The Prophecies of Nostradamus

as i said you guys re anti-american. no wonder many carry confederate flags. you wish confederacy had won and we continued having slaves and execute gays and deny women vote and education. etc etc etc
I support American history, including blacks remembering famous blacks, southerners remembering famous southerners, democrats remembering famous democrats, republicans remembering famous republicans, Christians remembering famous Christians, and so forth. But I do not support leftists who promote depravity, racist hatred, violence, looting, arson, voting fraud, murder by abortion, disrespect for God and country, and so fotrth.
I support American history, including blacks remembering famous blacks, southerners remembering famous southerners, democrats remembering famous democrats, republicans remembering famous republicans, Christians remembering famous Christians, and so forth

. But I do not support leftists who promote depravity, racist hatred, violence, looting, arson, voting fraud, disrespect for God and country, and so fotrth.
But you do support Trump and his racist unchristian attitude. As for your god, you cannot possibly know with certainty any of Congress respect a god. You only think they do. You voted for Trump last time and he cannot quote one word of the Bible. You're a hypocrite.
Democrats fought to the death to protect their ownership of slaves. After losing the Civil War the democrats created the KKK to promote hatred for blacks. After republicans used the US military to enforce the law, democrats reluctantly allowed schools to be integrated.
this is correct. democrats of those times were the conservatives and republicans i assume the liberals.

your claim that the modern democratic party is the same is just nonsense. imo the real issue is not dems vs gop. parties are just vehicles. the real difference is their philosophies. conservatism vs liberalism is the real issue.
Democrats fought to the death to protect their ownership of slaves.
As you know not all democrats were slave owners.

After losing the Civil War the democrats created the KKK to promote hatred for blacks.
Democrats invented the KKK?? That's odd because it's now the republican white privileged arseholes that hate blacks.

After republicans used the US military to enforce the law, democrats reluctantly allowed schools to be integrated.
Modern democrats continue to carry on traditions like 150-year-old voting fraud corruption and lying about patriotic
Voter fraud like Trump getting beaten? Really.

Americans for dirty political purposes. Trump was railroaded by modern leftist KKK and Nazi-style leftist thugs, arrested by leftist storm troops, tried by leftist prosecutors before stacked tainted juries, denied his due process rights, and found guilty before corrupt judges who owe their entire wealths and positions to the democrat party.
You've really got paranoia now. Let's not forget Thomas and Alito.
He was not denied due process. You're a liar.

Not much has changed since the days when the democrats just strung up their enemies to a tree with the crooked cops and judges approvingly standing watch over the demented leftist mob.
Again, history doesn't show they were all democrats. You're being immature and vengeful and full of hate and bile because you hate democrats. Well fuck you too.
I support American history, including blacks remembering famous blacks, southerners remembering famous southerners, democrats remembering famous democrats, republicans remembering famous republicans, Christians remembering famous Christians, and so forth. But I do not support leftists who promote depravity, racist hatred, violence, looting, arson, voting fraud, murder by abortion, disrespect for God and country, and so fotrth.
You're Messiah doesn't have your values but you still will vote for him.

But you do support Trump and his racist unchristian attitude. As for your god, you cannot possibly know with certainty any of Congress respect a god. You only think they do. You voted for Trump last time and he cannot quote one word of the Bible. You're a hypocrite.
Trump is not racist, democrats are. Trump does not hate white people, democrats do. Trump does not hate cops and the Constitution, democrats do. Trump does not hate blacks, democrats do and democrats murder blacks by the thousands each year in the US.
this is correct. democrats of those times were the conservatives and republicans i assume the liberals.
That is what modern leftist history and dictionary revisionists claim. They have no idea how to define the word "woman," and they think the word "conservative" used to mean in the past what the word "liberal" means today.
As you know not all democrats were slave owners.
That's right, only an extremely small minority of Americans, mostly democrats, ever owned slaves but modern blacks are taught by racist leftist propagandists that the overwhelming majority of white Amewricans descended from racist slave owners.
That's right, only an extremely small minority of Americans, mostly democrats, ever owned slaves but modern blacks are taught by racist leftist propagandists that the overwhelming majority of white Amewricans descended from racist slave owners.
Democrats are not teaching blacks. Stop displaying your ignorant racism.
Democrats invented the KKK?? That's odd because it's now the republican white privileged arseholes that hate blacks.
The KKK was formed by former slave-promoters in the South who had fought against Republican President Lincoln and the North in the Civil War. The KKK had hundreds of thousands of racist members in the Sourth after reconstruction where democrats dominated the politics of every southern state.
Trump is not racist,
In the 1970s he was dragged through courts for his racism. Check it.

democrats are. Trump does not hate white people, democrats do.
Why would democrats hate white people? That makes no sense.

Trump does not hate cops and the Constitution, democrats do.
Trump has publically stated he will suspend the constitution not to mention he broke his oath of office and was impeached for it.
Show some instances where democrats staged a fascist takeover again st the constitution.

Trump does not hate blacks, democrats do
If hating blacks was an Olympic sport he would be a gold medalists.

and democrats murder blacks by the thousands each year in the US.
How could you possibly know it was democrats?

You're comments are becoming more unhinged and outrageous by the day.
You are becoming more frustrated as the election draws nearer. You should take some time out before you blow a gasket.
The KKK was formed by former slave-promoters in the South who had fought against Republican President Lincoln and the North in the Civil War. The KKK had hundreds of thousands of racist members in the Sourth after reconstruction where democrats dominated the politics of every southern state.
You obviously hate the KKK but fail to acknowledge they were Christians. How do you equate that to compassion kind and caring as you described Trump.
Voter fraud like Trump getting beaten? Really.
Very few states have any intention of investigating voting fraud but some states are doing what the weak and irresponsible refuse to do.

They are among 20 people arrested Aug. 18 in Florida over alleged voter fraud in the 2020 election, new police body-cam footage released to the Tampa Bay Times shows. At a news conference later that day, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) praised the Florida Office of Election Crimes and Security, the elections police force he created because of baseless claims of mass election fraud, for arresting those he claimed had illegally registered or marked their ballots. All of them, he vowed, would
“pay the price.”