The Prophecies of Nostradamus

It's funny, everyone has a different view of Nostradamus: quack, prophet, lunatic, Satan's missionary, healer, inspired Renaissance man, etc. The list goes on and on. What is for sure that he stayed with the people while the plague raged while most of the doctors ran away with their wealthy clients. He made a rose pill that he mentions was totally useless, as was all forms of treatment for the plague, but at least gave the people some hope.
It's funny, everyone has a different view of Nostradamus: quack, prophet, lunatic, Satan's missionary, healer, inspired Renaissance man, etc. The list goes on and on. What is for sure that he stayed with the people while the plague raged while most of the doctors ran away with their wealthy clients. He made a rose pill that he mentions was totally useless but gave people hope.
Is anything for sure about Nostradamus? He wrote obscurantist poetry in some dialect. Bu people LOVE difficult prophesies.
How about "The Late Great Planet Earth"? That predicted the End Times to occur in 1988. You can still find a copy in most thrift shops.

But you have to remember that Nostradamus, if correct, violates everything we have been taught about human free will...

But you have to remember that Nostradamus, if correct, violates everything we have been taught about human free will...
Nostradamos correct about WHAT?

What has anyone been taught about free will?

Calvinists say that everything that happens has been predestined.
Fundies say everyone has free will, but they are born as condemned sinners, because Adam and Eve took bad culinary advice from a talking snake.

Either we have free will or we do not. There is no agreement.

The trouble with Randi's thought is that it is completely void of any political, social, or philosophical content, let alone that it is an attack on the human hope for a state of Paradise, which would require a miraculous transformation.

The trouble with Randi's thought is that it is completely void of any political, social, or philosophical content, let alone that it is an attack on the human hope for a state of Paradise, which would require a miraculous transformation.
Should people hope for Paradise after death if it does not exist? I don't think it should be banned, just as we do not ban belief in fairies, Santa, the Tooth Fairy, leprechauns and such.

No one is required to believe as Randi did.

If one says there is no afterlife, that is certainly a philosophical opinion, and it has a lot of influence on social and political views.
Randi is more worth listening to than wacko Prosperity Gospel TV preachers.
Should people hope for Paradise after death if it does not exist? I don't think it should be banned, just as we do not ban belief in fairies, Santa, the Tooth Fairy, leprechauns and such.

No one is required to believe as Randi did.

If one says there is no afterlife, that is certainly a philosophical opinion, and it has a lot of influence on social and political views.
Randi is more worth listening to than wacko Prosperity Gospel TV preachers.
Prosperity preachers are not representative of true religion. I find Jehovah Witnesses and the vows of poverty their leadership take to be far closer to the truth. Although I want it clear they make many errors, I believe their teachings come closer, in my opinion, to the truth than any other denomination.
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Prosperity preachers are not representative of true religion. I find Jehovah Witnesses and the vows of poverty their leadership take to be far closer to the truth. Although I want it clear they make many errors, I believe their teachings come closer, in my opinion, to the truth than any other denomination.
Here in Miami, the Jehovah's Witnesses have enlisted their members in seeking out older people who have few relatives and who own homes with no mortgage to convert, by calling them in the phone and writing letters about how the End Times are coming and blah blah blah. The goal is to separate them from their relatives and get them to leave their assets to the JW Church.

If you think their teachings make sense, it is likely that you are unaware of what their teachings actually are. Prosperity swindlers and the Jehovah's Witlesses are all swindlers. The National JW Organization is super wealthy. There are plenty of articles about the JW's online, including some very good personal accounts by people who have broken free of this cult.

The thing is, the Bible cannot logically be the actual word of any logical God who is omniscient, omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent. There are far too many contradictions and nonsensical myths in the Bible. There may be a Supreme Being, but it is not the Biblical character referred to as God, Jehovah, YWHW. Yahweh, Elohim, etc.

The various Christian churches have done a lot of good in the wold, but also caused a lot of chaos, violence and conflict.
Randi was never any sort of imposter. He was a logical thinker who was an expert at detecting fraud and fraudsters. he offered money to those who could prove him wrong, and never had to pay, because they could not prove him wrong.

Who is more hypocritical than televangelists like Joel Osteen, John Hagee, Jim Bakker, Pat Robertson, Franklin Graham, Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis?

Some of these claim that they must have a private jet to do the Lord's work.
Did John the Baptist have a Learjet? Did Jesus fly about in a Huey?