The Prophecies of Nostradamus

You claim Darwinian evolution exists. Prove it.
Darwin and hundreds of scientists since Darwin have already done that. Your job is to prove Original Sin, the talking snake, and zombies cruising Jerusalem.

Science is based on facts, thr Bible is based on Bronze Age myths and clever priests deceiving the people for sacrifices so they could increase their protein intake without having to master animal husbandry skills.
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Darwin and hundreds of scientists since Darwin have already done that. Your job is to prove Original Sin, the talking snake, and zombies cruising Jerusalem.

Science is based on facts, thr Bible is based on Bronze Age myths and clever priests deceiving the people for sacrifices so they could increase their protein intake without having to master animal husbandry skills.
Darwinian disciples 'proved' evolution by 'finally' finding the missing link Darwin searched for his whole life but never found. You can find this 'proof' of evolution in the encyclopedia under "Piltdown Man."
I know and you're living proof of that. Thank god we have evolution to take care of that.
When people are only able to engage in insults it is easy to discredit everything they say. Borris Norris has nothing but his miserable hatred to offer. Nostradamus crushes worms like you lol.
Darwinian disciples 'proved' evolution by 'finally' finding the missing link Darwin searched for his whole life but never found. You can find this 'proof' of evolution in the encyclopedia under "Piltdown Man."
Piltdown Man was a stone statue that was a proven fraud, asshole.

Again, even if you could prove evolution false, which you cannot, it does not mean that the Garden of Eden myth was true.
Piltdown Man was a stone statue that was a proven fraud, asshole.

Again, even if you could prove evolution false, which you cannot, it does not mean that the Garden of Eden myth was true.
Piltdown Man was a fake fossil invented by desperate evolutionists who fabricated the fake missing link because the fossil record failed to provide them with a real one.
Piltdown Man was a fake fossil invented by desperate evolutionists who fabricated the fake missing link because the fossil record failed to provide them with a real one.
They faked it to charge admission, they were fraudsters, and convinced no one once the fraud was revealed, Human beings do not fossilize. Damn you are stupid.
They faked it to charge admission, they were fraudsters, and convinced no one once the fraud was revealed, Human beings do not fossilize. Damn you are stupid.
The Darwinists fabricated the fake fossil that was promoted for more than 50 years by dummies who believed evolution was a fact.
Do you see why "enjoy the silence" is one of the most important songs ever written in the history of music? Do you see how the title of the song is prophetic in nature? What does "enjoy the silence" mean? It means that something big is going to happen... and guess what...
The Darwinists fabricated the fake fossil that was promoted for more than 50 years by dummies who believed evolution was a fact.
Evolution IS a fact. Animals and plants evolve to adapt better to their environments. The proof of this is huge.
And the Garden of Eden tale is NOT any sort of fact, it is a childish myth.
Darwinists did not make any claims about the Piltdown Man, imbecile,
Evolution IS a fact. Animals and plants evolve to adapt better to their environments. The proof of this is huge.
And the Garden of Eden tale is NOT any sort of fact, it is a childish myth.

Darwinists did not make any claims about the Piltdown Man, imbecile,
Not so. There has never been any empirical evidence or scientific observation of Darwinian transitions from one lifeform to another, such as a fish transforming into a land animal or a baboon transforming into an early human.