Looks like gobeldygook to me. A man is a man and a women is a women makes a whole lot more sense. So what if some men feel like women. And so what if they portray how they feel to the outside world one way or another. They are still men and women.
So you are willing to let people present themselves as they perceive themselves to be without respect to physical sex organs? Okay with me, but how about the people who are androgynous, is it acceptale for them to be neither?
Of course it does. The reason that the state regulates marriage is so that the state is not burdened with abandoned children and so that inheritance can be passed on in an orderly way (with the state getting it's cut).
Man, you have a lot of assumptions about marriage! First off, of the 1132 Federal laws giving rights and privileges to legally married couples, none of them dictate how the parents must care for or treat the children. There are laws, mostly at the State level governing the abandonment of children and child support payments. Let's be very clear on this, Doc, there is nothing in the marriage contract or the ceremony about children or how the children must be cared for or loved. Nothing. Inheritance tax law is something entirely different from the marriage contract.
Yep. the responsiblities are the burden of the regulations and the perks are what the state does to sweeten the pot.
Twaddle, the perks are only what the heterosexual community has voted for itself, and nothing in any of those laws says anything about a requirement for children to be eligible--the only requirement is legal marriage, which is catagorically denied to gay people whether they have children or not. If children are the litmus test for marriage I'm okay with that, but only if it applies to all consenting adults equally: childless couples cannot marry. Old people whose spouses have died cannot remarry if they are too old to have more children. I want the law to apply equally across the board to all consenting adult citizens like the US Constitution requires.
the state need only regulate people who will have children to be possibly abandoned or left an inheritance. The difficulties the state has in knowing which couples will be fertile or infertile force the state to make a generality that is not absolutely fair to all. Infertile couples will be treated differently than fertile ones. Life sucks.
I'm curious where you live, your laws seem somewhat foreign to the US. The Federal government does not regulate people who will have children--abandoning children is illegal whether you are married or not, whether the children are adopted, or even stolen from other cultures. Unmarried people can't abandon children despite the fact that they are not married. Marriage is not about children.
Infertile HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES are not treated any differently than fertile heterosexual couples, the only couples treated differently are homosexual ones. Gay and trans people pay the same taxes and are guaranteed the same rights according to the US Constitution--just like black people we are fighting for our legal rights.
Except in rare instances they don't have children with each other. Therefore the state only needs to regulate the relationships that the parents have (as in mommy 1 and her child's birth father) and not the relationships that mommy one has with her new lover or her own mother or her grandmother or her roommate...
You seem to be ruling out all step-parents, adoptive parents, and all the infertile couples who use surrogate mothers or invitro fertilization. But wait, all of those people get all the rights because all of them can marry--it's only gay people who cannot. Doesn't seem right to me that just a few percent of the population are 2nd class based on religious dogma.
As I said above the state does not treat fertile and infertile couples the same or fairly. That is the way of it. I don't see action groups of infertile couples lobbying for their rights.
Yes, it does treat fertile and infertile couples the same IF THEY ARE HETEROSEXUAL, it's only if they are gay that they are denied legal marriage even if they have children. Hardly fair to the children is it? Especially when marriage is SUPPOSED to be about children, right? And yes, you do see infertile action groups lobbying for their rights: gay, lesbian, and transgendered people are doing that very thing right now.