The Whole Story - Anderson Cooper - The Case Against Donald Trump

Election officials who claim they did not commit election fraud do not qualify as unbiased investigators who may have found no evidence of fraud.
But judges are especially Trump appointed ones
And red states too

They all laughed at you
fascis--port-320x460-30k.webpAm I the only one who thinks we have attracted a pair of brain dead fuckwits.
Is there anyone in USA that has brains?

See how these british faggot suckers are? They dont even wear their own colors until you call them out on their vernacular. Then they're proud to suck faggots. They like foreign faggots best.
See how these british faggot suckers are? They dont even wear their own colors until you call them out on their vernacular. Then they're proud to suck faggots. They like foreign faggots best.
And you and your ancestors are all native and aborigines or indigenous to USA??!
Every single person barring the indians are invaders and usually from Britian.

You're as dumb as your bum buddie.
And you and your ancestors are all native and aborigines or indigenous to USA??!
Every single person barring the indians are invaders and usually from Britian.

You're as dumb as your bum buddie.
Why stop there? They invaded it also. You put too much in too little. Besides that, you british catamites arent allowed to own anything infront of your pederast overlords. You have to rent everything. There's no reason to respect this nations oldest enemy of open war. You've been nothing but a bag of slime about it ever since.
Why stop there? They invaded it also. You put too much in too little. Besides that, you british catamites arent allowed to own anything infront of your pederast overlords. You have to rent everything. There's no reason to respect this nations oldest enemy of open war. You've been nothing but a bag of slime about it ever since.
Why stop there? They invaded it also.
I wasn't referring to the British invading. It was about white settlements etc slaughtering the real Americans, Indians.
You put too much in too little. Besides that, you british.
Wtf are you talking about? Are you not an ancestor of a foreign nation?
catamites arent allowed to own anything infront of your pederast overlords.
You are really fucked in the head with paranoia. What British overlords?
You have to rent everything.
I don't rent anything but the British. Are you drunk or something.
There's no reason to respect this nations oldest enemy of open war. You've been nothing but a bag of slime about it ever since.
You must think I live in another country.
Why should any respect the USA as an ally. The country has been at war for 200 years. We invade countries and lose.

How that equates to me being a bag of slime is mysterious. You certainly have some reality issues.
You should have been sprayed on the sheets.
fascis--port-320x460-30k.webpI wasn't referring to the British invading. It was about white settlements etc slaughtering the real Americans, Indians.

Wtf are you talking about? Are you not an ancestor of a foreign nation?

You are really fucked in the head with paranoia. What British overlords?

I don't rent anything but the British. Are you drunk or something.

You must think I live in another country.
Why should any respect the USA as an ally. The country has been at war for 200 years. We invade countries and lose.

How that equates to me being a bag of slime is mysterious. You certainly have some reality issues.
You should have been sprayed on the sheets.
I bet you think someone reads this shit. I know i sure as hell dont.

"Between 2015 and 2018, cannabis use in seniors over 65 jumped 75%, and this age group now represents the fastest growing group of cannabis users in the United States. In this episode of The Whole Story, Dr. Gupta travels from research facilities in Tel Aviv, Israel – often referred to as “the holy land of medical marijuana” – to a senior living community in West Palm Beach running an experimental cannabis treatment pilot program, as he learns more about how seniors are using the drug for pain relief, better sleep, less anxiety, weight gain and more. In California, he boards a “cannabus” providing transport to seniors who cannot otherwise access dispensaries, and visits one of the largest cannabis growing operations in the world, where plants are designed with seniors in mind."