The January 6th Indictment Of Donald Trump!!!!!

Soros is a very wicked man.

The Real Migrant Crisis: Venezuelan Gold, WW4 and George Soros Plan to Destroy the Dollar – The Shad Olson Show

George Soros’ long career has been richly made on the malicious destruction of sovereign currencies, in sequential calculation, not simply for the lining of his own fetid Nazi pockets, but to make of himself the world kingpin in coronating a global currency that is necessity to a one world empire, at long last. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Podesta family and a laundry list of familiar henchmen have sworn eternal allegiance to that goal, with Hillary herself undoubtedly chosen in 2016 to strike that devil’s bargain as the coup de grace against the American nation.
And rational people are expected to believe that.
You're so full of shit if you were given an enema you could be buried in a matchbox.
"In March, Shad Olson of “The Shad Olson Show” (which seeks the defeat of the “long-standing antihuman plot to control mankind covertly through every means necessary”) described “what amounts to an ad hoc state by state version of medical martial law.”
One might ask what business was it of Biden's to threaten to hurt Ukraine if Ukraine did not fire the prosecutor breathing down Hunter's neck? I was his family business, not a matter of state. But worse, what business to outsider world planners have presuming to dictate or force America to conform to their unified world order agenda? They have no business ruling over America with their anti-American, anti-capitalism, anti-patriotism, and anti-God agenda, but they are making it their business anyway with stupid corrupt US politicians joining them in their destructive agenda.

Soros has been buying Democrat politicians for decades with the intent of trashing America in favor of a unified single world government.

The Real Migrant Crisis: Venezuelan Gold, WW4 and George Soros Plan to Destroy the Dollar – The Shad Olson Show

And Soros’ plan has never wavered. From the friction points of Ukraine in 2013, (where Soros and Podesta’s Nazi’s battled Paul Manafort on opposite sides of a decade-long civil struggle) to Syria since 2011 and now on the contiguous land mass of the American continent, the mastermind of globalized enslaved humanity lusts maniacally for an exacerbated conflict between the United States and Russia to bring Trump and Putin and the last two great geographic outliers of nationalist self determination to globalist heel. Even if it means destroying the world.

Soros is just one of many one-world planners determined to seize and redistribute American wealth as they deconstruct American values to be replaced with commonly agreed upon leftist atheist values.

In 2015, world leaders came together and adopted the Sustainable Development Goals – which is something like a “global green new deal”, with targets on education, decent work, social protections, environmental sustainability, tackling corruption – things that will make a tangible difference to people’s lives.

And the Goals are not an “aid” programme – rich countries helping the poor. This is a universal agenda, which recognises that all governments must do more for their citizens and for the world. We need to encourage politicians, cities, communities, companies, schools, universities to get behind the SDGs.
And rational people are expected to believe that.
You're so full of shit if you were given an enema you could be buried in a matchbox.
You know nothing of the goals of world planners at the UN, at Davos, at world global warming conferences, and the like. They intend to strip America of its national identity and freedoms and stupid politicians in America are given them aid as if they were heroes.
Soros is a very wicked man.

The Real Migrant Crisis: Venezuelan Gold, WW4 and George Soros Plan to Destroy the Dollar – The Shad Olson Show

George Soros’ long career has been richly made on the malicious destruction of sovereign currencies, in sequential calculation, not simply for the lining of his own fetid Nazi pockets, but to make of himself the world kingpin in coronating a global currency that is necessity to a one world empire, at long last. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the Podesta family and a laundry list of familiar henchmen have sworn eternal allegiance to that goal, with Hillary herself undoubtedly chosen in 2016 to strike that devil’s bargain as the coup de grace against the American nation.
Stay off the drugs son lol
This is of course just craziness lol
Alex Newman Explains UN Agenda 2030 Behind Farming Restrictions (
The 2030 Agenda “covers every element of human life, every element of the economy,” including global wealth redistribution not only within the nations but also among the nations, Newman commented. The Agenda “specifically says that we need to change the way that we consume and produce goods,” he added.
And what does that have to do with Obama etc ***** lol

This is a right wing crazy nobody has heard of and his silly opinions lol
And what does that have to do with Obama etc ***** lol

This is a right wing crazy nobody has heard of and his silly opinions lol
Perhaps you know very little about what world leaders are demanding of the US under the details of the anti-American national sovereignty Paris Agreement that Obama signed us onto, Trump rejected, and then Biden re-signed us in subjection to.
Perhaps you know very little about what world leaders are demanding of the US under the details of the anti-American national sovereignty Paris Agreement that Obama signed us onto, Trump rejected, and then Biden re-signed us in subjection to.
The Paris Agreement is one world currency and government? Lol
FlimsyCavernousKite-size_restricted[1].gif Perhaps you know very little about what world leaders are demanding of the US under the details of the anti-American national sovereignty Paris Agreement that Obama signed us onto, Trump rejected, and then Biden re-signed us in subjection to.

Yeah....really informative, there, Goober.
The Paris Agreement is one world currency and government? Lol
The Paris Agreement is one part of the new world order agenda under which the US will be legally in subjection to like a crook is to a cop.

The Paris Agreement | UNFCCC

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, France, on 12 December 2015. It entered into force on 4 November 2016.
The Paris Agreement is one part of the new world order agenda under which the US will be legally in subjection to like a crook is to a cop.

The Paris Agreement | UNFCCC

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, France, on 12 December 2015. It entered into force on 4 November 2016.
It 8nvolves global currency and government? No? Lol

You know we have had international treaties for a long time right? Lol
The Paris Agreement is one part of the new world order agenda under which the US will be legally in subjection to like a crook is to a cop.

The Paris Agreement | UNFCCC

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris, France, on 12 December 2015. It entered into force on 4 November 2016.
The Geneva Conventions are four treaties, and three additional protocols, that establish international legal standards for humanitarian treatment in war. The singular term Geneva Convention usually denotes the agreements of 1949, negotiated in the aftermath of the Second World War (1939–1945), which updated the terms of the two 1929 treaties and added two new conventions. The Geneva Conventions extensively define the basic rights of wartime prisoners, civilians and military personnel, established protections for the wounded and sick, and provided protections for the civilians in and around a war-zone.[2]

A facsimile of the signature-and-seals page of the 1864 Geneva Convention, that established humane rules of war.The original document in single pages, 1864.[1]
The Geneva Conventions defines the rights and protections afforded to non-combatants who fulfills the criteria of being protected persons.[3] The treaties of 1949 were ratified, in their entirety or with reservations, by 196 countries

Oh no one world government lol it started in 1929!!!!!
You know nothing of the goals of world planners at the UN, at Davos, at world global warming conferences, and the like. They intend to strip America of its national identity and freedoms and stupid politicians in America are given them aid as if they were heroes.
What I do know is you're full of anti democrat conspiracy theories. You're welcome to it
It 8nvolves global currency and government? No? Lol

You know we have had international treaties for a long time right? Lol
The Paris Agreement was not authorized or signed by Congress, so it is not a binding treaty, even though world leftists claim the US is still subjected to its fascist mandates.