Baloney. It's being done as a society, though our democratic process.
The "democratic process": Using government's monopoly on the legal use of force to coerce people into complying with collectivist policies.
"Each person possesses an inviolability founded on justice that even the welfare of society as a whole cannot override. For this reason justice denies that the loss of freedom for some is made right by a greater good shared by others." -
John Rawls, "Godfather" of Social Justice.
It seems you disagree with Rawls and think that justice dictates some people must suffer a loss of freedom for the greater good of society.
While you support policies that make sure that the haves have ever more.
I support equality under the law while you support policies of discrimination.
No, I covered it the first time. A child like view of fairness. Self-serving, unable to grasp anything outside of the self and the immediate needs and desires of the self. An excess of id. Adult sociopaths.
I guess every dictionary was written by Sociopaths... Who knew?
That is nonsense. I made a factual statement. You are talking about necessities for one family and luxuries for another. No emotion. Simple fact.
Without offering verifiable proof to substantiate such a claim, it's merely an emotional argument.
Oh, but I did. I addressed it directly. You claim we all benefit equally from America's resources, and you are mistaken.
It seems you're the one mistaken because that is not what I said. I pointed out that areas with better schools, roads, public safety, etc., have a larger tax base than the tax base of blighted neighborhoods where most of the inhabitants have been exempted from the forms of taxation which support those things.
Income inequality leads to other inequalities.
So if my neighbor has more money than me, how does that lead to other inequalities between us?
The more the wealth disparity, the less ability those born at the bottom have to move up
Based on what proof? The best you can offer is anecdotal evidence, to which I could offer my own, like Larry Ellison. He went from poverty to being the 5th richest man in the world... I'd love to hear you explain how "wealth disparity" held back Mr. Ellison.
You'll have to define your use of the term "justice" since in your vocabulary, it can mean something much different from what it says in the dictionary.
Your Galtian paradise is a fantasy, and preserving it leads to your inability to grasp the nuances of what others are saying.
It's no surprise to hear a Progressive claim that a society based on volitional consent and mutually beneficial exchange is a fantasy. I grasp what you're saying... You want to use government's monopoly on the legal use of force to coerce my compliance to your collectivist policies. There's nothing "nuanced" about relying on the use of force to take what you haven't earned and do not deserve.
Then you're really not all that bright a human being.
Here are two deals...
1. You eat lunch and I pay for it.
2. I eat lunch and you pay for it.
Which is the better deal for you?
There's nothing to do but laugh at someone who actually believes such idiocy. Please, swap places. Go for it. Should be fun to watch.
I'm already dirt poor, so your appeals to spite and appeals to poverty do not affect me.
Yes, it does have Galt on the side. He's really hurting us, isn't he?
Lets see... 14 trillion in debt... high unemployment... on the verge of a double dip recession... I'd say the Progressive policies are working great without Galt's assistance.