The Prophecies of Nostradamus

you never answer a question or respond to an argument. you gotta be you. :(

soon i might modify the way i engage you. please try to answer questions and respond to arguments. and if you simply not respond, i will try not to rub it in. i would like to engage you but it is becoming tiresome and boring.
Mark is a fundie from some backward jerkwater NC burg where he was indoctrinated as a child. He is convinced that the toprove that the Garden of Eden, complete with talking Nike-wearing snakes and vegetarian lions is not a myth, is to attack evolution, which he thinks claims that he is the nephew of some monkey.
Mark is a fundie from some backward jerkwater NC burg where he was indoctrinated as a child. He is convinced that the toprove that the Garden of Eden, complete with talking Nike-wearing snakes and vegetarian lions is not a myth, is to attack evolution, which he thinks claims that he is the nephew of some monkey.
I grew up in Austin, Texas and enrolled in the engineering program at UT Austin after high school before receiving a low number in the Vietnam draft and joining the Army to fulfil my obligation before finishing school.
Mark is a fundie from some backward jerkwater NC burg where he was indoctrinated as a child. He is convinced that the toprove that the Garden of Eden, complete with talking Nike-wearing snakes and vegetarian lions is not a myth, is to attack evolution, which he thinks claims that he is the nephew of some monkey.
There is a saying I love: “no matter how far traveled on a wrong road, turn around.”

I came across this about ten years ago or so. The more time passes the more I see this behavior in people, even in my loved ones. A similar saying is in investment. When considering whether or not to sell a particular stock, how much you paid for it is 100% irrelevant. But many many people do the opposite. Consider two people owning the same stocks. Jack bought it at 10 Lon time ago and Jill bought it at 1 just recently. A week later it goes up to 3. Both agree that is a very good price. Jill will sell but jack will not.

Here is more: was shocked to read this well done social science research. Researchers found that many vaccine deniers on their death bed would not accept life-saving treatments because they have so viciferously have spoken against them. They would leave their loved ones unprotected and despondent and would leave this life but they would not admit they were wrong. This was a rigorous and scientific study. I was shocked to hear this.

Now I suspect some posters here are either evil, too stupid, or embarrassed to admit they have been wrong all these times. Else why would a poster refuse to say whether they want to outlaw abortion? They would repeat that they abhor abortion but would not answer the direct question. And when pressed they tell me my question is a gotcha question. They are willing to look stupid but will not open their mind to the mere possibility that maybe they have been wrong.

I often say I am salve to my logic. If I am shown today that abortion should be illegal, I would start voting that way. In fact that particular poster invoked fetuses suffering pain when being anborted and I admitted if such was true that such would be a reasonable consideration. But some people apparently are never ever wrong.
I grew up in Austin, Texas and enrolled in the engineering program at UT Austin after high school before receiving a low number in the Vietnam draft and joining the Army to fulfil my obligation before finishing school.
I got news for you. Trump thinks people like you and even John McCain and those wh ok lost their lives while defending this nation are suckers and losers. Biden on the other band honors people like you and even had his own son serve this country at great expense to his health.
Since nothing complicated is rarely 100%, every decision one makes is basded on the degree of probability. Not long ago, I was advised to buy stock in Encore Corp, that makes wire used in tech devises. I think I paid about $78 a share. Later it soared to 275, and was no longer considered a small cap stock. But I figured that it might be bought out, which it was, at $290. I wish I was that accurate all the time.

With regard to abortion. I think that this is a decision that should be up to the pregnant woman. A huge percentage of pregnancies are unexpected. None of them are really any of my business as an individual or as a voter.

It may be painful to be aborted, but we know that childbirth is by its nature quite painful.
Many species
Many species have survival rates of less than 1%. Baby turtles and tadpoles come to mind.
Nature is quite cruel much of the time.

I see no reason why any govermment should decide for a woman whether she has a child or not. Mother knows best, as I see it.
If it is a moral decision, it is not MY moral decision and not any government's, either.

The right wingers latched onto this because they observed that fundies are easily converted on one issue alone.
I got news for you. Trump thinks people like you and even John McCain and those wh ok lost their lives while defending this nation are suckers and losers. Biden on the other band honors people like you and even had his own son serve this country at great expense to his health.
No, he doesn't think that. Democrats want him to think that but they are stupid. Nevertheless, I don't care what people think about me as long as the Lord approves of me.
Many species have survival rates of less than 1%. Baby turtles and tadpoles come to mind.
Nature is quite cruel much of the time.

I see no reason why any govermment should decide for a woman whether she has a child or not. Mother knows best, as I see it.
If it is a moral decision, it is not MY moral decision and not any government's, either.

No, he doesn't think that. Democrats want him to think that but they are stupid. Nevertheless, I don't care what people think about me as long as the Lord approves of me.
How do you know what "the Lord" approves of?
Are you one who FEARS God or one who LOVES God?
Fear and love are quite different attitudes. How can you love someone who scares the shit out of you?
We know that the Biblical God is a genocidal ioncompetent fool.
Drowning the entire planet to get rid of one annoying species is not something any omniscient being that created viruses and plagues would do, after all.
Of course, this conundrum is easily expalined: thr Bib;lical God does not, has never existed.
Just a figment of imagination of some priests to get a nice potroast once a week.
No, he doesn't think that. Democrats want him to think that but they are stupid. Nevertheless, I don't care what people think about me as long as the Lord approves of me.
Did he ever honor McCain? Did he say any nice words about him when he died? Did he not kick him because he was captured? Trump is every bit what people around him say he is. You are just in denial or trying gaslight us, which btw is not working well at all, imo.

Btw if past is the prolog you respond, quote me, and then proceed to ignore my arguments and will manage to repeat the same crap that you said above.
Did he ever honor McCain? Did he say any nice words about him when he died? Did he not kick him because he was captured? Trump is every bit what people around him say he is. You are just in denial or trying gaslight us, which btw is not working well at all, imo.

Btw if past is the prolog you respond, quote me, and then proceed to ignore my arguments and will manage to repeat the same crap that you said above.
McCain was at odds with Trump at times and Trump's criticism was meant to compare McCain who colluded with his North Vietnamese and those prisoners who did not collude with the North Vietnamese under torture.
McCain was at odds with Trump at times and Trump's criticism was meant to compare McCain who colluded with his North Vietnamese and those prisoners who did not collude with the North Vietnamese under torture.
McCain colluded with the north Vietnamese? Got an impartial reasonably credible source for that? The pillow guy and Alex jones are neither, just to let you know.
McCain was at odds with Trump at times and Trump's criticism was meant to compare McCain who colluded with his North Vietnamese and those prisoners who did not collude with the North Vietnamese under torture.
You are a blatant fucking liar.
Trump called them all losers. Piss off.
McCain colluded with the north Vietnamese? Got an impartial reasonably credible source for that? The pillow guy and Alex jones are neither, just to let you know.
Most records from that day have been purged by progress if not also by censors, but we do know Vietnam POWs did cave in to the enemy and provide propaganda to the enemy in exchange for better treatment. McCain was seriously injured in the plane crash but his captors and some fellow prisoners claim he was given special treatment and not tortured like the others. Perhaps Trump knew something about that as well. One superior American POW from one of many prison camps filed charges against POWs in his camp for colluding with the enemy. Mc Cain was not in that camp. 9-22-17

Traitors or patriots? Eight Vietnam POWs were charged with collaborating with the enemy.
You are a blatant fucking liar.
Trump called them all losers. Piss off.
Biden has taught us not to take the words uttered by politicians seriously or in the wrong way. Biden claimed to be the first black woman vice president. We know he did not mean that. Biden claimed the democrats had put together the most advanced voting fraud operation in history. We know he did not mean that. Biden claim he used to drive big rig trucks for a living. We know he did not mean that. And there are dozens, if not hundreds more examples of Biden saying things he did not mean to say.