The Prophecies of Nostradamus

You are wrong. Judges who owe their jobs to democrats and not upsetting the status quo apple cart have turned down fraud cases for reasons that have nothing to do with the validity of evidence.
Many of those judges were Republican appointed.
You are wrong. Judges who owe their jobs to democrats and not upsetting the status quo apple cart have turned down fraud cases for reasons that have nothing to do with the validity of evidence.
You are wrong. You have no evidence that's what happened.
You forgot to mention the SC judges who are now ruling in favour of Trump yet you quick to suggest they favour democrats.
It's the same old hate and revenge bullshyt.
Evidence of fraud cannot be dismissed by democrats just because they claim the evidence has never been investigated or proven in court. The evidence is proof of fraud until disproven and democrats have not disproven the evidence and likely cannot disprove the evidence.
Same old shyt and still no proven fraud.
You are wrong. Judges who owe their jobs to democrats and not upsetting the status quo apple cart have turned down fraud cases for reasons that have nothing to do with the validity of evidence.
seriously, how do you think judges who owe their jobs to republicans rule? and when we mention those who were handpicked by trump, you accuse them of being leftists too. your thinking is just deranged.

it is clear, you have no faith in the american system or human beings. you think democracy, science, reason, logic all have bias against christian right and wanna destroy american faith in all of them. my best guess is that you want a theocracy like the one in saudi arabia (not even the one in israel).
Many of those judges were Republican appointed.
Far too many "Republican-appointed" government officials turned out to be willing to sacrifice truth and justice in order to conform to the wicked majority government mob Trump referred to as "the swamp."
You are wrong. You have no evidence that's what happened.
You forgot to mention the SC judges who are now ruling in favour of Trump yet you quick to suggest they favour democrats.
It's the same old hate and revenge bullshyt.
Democrats claim judges who submit rulings they do not like are crooked and biased while crooked and biased judges who rule according to unjust leftist desires contrary to the law are squeaky clean.
Same old shyt and still no proven fraud.
Democrats have a long history of the same old types of election fraud.

Fraud! Fraud!; Gone are the days (aren't they?) when dead men and dogs could ‘vote’ and The Boss held sway. - The New York Times (


FRAUD during election hours was one thing, but it did not end with the closing of the polls. When election officials counted the votes, the laws of mathematics were subject to political necessity. The bosses nominated election officials more for their party loyalty than for their devotion to civic duty, like the Philadelphia official who returned 252 votes from a precinct which had only 100 registered voters. Perhaps anticipating accusations of fraud, election officers appointed by Boss Tweed of New York protected themselves morally by being sworn in not upon the Bible but on Ollendorfs “New Method of Learning to Read, Write and Speak French.”

Florida residents shocked by voter fraud arrests, video shows ( 11-4-16

Election Fraud in Broward County: Officials Caught Ballot Stuffing, Destroying Ballots

seriously, how do you think judges who owe their jobs to republicans rule? and when we mention those who were handpicked by trump, you accuse them of being leftists too. your thinking is just deranged.

it is clear, you have no faith in the american system or human beings. you think democracy, science, reason, logic all have bias against christian right and wanna destroy american faith in all of them. my best guess is that you want a theocracy like the one in saudi arabia (not even the one in israel).
Any judge appointed by a republican who answers to higher courts stuffed with leftist judges must be careful that he does not offend the leftist bosses and end up being removed by them.
Far too many "Republican-appointed" government officials turned out to be willing to sacrifice truth and justice in order to conform to the wicked majority government mob Trump referred to as "the swamp."
fair enough. so then why invoke that some are democratic appointed? why not be honest and just mention "swamp". truth is, not only you are anti-democratic, you are also anti republican of just ten years ago. rightwingers took over the gop and completely changed its nature. the gop is now an extremist rightwinger while supremacist nazi-like party.
fair enough. so then why invoke that some are democratic appointed? why not be honest and just mention "swamp". truth is, not only you are anti-democratic, you are also anti republican of just ten years ago. rightwingers took over the gop and completely changed its nature. the gop is now an extremist rightwinger while supremacist nazi-like party.
The world is changing in preparation for welcoming the man of sin spoken of in prophecy. I oppose democrats for propagating may things, including abortion, Marxism, sexual promiscuity and perversion and more.
Prophecies are nonsense. No one knows the future. Like the entire human race since 33 CE, Mark will die. I will die, and all of you will die without seeing Jesus return. He is not coming. There will be no Armageddon, all that stuff is just a crock.

Remember that I told you this when you are dying and Jesus is nowhere in sight.
The world is changing in preparation for welcoming the man of sin spoken of in prophecy. I oppose democrats for propagating may things, including abortion, Marxism, sexual promiscuity and perversion and more.
you never answer a question or respond to an argument. you gotta be you. :(

soon i might modify the way i engage you. please try to answer questions and respond to arguments. and if you simply not respond, i will try not to rub it in. i would like to engage you but it is becoming tiresome and boring.
you never answer a question or respond to an argument. you gotta be you. :(

soon i might modify the way i engage you. please try to answer questions and respond to arguments. and if you simply not respond, i will try not to rub it in. i would like to engage you but it is becoming tiresome and boring.
If your gotcha questions are failing then perhaps you might rethink your tactics.
The world is changing in preparation for welcoming the man of sin spoken of in prophecy.
Here we go again. Inject a bit of Bible into the debate. That always works for the godbotherers.

I oppose democrats for propagating may things, including abortion, Marxism, sexual promiscuity and perversion and more.
Why? Because you and your religion are against everything that the USA s freedom and liberty stand for.
The arrogance and pompous attitude you Jesus junkies have wanting to control everything , even the wombs of women.

It's filthy religion which is destroying the place and the sooner those dinosaurs of religion die the better.