The Whole Story - Anderson Cooper - The Case Against Donald Trump

Who is being treated differently *****? Give specific proof of large number of cases
But you wont
Obama's holdovers raided Manafort's home, arrested him with much televised fanfare and threw him into solitary confinement for a crime they did not charge his Clinton friend partner with and have not charged Hunter Biden with in 9 years of violations. That is unequal application of the law.
No one can prove fraud didn't ever happen, including in 2016 to elect trump
You keep posting that stupid statement constantly
Because you are a ***** lol

Which is why the burden of proof is on those who claim fraud did happen
And you morons failed
Because you are morons
Fraud does not have to be detected or proven for it to have occurred.
Obama's holdovers raided Manafort's home, arrested him with much televised fanfare and threw him into solitary confinement for a crime they did not charge his Clinton friend partner with and have not charged Hunter Biden with in 9 years of violations. That is unequal application of the law.
You were whining about blacks ***** not mannafort
Of course *****
But you look stupid claiming something national happened with no credible evidence duh
Just because millions of Americans claim the evidence is not credible and many of them believe the evidence of fraud is not credible does not prove the large assortment of evidence of 2020 election fraud is not credible.
You asked for an example of the current two-tiered form of justice under the Biden administration, so I gave you one example among dozens.
One random example based on your bias proves nothing
You were talking about blacks and when asked to prove it suddenly switched gears to an example that you claim prove something
Just because millions of Americans claim the evidence is not credible and many of them believe the evidence of fraud is not credible does not prove the large assortment of evidence of 2020 election fraud is not credible.
True it just shows that intelligent independent people whose job it is to evaluate evidence don't think it's credible and that only you morons think it's credible I am fine with that
One random example based on your bias proves nothing
You were talking about blacks and when asked to prove it suddenly switched gears to an example that you claim prove something
Another brazen example of the Democrat perversion of justice is the fact that Trump has been charged with possessing illegal documents in a similar case in which Clinton was given the right to possess any government document he chose to. Furthermore, Trump has been charged as a former President with holding onto documents while others like Hillary and Joe Biden have never been charged with holding documents they not only also illegally held but especially did not have the same right US Presidents have to hold onto documents.
True it just shows that intelligent independent people whose job it is to evaluate evidence don't think it's credible and that only you morons think it's credible I am fine with that
Election officials who claim they did not commit election fraud do not qualify as unbiased investigators who may have found no evidence of fraud.
Anderson cooper of the Vanderbilt aristocrats pretending he's not an aristocrat and that he and el tRumpo arent the best of friends.

This is exactly how fked the world is america. The only thing you need to know is that they havent pissed off el tRumpo enough to spill the beans that it was the german vax mandate pac that rigged the election.

Fascists have always been faggots.fascis--port-320x460-30k.webp

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