The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Biden has taught us not to take the words uttered by politicians seriously or in the wrong way. Biden claimed to be the first black woman vice president. We know he did not mean that. Biden claimed the democrats had put together the most advanced voting fraud operation in history. We know he did not mean that. Biden claim he used to drive big rig trucks for a living. We know he did not mean that. And there are dozens, if not hundreds more examples of Biden saying things he did not mean to say.
Trump didn't say it just once. I'll bet you haven't the guts to say it to a veteran with war injuries. They'd Rio a gutless racist little prick like you to pieces.
Most records from that day have been purged by progress if not also by censors, but we do know Vietnam POWs did cave in to the enemy and provide propaganda to the enemy in exchange for better treatment. McCain was seriously injured in the plane crash but his captors and some fellow prisoners claim he was given special treatment and not tortured like the others. Perhaps Trump knew something about that as well. One superior American POW from one of many prison camps filed charges against POWs in his camp for colluding with the enemy. Mc Cain was not in that camp. 9-22-17

Traitors or patriots? Eight Vietnam POWs were charged with collaborating with the enemy.
Isn't it convenient that those records have been purged etc but documents about election fraud over a hundred years ago, you have no trouble finding.

Do you think people are stupid? You get caught out everyday. Your brain dead
Isn't it convenient that those records have been purged etc but documents about election fraud over a hundred years ago, you have no trouble finding.

Do you think people are stupid? You get caught out everyday. Your brain dead
You should not think that since some records remain that no records were wickedly and illegally destroyed by lying leftist propagators of the fake sedition narrative.

Sen. Mike Lee calls for investigation of J6 committee after tapes released: 'Deliberately hid from us' ( 11-18-23

Sen. Mike Lee calls for investigation of J6 committee after tapes released: 'Deliberately hid from us'​


Cheney and Kinzinger, Lee wrote in another post to X, were "people who helped hide the J6 tapes" and "are cut out of the same cloth as those who will tell you that FISA 702 must be reauthorized without reforms—'because search warrants require too much effort.'"

"We need to investigate the J6 committee," he wrote in another post.

Lee also took aim at the committee overall, as well as then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who appointed the select committee to investigate what took place at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

"Given the evidence they apparently suppressed, how much footage (and how many other records) do you think Nancy Pelosi and the J6 committee deliberately lost or destroyed?" Lee questioned in one post.
Trump was hardly anyione to judge war veterans, he was a draft dodger with fake bonespurs.
And Bill Clinton was a flag-burning draft dodger. Hillary came to DC in 1993 and immediately displayed a wicked hatred and disrespecdt for Americans in uniform. What is your point?
And Bill Clinton was a flag-burning draft dodger. Hillary came to DC in 1993 and immediately displayed a wicked hatred and disrespecdt for Americans in uniform. What is your point?
Bill Clinton is not running for president. Neither is Hillary. Trump is and he is the on;ly one that actually matters.Trump is a conman, a criminal and an incompetent fool, and he must be defeated, He needs to take his Glock and shoot out his tiny btain on primetime TV so he can go out as the martyr and victim he so much likes to claim he is.
Bill Clinton is not running for president. Neither is Hillary. Trump is and he is the on;ly one that actually matters.Trump is a conman, a criminal and an incompetent fool, and he must be defeated, He needs to take his Glock and shoot out his tiny btain on primetime TV so he can go out as the martyr and victim he so much likes to claim he is.
Two non-veterans are running for president. If Kamala or Michelle get involved that will be two more non-veterans attempting to seize control of our military.
You should not think that since some records remain that no records were wickedly and illegally destroyed by lying leftist propagators of the fake sedition narrative.
Rubbish. It's your hate again.
Sen. Mike Lee calls for investigation of J6 committee after tapes released: 'Deliberately hid from us' ( 11-18-23

Sen. Mike Lee calls for investigation of J6 committee after tapes released: 'Deliberately hid from us'​


Cheney and Kinzinger, Lee wrote in another post to X, were "people who helped hide the J6 tapes" and "are cut out of the same cloth as those who will tell you that FISA 702 must be reauthorized without reforms—'because search warrants require too much effort.'"

"We need to investigate the J6 committee," he wrote in another post.

Lee also took aim at the committee overall, as well as then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., who appointed the select committee to investigate what took place at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

"Given the evidence they apparently suppressed, how much footage (and how many other records) do you think Nancy Pelosi and the J6 committee deliberately lost or destroyed?" Lee questioned in one post.
No one should believe lying mor.ons like you
The trouble with many lefties is that they have been brainwashed to believe all white conservatives are wicked liars and believe democrat leaders are pure and holy representavies of the Holy Almighty God.
The trouble with many lefties is that they have been brainwashed to believe all white conservatives are wicked liars and believe democrat leaders are pure and holy representavies of the Holy Almighty God.
The problem is that you lie.
You never accept responsibility for your lies
God hates when you lie