The best health care in the world


60% of bankruptcy cases...from Medical costs
about 50% of Foreclosures

But yep, just keep thinking that people just go in with no insurance, get handed a bill...and thats the end of it, its paid for...

That staticstic is completely consistent with all the rest.

I nver said all bills get paid. I said that all but 2.5% of them get paid.

Obviously of the 2.5% of bills that don't get paid they result in about 60% of those people who never pay declaring bankruptcy. If they could not declare bankruptcy then they would continue to pay and the number of unpaid bills would be smaller. Not saying we need to get rid of bankruptcy laws or that we need to keep them.

Additionally some of those people who cannot pay their bills also lose their homes. It is sad for them but isnt the reason we all accumulate assets so that we can pay our bills? Isn't it better that they use the assets they have to pay their bills than that we pay their bills? As I have said before the reason for insurance is not to provide medical care but to protect assets. People who did no have insurance bet that they would not lose their houses and they bet wrong. Guess they should have gotten insurance. And remember we are not talking about poor people here because these people owned houses and were not on welfare - they could have afforded a catastrophic medical plan. So now some of their bill gets paid with the proceeds from their house and next time while living in an apartment they will get insurance.