The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Yeah, well you gotta provide evidence, something you are incapable of.

Go to the OP. Do you see, hear, and understand what is being said? Is it clear enough even for a dummy like you?

Not so. There has never been any empirical evidence or scientific observation of Darwinian transitions from one lifeform to another, such as a fish transforming into a land animal or a baboon transforming into an early human.
How would a godbotherer understand the complexity of evolution when your pillar of belief is some big Sky daddy created it all in six days.
It's enough to make intelligent cringe with embarrassment. Fucking idiot.
Yeah, well you gotta provide evidence, something you are incapable of.

Go to the OP. Do you see, hear, and understand what is being said? Is it clear enough even for a dummy like you?
What I have evidence of us any who believes that shyt is mentally ill. It's not as if governments world wide consult that bullshyt before formulating polices.
You're brain dead.
Piltdown Man was a stone statue that was a proven fraud, asshole.

Again, even if you could prove evolution false, which you cannot, it does not mean that the Garden of Eden myth was true.
The other weird belief is if evolution was proven Tobe wrong, that automatically proves god. Let that logic sink in
How would a godbotherer understand the complexity of evolution when your pillar of belief is some big Sky daddy created it all in six days.
It's enough to make intelligent cringe with embarrassment. Fucking idiot.
Nobody has seen God at any time and nobody has seen a Darwinian evolutionary change from one species into another.
Nobody has seen God at any time and nobody has seen a Darwinian evolutionary change from one species into another.
Nobody has seen God at any time and nobody has seen a Darwinian evolutionary change from one species into another.
People who raise dogs see the features of dogs change from generation to generation. We know that pugs are descended from wolves, but they look totally different.

Presumably Moses saw God when he took the form of flaming shrubbery. He claimed that man was made in God's image, but no man has ever taken the form of flaming shrubbery.

Apparently you have not actually READ the Bible if you don't know this,
People who raise dogs see the features of dogs change from generation to generation. We know that pugs are descended from wolves, but they look totally different.

Presumably Moses saw God when he took the form of flaming shrubbery. He claimed that man was made in God's image, but no man has ever taken the form of flaming shrubbery.

Apparently you have not actually READ the Bible if you don't know this,
Dogs changing into dogs and fruit flies changing into fruit flies does not support Darwinian speculations that monkeys evolve into humans.
Nobody has seen God at any time and nobody has seen a Darwinian evolutionary change from one species into another.
You're are as ignorant as a stump.
One species does not change to another in one generation. You know how it works but too embarrassed to admit it.
There is no doubt by any scholar of note that evolution is a fact.
Society is happy to let the godbotherers play their games with their alternate theories. You disbelief doesn't alter it being a fact.
Dogs changing into dogs and fruit flies changing into fruit flies does not support Darwinian speculations that monkeys evolve into humans.
Nor does it prove Adam & Eve existed and were tempted by a talking snake.

Evolution is a fact. Another fact is that you are an aggressively ignorant fundamentalist.
You're are as ignorant as a stump.
One species does not change to another in one generation. You know how it works but too embarrassed to admit it.
We see evidence that the universe was created in oner day and we see evidence that life on earth must have been created by some intelligent being, but we cannot see evolution take place because it supposedly takes too long to occur. Whatever, Darwin lamented the fact that the fossil record did not support any intermediary links between species so macro species evolution is a speculation, not observed science.
Monkeys are not part of human evolution. Monkeys have tails. The evolutionary assumption is that great apes (Chimps, gorillas, orangutans, binabos) and humans have one or more ancestors in common. Apes do not have tails.
We see evidence that the universe was created in oner day and we see evidence that life on earth must have been created by some intelligent being, but we cannot see evolution take place because it supposedly takes too long to occur. Whatever, Darwin lamented the fact that the fossil record did not support any intermediary links between species so macro species evolution is a speculation, not observed science.
We see evidence that the universe was created in oner day and we see evidence that life on earth must have been created by some intelligent being, but we cannot see evolution take place because it supposedly takes too long to occur. Whatever, Darwin lamented the fact that the fossil record did not support any intermediary links between species so macro species evolution is a speculation, not observed science.
where is the evidence that "life on earth must have been created by some intelligent being"?

btw, the original life on earth was not that intelligent and neither was its creator, if indeed there was one.
Not so. There has never been any empirical evidence or scientific observation of Darwinian transitions from one lifeform to another, such as a fish transforming into a land animal or a baboon transforming into an early human.
i respectfully disagree. here is my example/evidence: trump. (hehe)

but more seriously: no amount of evidence would convince you. even if we did out dinosaur bones, the believers would claim god put them in there.

people with faith are immune to logic and reasoning and evidence. their claims are all based on faith and usually cannot be refuted.

then why be on a forum called house of politics? why not spend time on a forum called house of faith. if i had faith i would denigrate it by providing reasoning for it.

it logic it is well established that sciences should be falsifiable. that which is not falsifiable is not science. faith is not science. faith need not be scientific. i do not traffic is faith, not that there is anything wrong with it.
Monkeys are not part of human evolution. Monkeys have tails. The evolutionary assumption is that great apes (Chimps, gorillas, orangutans, binabos) and humans have one or more ancestors in common. Apes do not have tails.
I know monkeys are not part of the modern evolution myth but they were part of Darwin's original musings and evolutionist speculations.