You're right.
The Republicans can't cut taxes anymore since their government spending is sooo high. We've been running on deficit for a long time.
If they would cut out the waste, we could easily eliminate the deficit, cut spending, and repeal the income tax. Take a look at the massive amounts of money being wasted:
"According to some estimates, we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions." - Donald Rumsfeld, 2002
Trillions of dollars are missing from the US government. What's going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? Where are the checks and balances? How much more has gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer? Who is responsible for this? Would your banks continue to handle your bank account if you behaved like this? Would your investors continue to buy your securities if you behaved like this? Learn more in the articles below.
For numerous listings of government waste on a state by state basis, check out:
And let's not forget fraud - in which the people we pay to enforce the law are either too lazy or too corrupt to enforce it, costing us billions in losses. This is from just
one county:
County fraud explodes
$2 billion annual tab for worker, public abuse
After downplaying the scope for years, Los Angeles County officials have started to quietly acknowledge that scams by county employees and recipients of county services may be costing taxpayers nearly $2billion a year.
While there are no exact figures, the county Grand Jury last summer estimated welfare recipients are defrauding taxpayers of $500million a year. Prosecutors have estimated fraud in the food stamp, in-home care and health care programs costs more than $200million.
"It's as though in all the public assistance programs - be it welfare, food stamps, child care or Section8 housing - someone put a pot of gold in the middle of the street and walked away from it with very little integrity controls," said James Cosper, head deputy in the District Attorney's Office Welfare Fraud Division.
"It's bad throughout the entire county. ...
We do two or three major sweeps a year where we go out and arrest people. In case after case, they are driving Beemers, Lexus and Mercedes automobiles, or we have evidence they are taking expensive vacations, going on very nice cruises or living in expensive homes."
And it's not just service recipients who are defrauding the county.
Rest of article at: