A stoned one? Most likely.
Indeed, here the druggie performs his usual
projection behavior, as he does so often, with a little transference and displacement likely as well.
The druggie never looks at himself directly -- he can't; his drug-addict denial won't let him.
He never looks at the self-defeating, self-damaging, other-harming behavior of being an active drug addict.
No, even though it's obvious to the 99% of the population who aren't active addicts that he never looks at himself and his own behavior, his own behavior that's
obviously, to non-stoned, sane people,
the problem.
No, he just keeps looking at others who aren't doing anything wrong, who
obviously aren't behaving in a self-damaging, self-defeating, other-harming way ...
... And he ludicrously tries to blame them, to find something wrong with them, which he then hopes he can use, once again, as an excuse to keep fooling himself that drug addiction is a "good" thing, and the overwhelming vast majority who knows for a fact that drug addiction is a
very bad thing are the "wrong" ones.
Typical druggie denial in action.
have you lost a loved one to drug abuse
Irrelevant and meaningless.
Your self-defeating, self-damaging, other-harming drug addiction is
all about you and
no one else.
Take responsibility for yourself, and stop trying to wipe your faults off onto others, druggie.
or something related in the past?
Irrelevant and meaningless.
Your self-defeating, self-damaging, other-harming drug addiction is
all about you and
no one else.
Take repsponsibility for yourself, and stop trying to wipe your faults off onto others, druggie.
Has a woman left you for the pot dealer down the street?
Irrelevant and meaningless.
Your self-defeating, self-damaging, other-harming drug addiction is
all about you and
no one else.
Take repsponsibility for yourself, and stop trying to wipe your faults off onto others, druggie.
Something's going on here.
Irrelevant and meaningless.
The only thing "going on" here is your typical druggie drug-addict
denial of the self-defeating, self-damaging, other-harming reality of your drug abuse.
You'll probably deny it, but those with psychological problems usually do.....
Your HUGE projection is, as always, irrelevant and meaningless within the context you present it.
That's what makes me such a good counselor.
I know how to
irritate sufficiently to bring out the projection, transferrence, and displacement.
You are cannon fodder for me, druggie.
The more you focus on your irritation ... the weaker your denial mechanism becomes ... until .. eventually.

You see, I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that your fascist like attitude is rooted in something much deeper.
Erroneous, meaningless, irrelevant.
Nevertheless, still another projection from the druggie.
It is a proven fact in psychological study and practice that drug addiction is most certainly rooted in deeper unresolved family-of-origin damage issues.
I wonder if you realize how foolish you look to all the non-druggies who pass this way?!
They know that drug addiction is
obviously a bad thing.
They know that drug addiction is
obviously self-damaging.
They know that drug addicts
obviously injure and kill others when they operate machinery (cars, guns, etc.) while stoned, often injuring or killing themselves in the process.
They know that drug addiction
obviously causes brain damage over term of use.
They know that druggie soldiers
obviously are trying to murderously invade this country.
They know that millions and millions, even billions more people
obviously will become
active addicts if illegal drugs are legalized.
These are
obvious realities to those not lingeringly
But does the druggie see this?
Does the druggie see this
obviously straight reality?
All the druggie does is concoct projections of
himself leveled at the counselor ...
... as part and parcel of his druggie denial.
'Tis sad.
BTW Chip, just out of curiosity, since you've got such a hard on for all drugs...do you think alcohol should be outlawed?
Irrelevant, meaningless.
And, though the druggie is oblivious to it, his own behavior is the
best argument for making alcohol illegal ...
... Or, more likely, for chemists to one day remove the drugging effects of alcohol without altering the taste, so that good and tasty wines can be paired with great dinners without the unfortunate side effect of getting drunk.
But, foolish druggie, he just can't fathom that he and all the other druggies are the
perfect argument for making alcohol illegal, or stepping up the effort to detox it.
Again, as always, the druggie has no idea what he's doing.