The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Why didn't you present YOUR case? Did you try?

Let me guess. You're only belching the same shit since got beaten. You've got nothing.
I have no interest in presenting cases to courts for many good reasons. Why do you oppose forensic examinations of Dominion voting machines immediately after elections?
I'll say it again. You have no proof democrats programmed the machines. Admit it. You are a liar.
Why say those things when you know it's a lie. What is the point of that?
You seem to think nobody knows who programmed the Dominion machines. I believe Eric Coomer must have been involved in the programming of machines sold by his employer and Coomer claimed he was going to make sure Trump did not win in 2020.
why? cowardice? fear of humiliation? fear of counter suites? fear of becoming like that lunatic, Giuliani?
I said many reasons. One reason is that courts have already stated they refuse to allow people to bring voter fraud cases because of a lack of standing. Many voting fraud cases were thrown out following the 2020 election because the courts ruled those bringing the evidence before the court lacked standing.
I said many reasons. One reason is that courts have already stated they refuse to allow people to bring voter fraud cases because of a lack of standing. Many voting fraud cases were thrown out following the 2020 election because the courts ruled those bringing the evidence before the court lacked standing.
were those the majority or minority of the cases? either you are delusional or engaging in gaslighting. if the latter, you are really not good at it.
were those the majority or minority of the cases? either you are delusional or engaging in gaslighting. if the latter, you are really not good at it.
Who knows how many were rejected for technical reasons that had nothing to do with actual evidence of voter fraud? I don't. However, I know no court case ever involved examining more than one of the thousands of suspect Dominion voting machines used and protected by democrats in the 2020 election.
Who knows how many were rejected for technical reasons that had nothing to do with actual evidence of voter fraud? I don't. However, I know no court case ever involved examining more than one of the thousands of suspect Dominion voting machines used and protected by democrats in the 2020 election.
i have come not to believe anything you say. you rarely provide evidence for what you say. and nearly everything you say is outlandish.

you claim cases were rejected for lack of standing. but you do not know how many. you do not research it either. yet you know none examined the voting machines! yet the manufacturer of the voting machines sued fox and got a nearly billion dollar judgment.

but lets take your claim at face value: why do you think 60+ judges rejected trump claims, judges whom many of them i suppose were nominated by republic presidents?
You seem to think nobody knows who programmed the Dominion machines. I believe
I Believe Is not proven Evidence. I know you dont know who did it or if anything was done at all.
It's just a hangover from getting beaten.

Eric Coomer must have been involved in the programming of machines sold by his employer and Coomer claimed he was going to make sure Trump did not win in 2020.
Again, must have proves nothing. Get the evidence or shut up.
I have no interest in presenting cases to courts for many good reasons. Why do you oppose forensic examinations of Dominion voting machines immediately after elections?
I did not oppose any examinations by anyone. That's a lie.
The GOP investigated them and found nothing.
Try again liar.
Look at it again. Dominion programs its own machines and then refuses to allow experts to examine them for errors immediately following elections.
You're wrong. The experts you speak of were disgruntled republicans who were convinced it was rigged. They had no right to break into the offices and seize machines and were escorted out by police etc.

Eric Coomer was no doubt
You have no evidence of that.

involved in programming Dominion machines and he was clearly determined to make sure Trump did not win and even went so far as to guarantee trump would not win if he could help it.
Show the evidence he said that because I know you can't. See how good you are.

Coomer slandered President Trump, Trump's supporters, and even the USA. That does not look good for democrats who claim no fraud occurred in spite of refusing to allow experts to examine the corruptible Dominion machines after the 2020 election.
The democrats did not stop anyone. You're a fucking liar. They don't have a right to do that. You are projecting hate. And lies.
you claim cases were rejected for lack of standing. but you do not know how many. you do not research it either. yet you know none examined the voting machines! yet the manufacturer of the voting machines sued fox and got a nearly billion dollar judgment.
but lets take your claim at face value: why do you think 60+ judges rejected trump claims, judges whom many of them i suppose were nominated by republic presidents?
Let me see what I can find. This report was from early Jan. 2021, less than 2 months after the election and far too early for any serious evidence of fraud to have been gathered by in-depth election investigations. That fact alone disqualifies the entire batch of 60 court cases as too premature for expert court examinations and rulings on evidence obtained by careful and thorough investigations.


  • Biden’s figure is correct. Trump wasn't an official plaintiff in all of them; some were his allies or supporters echoing Trump’s claims.
  • The lawsuits failed for various reasons. Some had errors in the filings, others lacked standing. Mainly, the allegations lacked proof.
Let me see what I can find. This report was from early Jan. 2021, less than 2 months after the election and far too early for any serious evidence of fraud to have been gathered by in-depth election investigations. That fact alone disqualifies the entire batch of 60 court cases as too premature for expert court examinations and rulings on evidence obtained by careful and thorough investigations.


  • Biden’s figure is correct. Trump wasn't an official plaintiff in all of them; some were his allies or supporters echoing Trump’s claims.
  • The lawsuits failed for various reasons. Some had errors in the filings, others lacked standing. Mainly, the allegations lacked proof.
Will fact-checkers lie? Absolutely. God tells us all men are liars and when it comes to politics and fiercely held political biases every sinner and human group is subject to telling lies, whether intentional or unintentional. Here is one from the past: 9-15-15

Ted Cruz rips PoliFact website for labeling his Iran deal statement ‘false’
You're wrong. The experts you speak of were disgruntled republicans who were convinced it was rigged. They had no right to break into the offices and seize machines and were escorted out by police etc.
You bring up the fact that frustrated Americans resorted to breaking into offices to steal voting machines for examinations because Democrats successfully 'fought like hell' to prevent forensics examinations of machines that were responsible for spitting out statistically improbable high numbers of votes for Biden. This was reported in a Senate investigation:


[Senate Hearing 116-405]

[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]


before the
DECEMBER 16, 2020

In addition to the witnesses testifying today, we spoke to

State and local officials as well as suppliers of election

machinery, equipment, and data. I believe the alleged

irregularities can be organized into three basic categories:

one, lax enforcement or violations of election laws and

controls; two, allegations of fraudulent votes and ballot

stuffing; and, three, corruption of voting machines and

software that might be programmed to add or switch votes.

In the time we had, it was impossible to fully identify and

examine every allegation. But many of these irregularities

raise legitimate concerns, and they do need to be taken

You bring up the fact that frustrated Americans resorted to breaking into offices to steal voting machines for examinations because Democrats successfully 'fought like hell' to prevent forensics examinations of machines that were responsible for spitting out statistically improbable high numbers of votes for Biden. This was reported in a Senate investigation:


[Senate Hearing 116-405]

[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office]


before the
DECEMBER 16, 2020

In addition to the witnesses testifying today, we spoke to

State and local officials as well as suppliers of election

machinery, equipment, and data. I believe the alleged

irregularities can be organized into three basic categories:

one, lax enforcement or violations of election laws and

controls; two, allegations of fraudulent votes and ballot

stuffing; and, three, corruption of voting machines and

software that might be programmed to add or switch votes.

In the time we had, it was impossible to fully identify and

examine every allegation. But many of these irregularities

raise legitimate concerns, and they do need to be taken

Not one word of it proves it was rigged. Why post that if youve never read it?
It proves nothing.