If you want pot, it's available right now everywhere. laws and inforcment have'nt prevented its prolifiration and they wont!
Pot is not available "everywhere".
Law enforcement continues to crackdown on pot growers, owners, pushers and soldiers, and when these additional agents arrive at the border, even less of the illegal drug trafficing of pot will get through.
Newspaper headlines are reporting the truth of these crackdowns frequently.
The truth of the matter is that the more effort that is placed into action, the less pot will be available to damage our children and all our citizens.
But pot addicts don't want you to think that enforcement is working.
They want you to believe that it's hopeless and that therefore hopelessness should give in to capitulation.
That's what the druggies want healthy and sane people to do.
And the reason?
Not because we aren't winning the drug war.
But because, they, being the addicts they are, simply want their drug.
It seems as thow some fear that if pot is made legal that millions of youth will overnight have an uncontrolable urge to suddenly go get pot......
Here the pro-pot sympathiser states the truth of the matter but in a way that makes you think you should feel foolishly ashamed if you think it's the truth.
Such sophisters these people are.
The truth of the matter is that millions and millions of kids and teenagers are susceptible to pot addiction by virtue of the damage inculcated via dysfunction in their family-of-origin.
The pain they suppress-repress is there, and the moment they try pot, they suddently "feel real good", not realizing they had been living in neuropsychological pain. That's what being a "potential" addict is all about. And once the potential addict starts using his drug, he has become an
active addict.
Roughly less than 1% of the population has used pot ... however, the percentage of the population with degrees of addictive potential is staggeringly high, well over 90%.
But the reason that only 1% of the population has used pot is because pot is illegal, and only the 1% oppositional defiant disordered bunch is willing -- even turned on by -- risking the legal penalties for trafficing in pot.
If pot was made legal, in truth there would indeed be millions and millions of additional kids and teenagers damaging themselves on pot and killing others while driving stoned behind the wheel.
That is the truth of it.
But does the pro-pot sympathizer want you to know the truth of it?
They don't want you to know the truth of this.
They want you to simply lie down and give up ...
... Probably because they are projecting, as that is what pot-addicts have done with regard to truly living life: they have lied down, and given up.
Well this train of thought is just out of touch with reality.
Here the pot addict projects his mental state upon the masses.
The truth is that millions of millions of kids and teenagers would then use pot if there were no legal penalties for doing so.
And then we could be a hundred fold times in more of a drugged nation mess than we are today.
It is the pot addict that is out of touch with reality.
But that is the nature of being an addict: to be out of touch with reality.
They don't want to be in touch with reality, because to them, reality bites too hard.
That is why they do their drug: to anesthetize them against what they perceive as painful realities.
That's, indeed, what a drug-addict is.
It's allready there, your kids know were to get it, like sex, speeding, swearing, stealing, drinking and any number of bad habits.
Here the pro-pot sympathiser recognizes that pot addiction is a bad habit ... but cowardly resigns himself to the hopelessness of doing anything about it.
That is truly sad.
What else is sad is that he links other bad habits with the pot-addiction bad habit, and instead of saying we need to love our kids to the degree that we support them in staying
away from these bad habits, he therefore concludes that "the hopelessness of doing anything about pot means that we should simply give up lovingly supporting our kids in an effort to avert other bad habits".
Such drug-addicted irrational illogic could only come from ... a drug addict.
No wonder drug addicts are constantly exhibiting oppositional defiant disorder, a diagnosed psychological condition.
Whatever is right and true and healthy and strong and good, oppositional defiant disordered druggies are defiantly opposed to, and they just love going against those who present the truth in the matter, as then they can act out their dramas with those in their past (likely their parents), in foolish erroneous hope that they can execute the "corrective emotional experience" and prevent from happening to them the damage that indeed did happen to them in childhood.
Is attempting the "corrective emotional experience" that oppositional defiant disordered people do an irrational behavior?
You bet it is.
Do such sufferers get that?
'Tis sad.
Individuals will make thier own choices as to thier behavior.
Yes, they will ... sometimes ... and when they make the wrong and unhealthy and illegal choices, they will be punished for them, as adults.
But all too often people are compelled to go along with the drug crowd under threats if they don't.
They end up making the collective group's choice, the drug culture's choice, to harm themselves with pot and other deadly addictive drugs.
That's not making their own heart's choice.
Not at all.
That's being controlled by the minds of other pot-heads, without regard to the truth of the damaging nature of addictive pot.
Dont out law freedom of choice, just enforce lack of responsibility.
Keeping illegal harmful drugs illegal is the right thing to do.
That's no more "outlawing freedom of choice" than outlawing murder is "outlawing freedom of choice".
In a healthy society, freedom is subserviant to security which is subserviant to life.
Indeed, the U.S. founding documents make that perfectly clear in holding these truths to be self-evident.
The reality of rights are based upon these truths.
One is simply not free to do whatever one wants if it puts the lives and security of others at risk.
Pot addiction puts, not only the user at serious risk of health and life, it has proven to cause deadly damage when pot smokers get behind the wheel to the tune of hundreds of thousands of traffic accidents per year, not to mention gun accidents and tons of other accidents that are correctly attributed to being stoned on pot.
That's the truth of the matter.
And it is that truth which forms the basis for the sound decision to keep pot and other dangerous addictive drugs illegal.
But does the pot-addict get the obvious truth of this?
He's too lingeringly stoned to get this simple reality.
They don't get the fact that freedom comes with responsibility, and if they abrogate their responsibility, which is what happens automatically by using drugs, they
lose their freedom in rights-affirming deference to the security and life of others their drug use most always places in danger.
But, as usual, pot-addicts are stoningly oblivious to the truth of this.
All the pot-addict has left is:"I want the freedom to gimme my drug!"
Pot-addicts are simply out of touch with reality.
And why should we expect them to be otherwise.
After all, they
are addicts.
And the addict's trademark characteristic is
truth denial.