I guess you are missing the crux of my question. I do not dispute that insured who truly cannot pay end up having their bills paid by those of us with insurance through higher
premiums etc.
My question, which has not been answered, is this:
Is it cheaper to pay a higher premium because of this, or is it cheaper to pay higher premiums under an ObamaCare type system?
Basically, prove to me that implementing ObamaCare will cost me less than not implementing it. For example, is it cheaper to amputate one foot of a guy who didn't have care, or is it cheaper to pay for 10,000 people to get preventative care on their feet?
I don't know the answer, and no one seems to be able to show me numbers that this system will cost me less money.
And spare me the social justice argument, because I don't fundamentally care, what I do care about, and can easiy get behind, is a program that will cost me less money. Will this program do that? Yes (prove it) or no (then why are we doing it)?
I don't believe this question! Are you really trying to focus this question ONLY on COST?
Is it cheaper to provide preventive care for 10,000 people, so they keep their ability to walk, so they do not need a prothesis, so they can continue to do their job without a wheelchair?
Or is it cheaper to pay for 500 people's amputation, pay for prothesis or wheelchairs, and take into account the human cost of it?
Give me a break! YOU, Bob, are not really asking that question! I know you have more humanity than that!
How much is YOUR foot worth? Do you think the brick layer's foot is worth less than yours?
And, by the way. . .MANY countries have shown that it is cheaper to have universal health care than to limit our health care to "private health care only for some people" and government care for the most costly population.
I did explain that several times. . .I am sure if you read through those posts carefully, you can figure it out.
In summary: it is cheaper (per capita) to cover EVERYONE, of EVERY age and health condition with a "medicare" or "non-profit" type insurance than it is to add the cost of Medicare and Medicaid for the 'HIGH RISK" population AND add the premium paid to private insurance by both independents and their employers.
There is NO WAY you can show otherwise. . .or our country just doesn't know how to manage health care any other way as a VERY profitable business, where ONLY the wealthy matter, and the rest is disposable.
Look at the cost of per capita health care in countries that do provide universal health care (of any kind, government only, or a combination of both government and private) and the per capita health care in OUR country!
And tell me that there is anything more to prove!