Gen complained about being dirt poor, and about being forced to participate in "collectivist policies" because the government had the sole legal use of force.
Maybe my family's story will be instructive. My father was drafted to serve in WWII [which any good libertarian will see for the impressive use of government force that it is

]. He came back to the Oklahoma panhandle to a series of low-wage, dead-end jobs. Including one job where he was held up and robbed at gunpoint.
He decided to take advantage of the GI Bill, a GOVERNMENT funded program. He went to trade school and got a job in the defense industry. He married my mother, and without any help from anyone, they were able to
build a nice home on a large lot
keep themselves and two kids clothed, fed, sheltered, and entertained
send their kids to school after graduation without taking out a single loan
pursue their own interests, including my father's interest in becoming a pilot and owning a plane, and owning a boat so that they could fish as often as they liked
weather two catastrophic illnesses without going bankrupt, thanks to care from Medicare, the VA, and privately paid Medicare supplemental insurance.
The government's GI Bill expenditure was paid back in short order through the higher income taxes my father paid once he had a decent job.
Their kids-my brother and I- now have good incomes, spouses with good incomes, nice homes, can pursue their hobbies, sent their kids to school, and now a third generation of taxpayers is out in the world.
I can say anything I like short of threatening violence to others. I can pursue my dreams. I can make my own way. No government official is holding a gun to my head.
All countries, all societies, are "collectivist". You have more political and personal FREEDOM AND POWER than average person in the history of this planet has ever had.
If you don't realize this, and you're deeply unhappy in this country, then maybe you're just a misfit and you need to work on yourself.