The Prophecies of Nostradamus

They cannot see them because they don't exist. You're a delusional old fool to believe that without proof.
That's what I am saying. Rubes who have convinced themselves they have no souls or spirits are forced to imagine their thoughts are formed by physical functions such as chemical or electrical reactios not evenly remotely connected to intelligence or design.
There is no proof that speech is related to any "soul".
Dogs basically worship humans, and they know when they have pissed off their human. They even look guilty. This is quite similar to the way that children react.
Humans could not live and think without the spirits they were given by God. Animals also have spirits given them of God allowing them to think and understand things that would be impossible if all animals had were ignorant random chemical reactions to guide them.

Ecclesiastes 3:21
Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
Prove that souls exist and that only humans have them, or just STFU. You got nothing.
Humans could not live and think without the spirits they were given by God. Animals also have spirits given them of God allowing them to think and understand things that would be impossible if all animals had were ignorant random chemical reactions to guide them.

Ecclesiastes 3:21
Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
No one "knoweth"any such thing. Dogs are useful and helpful creatures. You cannot prove that people have souls. Nor that animals do not. According to your silly Bible, all men are born into sin because one ancient ancestor took bad culinary advice from a reptile. And here you are saying that "the spirit" of sinful man goes "upwards" Upwards to what? Upwards to where?
The Jews did not believe that souls went to Heaven. The Romans, however, did.

In order to spread the religion he created out of Jesus' teachings, Paul combined pagan beliefs. The official belief of the Romans was that the Emperors went to Heaven and were immortal.
Paul decided that evil would be destroyed and that Jesus would become the ideal just ruler.

Prove that souls exist and that only humans have them, or just STFU. You got nothing.

No one "knoweth"any such thing. Dogs are useful and helpful creatures. You cannot prove that people have souls.
I don't have to prove that if you don't believe humans think with their spirits then you have no clue how they think. Is thinking, speaking and reasoning simply a product of unintelligent unplanned natural random chemical reactions?
That's what I am saying. Rubes who have convinced themselves they have no souls or spirits are forced to imagine their thoughts are formed by physical functions such as chemical or electrical reactios not evenly remotely connected to intelligence or design.
That doesn't apply. The fact is there is no souls or spirits and you cannot prove otherwise.
Admit it and move on.
I don't have to prove that if you don't believe humans think with their spirits then you have no clue how they think. Is thinking, speaking and reasoning simply a product of unintelligent unplanned natural random chemical reactions?
It is a process that is to be found nowhere in your silly Bible.

Obviously. man is not the center of the Universe.
There is zero proof that there was a creator deity, and zero proof that one still exists even if one did exist.
Nothing in the Universe is permanent. Everything changes over time.

We cannot know where the center of anything is if we do not know where its limits are. There is no reason for "the center of the Universe" to even exist.

There is a possibility that some deity has existed, it is less probable that such a thing still exists,but then probability that the character called "God " in the Bible is very close to nil.
Then you need to divide that minuscule number by three. because of the silliness of a Trinity.
It is a process that is to be found nowhere in your silly Bible.

Obviously. man is not the center of the Universe.
There is zero proof that there was a creator deity, and zero proof that one still exists even if one did exist.
Nothing in the Universe is permanent. Everything changes over time.

We cannot know where the center of anything is if we do not know where its limits are. There is no reason for "the center of the Universe" to even exist.

There is a possibility that some deity has existed, it is less probable that such a thing still exists,but then probability that the character called "God " in the Bible is very close to nil.
Then you need to divide that minuscule number by three. because of the silliness of a Trinity.
Science has failed to prove God and has failed to prove intelligence was some sort of mysterious accidental invention of ignorant nature.
Science has failed to prove God and has failed to prove intelligence was some sort of mysterious accidental invention of ignorant nature.
You are just effing ignorant .Any statement that something exists must be proven.
Never start with the assumption that something exists and then trying to disprove it.

Otherwise all you have is nonsense.
Unicorns exist. Prove they do not.
Santa delivers presents every Christmas with a sleigh pulled by reindeer.
Prove that he does not do this.
The Biblical character you call "God" exists, prove it does not.

You do not understand how logic works.
Science has failed to prove God and has failed to prove intelligence was some sort of mysterious accidental invention of ignorant nature.
You are just effing ignorant .Any statement that something exists must be proven.
Never start with the assumption that something exists and then trying to disprove it.

Otherwise all you have is nonsense.person
Unicorns exist. Prove they do not.
Santa delivers presents every Christmas with a sleigh pulled by reindeer.
Prove that he does not do this.
The Biblical character you call "God" exists, prove it does not.


Science cannot comment on souls, spirits, and the origin of intelligence.
Science CAN AND DOES comment on anything it chooses.
Again, the burden of proof for any allegation rests on the person saying that X exists.