Something wrong here

I think that in a boxing match everyone expects to see the boxers hit each other.
I doubt you have the ability to determine the sex of boxers.

You know I was always told not to hit women and to protect them .
I have done that in my life .
Now we have biological men in the women's Olympics in a boxing match win a gold medal .
I guess its ok now for men to beat the hell out of women in a fight the democrat way
I applaud your attitude towards women. But honestly you are trying too hard to go from there to where to bash trans genders.

I do not deny that there are sone challenging issues on this subject but some folks are just too obsessed about this. Here: I know of no transgender personally. I have not encountered them. Their participation in sports does not bother me personally. If they use the wrong bathroom I won’t have a cow. I guess I would be uncomfortable using communal showers but that can be solved by building individual stalls. I honestly dont think the issue here is unfair advantage in Olympic. I think this goes back to some who hate even pure gays, no trans anything. some are just bigots. Now that they cannot beat the crap out of gays, they have concentrated their hate on the transgender. They are the easiest preys at this time. But the young people, whether Democrat or Republican are rejecting such. Soon . lije gay bashing this too will become taboo sooner than later.
No I am saying the Olympics aren't run by Democrats yet you whined about democrats
My post was clear but you are so stupid lol
I never said the Olympics were run by the democrats you *****. Isaid there something wrong here when men can pretend to be women and fight women .I'm sorry if you think its ok for a man to fight a woman .
Biological men tend to have more muscle and bone mass and are faster then women in general .
I was raised to respect and protect women not punch them in the face . I have protected completely strange women for other in the past because I am a man a real man .

Pretty soon their will be few to no female athletes it will all be men pretending to be women. Problem is sick bastards like you have no regard for womens right s but protect perverts and weirdo right over theiers . Thats a fact and your guilty .so stfu
I never said the Olympics were run by the democrats you *****. Isaid there something wrong here when men can pretend to be women and fight women .I'm sorry if you think its ok for a man to fight a woman .
Biological men tend to have more muscle and bone mass and are faster then women in general .
I was raised to respect and protect women not punch them in the face . I have protected completely strange women for other in the past because I am a man a real man .

Pretty soon their will be few to no female athletes it will all be men pretending to be women. Problem is sick bastards like you have no regard for womens right s but protect perverts and weirdo right over theiers . Thats a fact and your guilty .so stfu
Why mention democrats when whing about the Olympics then if dems don't run them duh
God you are stupid lol
Why mention democrats when whing about the Olympics then if dems don't run them duh
God you are stupid lol
Because democrats approve of such things and want it here that's why you stupid numb nut .
I do not approve of biological men competing in women's sports as its not fair and I do not approve of them in women's restrooms . I was not aware it was going on in boxing also and flat out that's not fair to women and the trans have a physical advantage .

Democrats approve of thiese things or are you going to argue that point also lug nut .
Because democrats approve of such things and want it here that's why you stupid numb nut .
I do not approve of biological men competing in women's sports as its not fair and I do not approve of them in women's restrooms . I was not aware it was going on in boxing also and flat out that's not fair to women and the trans have a physical advantage .

Democrats approve of thiese things or are you going to argue that point also lug nut .
Whining about something at the Olympics and Whining about a group having nothing to do with the Olympics as if they are to blame is stupid
God you are stupid lol
I do not approve of biological men competing in women's sports as it’s not fair and I do not approve of them in women's restrooms . I was not aware it was going on in boxing also and flat out that's not fair to women and the trans have a physical advantage .
Just curious, is it fair that 5’10” men compete against 7’ men in basketball?

As a side note: in wrestling there are weight divisions.
Just curious, is it fair that 5’10” men compete against 7’ men in basketball?

As a side note: in wrestling there are weight divisions.
are you seriously defending men beating the hell out of women in those sports. What the hell kind of man are YOU. Do you have a mother? wife? daughters?