Well-Known Member
Your post here is essentially a carbon copy of your last one, so I'll simply refer you to my previous reply: Your Controlled-by Issues Are Obvious
"Translation: "I, MichaelB, have so many controlled-by issues stemming from my unresolved issues from my family-of-origin ... so let 'em all have their damaging and deadly drugs!!!"
Yep, all these painful unresolved controlled-by issues so many freedom criers harbor, that all they want is to be left alone to do whatever they want, and they don't care at all how many lives are damaged and killed by these drugs they advocate.
In a healthy and progressive society we don't let people just do whatever the hell they please.
No, we set limits on allowable human behavior with respect to rights ...
... And the realities of rights place the foundational right to life first, the secondary right to security second and the tertiary right to freedom third.
That's why you can't run around murdering people and crying "freedom, freedom, freedom to do whatever I want!" as your lame excuse.
The same is true for abusing damaging and deadly drugs: there is no cry for "freedom" that overrides the security and the very lives of others the abuser comes in contact with while stoned, endangering the lives of others.
Just look at the car crashes stoners cause, posted earlier.
Just look at all the criminal acts caused by stoners that Andy posted earlier.
You've got to be seriously warped to think that a healthy society will tolerate this obvious cause and effect horror drug abuse causes.
When people are stoned they lose their cognitive judgement ability -- that's a fact.
And then they get behind the wheel of a car and injure and kill innocent others, caused by being stoned.
That cause and effect will not be tolerated by a healthy society.
And, of course, a healthy society wants healthy members, so of course the overwelming vast majority, 99% of the population who are not pot abusers, aren't going to listen kindly to druggies shouting "Gimme my drug!!!" because of the damage these druggies do to others, as well as the sad damage they do to themselves.
Healthy people just can't advocate or accept that kind of self-destructive behavior permeating their entire society.
So the drug war exists to defend ourselves from the scourge of druggies and the deadly drug war they cause.
Druggies, money-lovers, the oppositional defiant disordered, and others with unresolved family-of-origin controlled-by issues aren't going to get to work out their doomed-to-fail "corrective emotional experience" on society hoping that they can be childishly allowed to do anything they want.
Life doesn't work that way, not in a healthy and progressive society, it doesn't.
Human rights realities won't allow you to behave in ways that are proven to lead directly or too tragically often indirectly to the cause of injury and death to others.
It's time for all of you with these un-resolved family-of-origin issues to grow the f... up, resolve those issues with therapy, and find a dynamic balance between security and freedom that respects the human rights, security and the very lives of others, and thereby take your proper role as a responsible and accountable member of the society to which you are supposed to belong.
Those who don't, those who put the lives of others at risk via bad behavior caused by drug abuse, are headed for the pokey, where they belong, thereby keeping the rest of us who wish to do the right thing by ourselves and and fellow human beings safe from malcontents like drug abusers."
Learn to live with the fact, MichaelB, that society, that 99% that aren't drug addicts, are the ones who create the government and demand, in the representative democracy of our democratic republic, to keep drugs illegal and thereby protect society from those who use drugs and always end up harming innocent people.
Your beef isn't with the "big, bad government", MichaelB, your beef is with common ordinary everyday folks who simply say "no" to turning the world into a stoned out drug den.
Though you may wish to be a dysfunctional individualism island, isolated from the rest of mainstream society, society isn't going to let your reactive "let me do whatever I want whenever I want to no matter who I hurt in the process" coping mechanism destroy innocent lives.
Get use to it.
Your really do need to take your unresolved family-of-origin controlled-by issues to a competent mental health practitioner.
Wow, have you got me wrong and a lot of others out there .... you sure can get yourself all worked up ... and speaking of repeating ones self ... and you don't really read what others are trying to say to you ... I'm not advocating drug use, I just want people to make up their own minds about it ... you see, I can say what I want and express myself in a lot fewer words than yourself and that way it should be easier to see where I am coming from ... and in fact I am sure that this will illicit quite another speech from you and you will get yourself worked up for what .... you can not change people and how they are going to act and what they are going to do with their bodies no matter what laws are out there .... case in point ... just look around you!