur bones at less than 50,000 years and guaranteed their results were not flawed or contaminated. Never mind what rage they erupted into after they found out that the bones had come from dinosaurs and not other creatures like mammoths.
Provevit name those labs and their guarantees
Reputable labs have dated dinosaur bones at less than 50,000 years and guaranteed their results were not flawed or contaminated. Never mind what rage they erupted into after they found out that the bones had come from dinosaurs and not other creatures like mammoths.
you have no idea what "falsifiable" means. right?
You bring up a good point. Fossils of massive mammoths have been found all over the earth but without any scientific explanation for how those fossils were formed without suffering decay in the process.
Mammoths died off perhaps several thousand years ago. When they have been found, they have been buried in permafrost .
Dinosaurs were gone millions of years ago.
No biologist mistakes mammoth bones for dinosaur bones.
How could anyone be as ignorant of everything as you are?
Mammoths died off perhaps several thousand years ago. When they have been found, they have been buried in permafrost .
Dinosaurs were gone millions of years ago.
No biologist mistakes mammoth bones for dinosaur bones.
How could anyone be as ignorant of everything as you are?
i takes practice...... like several dozen inane posts a day.
Evolution s not dead, it is simply a fact, accepted by educated people all over this planet.
Deluded people the world over still cling to dead-horse evolutionist speculations.

Speaking of dead horse science speculations, evolutionists had to scrap their decades-old horse evolution museum displays several decades ago after new evidence debunked old speculations and assumptions.