The Prophecies of Nostradamus

You have no clue of how voting machines even work.
Trump LOST, he LOST BIG, and he knows that he lost.

Sumbitch belongs in prison.
this is pure derangement. trump lost big. but he claims he won, even California. and his supporters swallow this crap day in day out. and then from the other side of their mouth they claim in democratic controlled states everything is rigged all people are against him. and if he had a trial in California he would insult California residents and California jurors. and then he claims Californians voted for him more than they did for biden. he claims Californians are against him and at the same time claims they preferred him over trump. trump is a deranged evil and his supporters mimic him.
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Democrats claim the majority of voting fraud is committed by republicans. If they really believe that lie then why do they resist and obstruct voting fraud investigations and 'fight like hell' to prevent election security laws from being passed? Voter IDs could do a lot to prevent fraud but demopcrats make all sorts of invalid excuses for their opposition to voter IDs.

Random examinations of voting machines could go a long way to silence the rumors of machine fraud but democrats 'fight like hell' to prevent non-democrat approved forensics experts from examining voting machines owned, programmed, and operated exclusively under democrat control.
You have no clue of how voting machines even work.
Trump LOST, he LOST BIG, and he knows that he lost.

Sumbitch belongs in prison.

this is pure derangement. trump lost big. but he claims he won, even California. and his supporters swallow this crap day in day out. and then from the other side of their mouth they claim in democratic controlled states everything is rigged all people are against him. and if he had a trial in California he would insult California residents and California jurors. and then he claims Californians voted for him more than they did for biden. he claims Californians are against him and at the same time claims they preferred him over trump. trump is a deranged evil and his supporters mimic him.

I agree 100%. Trump was a social parasite in NYC until some fool hired him to pretend to be a business genius on "The Apprentice". They made this crazy fool a celebrity. Some how he has a weird charisma that appeals to ignorant no college nincompoops that believe in conspiracies and messiahs.

Before "The Apprentice" someone could have shot him dead on Fifth Avenue and no one would have noticed. And it's too bad that they did not.
You have no clue of how voting machines even work.
Trump LOST, he LOST BIG, and he knows that he lost.

Sumbitch belongs in prison.
Democrats should not be allowed to program, operate, and shield voting machines from examination after elections, especially with their history of lying, looting, and violence.
this is pure derangement. trump lost big. but he claims he won, even California. and his supporters swallow this crap day in day out. and then from the other side of their mouth they claim in democratic controlled states everything is rigged all people are against him. and if he had a trial in California he would insult California residents and California jurors. and then he claims Californians voted for him more than they did for biden. he claims Californians are against him and at the same time claims they preferred him over trump. trump is a deranged evil and his supporters mimic him.
Forget Trump. This is about fair elections. Democrats have a history of promoting violence and telling outrageous lies for political purposes and should not be allowed to program and operate voting machines they refuse to allow American voters to have examined after elections.
Forget Trump. This is about fair elections. Democrats have a history of promoting violence and telling outrageous lies for political purposes and should not be allowed to program and operate voting machines they refuse to allow American voters to have examined after elections.
you keep asserting things. without citations or at least a hint of some details you are just blowing smoke and should be ignored.

60+ courts in this nation said your claim is nonsense. bon appetite!
Forget Trump. This is about fair elections. Democrats have a history of promoting violence and telling outrageous lies for political purposes and should not be allowed to program and operate voting machines they refuse to allow American voters to have examined after elections.
When had the democrats be allowed to programme voting machines?
There's plenty of room below for an apology.
you keep asserting things. without citations or at least a hint of some details you are just blowing smoke and should be ignored.

60+ courts in this nation said your claim is nonsense. bon appetite!
No court ever rejected my claim that court cases rushed to issue judgments before serious deep-dive investigations into the mountains of fraud evidence had even begun. Dozens of court cases ruled against the fraud long after the initial rush to judgment designed to certify the election before the facts from serious inverstigations could be discovered and revealed. Here is one such court ruling against the fraud that came out later after results of serious investigations began rolling in:
Virginia Rule Allowing Late Ballots Missing Postmark Was Illegal, Court Rules
When had the democrats be allowed to programme voting machines?
There's plenty of room below for an apology.
Let's google this:
"Who programmed Dominion mvoting machines for the 2020 election?" What turns up? Not much is admitted. Were election officials of both parties involved in programming the Domion machines? Nothing of anything like that is revealed. Did Dominion experts program the machines and then prevent their examinations after the 2020 election? That is exactly what seems to be what occurred. The google search did include this article: (Because of the length of the article I will have to edit it for space).

EXCLUSIVE: Coomer Deposition Released! Verifies Antifa Facebook Posts, Extreme Left Bias | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Wetmore 10-12-21

EXCLUSIVE: Coomer Deposition Released! Verifies Antifa Facebook Posts, Extreme Left Bias
By Ben Wetmore Oct. 12, 2021 8:10 am4394 Comments

Eric Coomer is the former Director of Security and Product Strategy for Dominion Voting Systems. After the 2020 election debacle, where votes in at least five states had very suspicious results while running Dominion computer systems, center-right journalists made common-sense observations that the results appeared rigged. One journalist, who had infiltrated a conference call filled with Antifa-sympathizing callers, remembered that on the call “Eric from Dominion” was going to ensure that Trump did not win re-election.

The mainstream media has spent a year bullying and suppressing the thousands of eyewitnesses, filed affidavits, investigations and proceedings meant to uncover the big fraud.

Instead, they call all speculation as to what caused sleepy Joe Biden to make magical 2 a.m. leaps of hundreds of thousands of votes, propelling him to victory, the “big lie.”

Even internal Dominion whistleblowers, courageous people like Michigan’s Mellissa Carone, have come forward to document the election day suspicious actions and operations of Dominion. ...

Coomer’s limited deposition was taken on September 23, 2021, and the court acted on its own to seal the deposition without a hearing. The court dramatically limited the subject matter and scope of the duration of the deposition compared to the Defendant’s depositions. This was odd since no other deposition in the case was similarly sealed by the Court letting the left write stories about those depositions, and no party had asked for Coomer’s deposition to be sealed. Primarily, the deposition verified many of the claims found in this fawning New York Times profile of Coomer. ...

The deposition reveals Coomer’s penchant for lying: such as when he authored an OpEd in the Denver Post misleading the public in stating that he did not have any social media accounts, and that any Facebook circulating throughout the public were “fabricated,” pretending to be him, but not authored by him.

“I want to be very clear: I have no connection to the Antifa movement, I did not “rig,” or influence the election, nor have I participated in any calls, demonstrations, or other demonstrable activity related to any political party or social justice/action group.

Additionally, any posts on social media channels purporting to be from me have also been fabricated. I do not have a Twitter account and my Facebook account is not active. These individuals are impersonating me.”

Eric Coomer, Dec. 8, 2020 in the Denver Post

HOWEVER, in the deposition, he finally ADMITS that he was the author of those Facebook messages all along. He had been LYING this entire time.

Most importantly, Defendant Sidney Powell’s lawyer Barry Arrington was able to pin down Dominion’s Coomer and get him to admit that he had, indeed, written the following Facebook messages prior to the 2020 Presidential election:

“If you are planning to vote for that autocratic, narcissistic fascist asshat blowhard and his Christian jihadist VP pic, UNFRIEND ME NOW!” ...

“Only an absolute F—-ING IDIOT could ever vote for that wind-bag, f—tard FASCIST RACIST F—! No bull—-, I don’t give a damn if you’re a friend, family or random acquaintance, pull the level, mark an oval, touch a screen for that carnival barker… UNFRIEND ME NOW.”

Coomer then qualified his long-rant against Trump by saying this about Dominion:

“…these opinions are rational, and completely my own. They are based in reason and highly credible. Though they are not necessarily the thoughts of my employer, though if not, I should probably find another job… Who wants to work for completely morons?”


So, by virtue of the fact that Coomer continued working at Dominion, it seems safe to say that Dominion generally shared Coomer’s extreme anti-Trump beliefs.

After the Facebook Posts began circulating throughout the internet, Coomer deleted at least 80 of his posts, later telling colleagues that he ‘screwed up.’ When asked to clarify what that meant, why he would think he ‘screwed up’, he hedged and dodged and tap-danced to avoid the obvious answer: because he was the head of Product Strategy and Security for voting systems in 28 presidential election states in 2020, including every swing state, and yet was publicly posting vicious anti-Trump screeds, including the nastiest comments possible against Trump voters whom he called fascists.

Coomer said of Trump voters, prior to the election, “you deserve nothing but contempt” and they were “absolute F—ing idiots.”


Any business that employed Trump voters, Coomer said, were “complete morons.”


Coomer tries to say he only ‘screwed up’ because he allowed the political right to make him the ‘perfect villain’ in his words from his personal beliefs, which he assures us had no bearing whatsoever in his professional capacity.

Coomer reveals a lot about himself when he says mid-way through the deposition:

“They [the Defendants, such as the Gateway Pundit] can’t imagine, they can’t imagine having an opinion and being in a position, a supposed position, which I was not in, by the way, to try and affect a free and fair election. To them, them – and I’m talking about your clients – to them, this is inconceivable.

If they were in my position, they would – they would use every resource to exploit that. Why? Because I made some personal statements of a personal political belief. I screwed up because I gave them fodder because they can twist that and use it to fundraise and continue this farce.

That’s where I screwed up. And it’s a farce.”

Coomer is admitting here that he was in a position to affect the election. He hedges his admission, catching himself mid-way through, but his intent is clear. This left-wing nutjob had the position and power to affect election results.
Let's google this:
"Who programmed Dominion mvoting machines for the 2020 election?" What turns up? Not much is admitted. Were election officials of both parties involved in programming the Domion machines? Nothing of anything like that is revealed. Did Dominion experts program the machines and then prevent their examinations after the 2020 election? That is exactly what seems to be what occurred. The google search did include this article: (Because of the length of the article I will have to edit it for space).

EXCLUSIVE: Coomer Deposition Released! Verifies Antifa Facebook Posts, Extreme Left Bias | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Wetmore 10-12-21

EXCLUSIVE: Coomer Deposition Released! Verifies Antifa Facebook Posts, Extreme Left Bias
By Ben Wetmore Oct. 12, 2021 8:10 am4394 Comments


Dominion has been trying to silence these concerns and criticism by separately suing everyone possible who might journalism too much truth against them.

Coomer, like his Antifa brethren, hates the police and celebrates their murder while simultaneously using the judiciary and law enforcement against his political opponents in litigation. Coomer refers to the police generally as “motherf—ing villains” in the deposition. He repeatedly posts songs and song lyrics that praise cop-killing.

Coomer admits that he posted “F— the USA” on his Facebook media. The person who is the head of security for one of the largest national voting systems had regularly expressed the most toxic and extreme left views possible. Coomer admits that he only meant to share these views with his 300 Facebook friends by setting his account to private. Later, when he realized his posts were being reported upon by center-right journalist Joe Oltmann, he deleted some 80+ of his posts.

In the deposition Coomer is unable to define common words “Antifa” or “national news” or “satire” or “satirical” or “journalist” or “hate” or “often” or “purporting.” These are common bad faith tactics to run out the clock on depositions.


Coomer is clearly trying to waste time with deposition tactics such as quibbling over the definitions of words, asking for basic questions to be repeated, and being generally defiant in the face of the court’s required deposition time. These stalling tactics are usually punished when anyone other than liberal darlings employ them, but as conservatives have learned there are few, if any, consistent standards in American courtrooms.

An attorney who has seen Coomer up close says of him, “clearly his ego is just out of control.”


Legal experts following the case handicap Coomer’s expenses on this case so far as around $540,000. It’s not known if Coomer is financing this harassment litigation himself or with the benefit of outside funders.

Coomer also claims to have been a skinhead in the past, and became addicted to heroin, cocaine, and opioids. He also verifies that he had a tattoo of the artwork the “Screaming Popes” by Francis Bacon. Bacon was an extreme-left atheist whose macabre series of paintings depict Catholic Popes screaming in agony.

If you believe the 2020 elections were the most safe and secure elections in American history, then you have to believe in the honesty, objectivity, credibility, and fairness of Eric Coomer.

This is the artwork, part of a series by artist Francis Bacon, below, that Eric Coomer has tattooed on his arm.

“The Screaming Pope” by Francis Bacon
Let's google this:
"Who programmed Dominion mvoting machines for the 2020 election?" What turns up? Not much is admitted. Were election officials of both parties involved in programming the Domion machines? Nothing of anything like that is revealed. Did Dominion experts program the machines and then prevent their examinations after the 2020 election? That is exactly what seems to be what occurred. The google search did include this article: (Because of the length of the article I will have to edit it for space).

EXCLUSIVE: Coomer Deposition Released! Verifies Antifa Facebook Posts, Extreme Left Bias | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Wetmore 10-12-21
i am convinced you are not open minded enough to realize that your own article proved you were wrong.
Let's google this:
"Who programmed Dominion mvoting machines for the 2020 election?" What turns up? Not much is admitted. Were election officials of both parties involved in programming the Domion machines? Nothing of anything like that is revealed. Did Dominion experts program the machines and then prevent their examinations after the 2020 election? That is exactly what seems to be what occurred. The google search did include this article: (Because of the length of the article I will have to edit it for space).

EXCLUSIVE: Coomer Deposition Released! Verifies Antifa Facebook Posts, Extreme Left Bias | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Wetmore 10-12-21

EXCLUSIVE: Coomer Deposition Released! Verifies Antifa Facebook Posts, Extreme Left Bias
By Ben Wetmore Oct. 12, 2021 8:10 am4394 Comments

Eric Coomer is the former Director of Security and Product Strategy for Dominion Voting Systems. After the 2020 election debacle, where votes in at least five states had very suspicious results while running Dominion computer systems, center-right journalists made common-sense observations that the results appeared rigged. One journalist, who had infiltrated a conference call filled with Antifa-sympathizing callers, remembered that on the call “Eric from Dominion” was going to ensure that Trump did not win re-election.

The mainstream media has spent a year bullying and suppressing the thousands of eyewitnesses, filed affidavits, investigations and proceedings meant to uncover the big fraud.

Instead, they call all speculation as to what caused sleepy Joe Biden to make magical 2 a.m. leaps of hundreds of thousands of votes, propelling him to victory, the “big lie.”

Even internal Dominion whistleblowers, courageous people like Michigan’s Mellissa Carone, have come forward to document the election day suspicious actions and operations of Dominion. ...

Coomer’s limited deposition was taken on September 23, 2021, and the court acted on its own to seal the deposition without a hearing. The court dramatically limited the subject matter and scope of the duration of the deposition compared to the Defendant’s depositions. This was odd since no other deposition in the case was similarly sealed by the Court letting the left write stories about those depositions, and no party had asked for Coomer’s deposition to be sealed. Primarily, the deposition verified many of the claims found in this fawning New York Times profile of Coomer. ...

The deposition reveals Coomer’s penchant for lying: such as when he authored an OpEd in the Denver Post misleading the public in stating that he did not have any social media accounts, and that any Facebook circulating throughout the public were “fabricated,” pretending to be him, but not authored by him.

“I want to be very clear: I have no connection to the Antifa movement, I did not “rig,” or influence the election, nor have I participated in any calls, demonstrations, or other demonstrable activity related to any political party or social justice/action group.

Additionally, any posts on social media channels purporting to be from me have also been fabricated. I do not have a Twitter account and my Facebook account is not active. These individuals are impersonating me.”

Eric Coomer, Dec. 8, 2020 in the Denver Post

HOWEVER, in the deposition, he finally ADMITS that he was the author of those Facebook messages all along. He had been LYING this entire time.

Most importantly, Defendant Sidney Powell’s lawyer Barry Arrington was able to pin down Dominion’s Coomer and get him to admit that he had, indeed, written the following Facebook messages prior to the 2020 Presidential election:

“If you are planning to vote for that autocratic, narcissistic fascist asshat blowhard and his Christian jihadist VP pic, UNFRIEND ME NOW!” ...

“Only an absolute F—-ING IDIOT could ever vote for that wind-bag, f—tard FASCIST RACIST F—! No bull—-, I don’t give a damn if you’re a friend, family or random acquaintance, pull the level, mark an oval, touch a screen for that carnival barker… UNFRIEND ME NOW.”

Coomer then qualified his long-rant against Trump by saying this about Dominion:

“…these opinions are rational, and completely my own. They are based in reason and highly credible. Though they are not necessarily the thoughts of my employer, though if not, I should probably find another job… Who wants to work for completely morons?”


So, by virtue of the fact that Coomer continued working at Dominion, it seems safe to say that Dominion generally shared Coomer’s extreme anti-Trump beliefs.

After the Facebook Posts began circulating throughout the internet, Coomer deleted at least 80 of his posts, later telling colleagues that he ‘screwed up.’ When asked to clarify what that meant, why he would think he ‘screwed up’, he hedged and dodged and tap-danced to avoid the obvious answer: because he was the head of Product Strategy and Security for voting systems in 28 presidential election states in 2020, including every swing state, and yet was publicly posting vicious anti-Trump screeds, including the nastiest comments possible against Trump voters whom he called fascists.

Coomer said of Trump voters, prior to the election, “you deserve nothing but contempt” and they were “absolute F—ing idiots.”


Any business that employed Trump voters, Coomer said, were “complete morons.”


Coomer tries to say he only ‘screwed up’ because he allowed the political right to make him the ‘perfect villain’ in his words from his personal beliefs, which he assures us had no bearing whatsoever in his professional capacity.

Coomer reveals a lot about himself when he says mid-way through the deposition:

“They [the Defendants, such as the Gateway Pundit] can’t imagine, they can’t imagine having an opinion and being in a position, a supposed position, which I was not in, by the way, to try and affect a free and fair election. To them, them – and I’m talking about your clients – to them, this is inconceivable.

If they were in my position, they would – they would use every resource to exploit that. Why? Because I made some personal statements of a personal political belief. I screwed up because I gave them fodder because they can twist that and use it to fundraise and continue this farce.

That’s where I screwed up. And it’s a farce.”

Coomer is admitting here that he was in a position to affect the election. He hedges his admission, catching himself mid-way through, but his intent is clear. This left-wing nutjob had the position and power to affect election results.
I'll say it again. You have no proof democrats programmed the machines. Admit it. You are a liar.
Why say those things when you know it's a lie. What is the point of that?
i am convinced you are not open minded enough to realize that your own article proved you were wrong.
Look at it again. Dominion programs its own machines and then refuses to allow experts to examine them for errors immediately following elections. Eric Coomer was no doubt involved in programming Dominion machines and he was clearly determined to make sure Trump did not win and even went so far as to guarantee trump would not win if he could help it. Coomer slandered President Trump, Trump's supporters, and even the USA. That does not look good for democrats who claim no fraud occurred in spite of refusing to allow experts to examine the corruptible Dominion machines after the 2020 election.