I don't do the studies, I am just telling you what they have found.
Hmm, you don't think that has anything to do with inflation and economic progress in general, do you?
This figure, 80 percent of the rich are first generation rich has held for over 100 years. So no, I don't think it has anything to do with inflation. Economic progress? Yes. But then taking advantage of economic progress is the right of every American.
Once again, he had the brains to do so. Most people don't.
So we should set up programs that foster generational dependence because you don't believe that people are smart enough to take care of themselves? What exactly is it about you that leads you to believe that you are so much smarter than people living at the government trough? What makes you so much better than them?
The only thing more than possible is a 100% chance, so I would say it's not more than possible to become rich.
So according to you, there is no calculation between a 1% possibility of becoming rich and a 100% possibility of becoming rich? Where did you learn math?
The rich are a very small portion of our population and have the ability to rise up. That doesn't mean they work harder. Only 1.5% of people earn over 250,000 dollars a year according to a 2005 census.
More fairy tales. I suggest that you read
The Millionaire Next Door . And exactly what makes you believe that one must make 250K per year to become a millionaire? What kind of thinking is that? You think that a person has to make a quarter of a million dollars a year in order to become rich? USE YOUR BRAIN.
The kid that cuts my grass became a millionaire last year. He graduated from high school in 1997 and during that summer, he bought a trailer and a couple of used mowers. He started cutting grass. His plan was to enter the local junior college and begin a degree in landscape design. By the end of that summer, he had so much work, that he couldn't begin college. Now, almost 10 years later, if you pay attention, you will see no less than 14 trucks driving around with his name on them pulling trailers loaded with all sorts of lawn care equipment and similar implements of destruction.
He has since got that degree in landscape design and is adding trucks and crews at the rate of about 1 every 6 months now.
Your suggestion that only 1% make over 250K per year may be true, but it doesn't speak to the rich in this country. Over 10% of us are millionaires. That is the truth and when you live in a nation in which one out of 10 has managed to amass a million dollars, you are living in paradise.
Back to my original point: rich people don't work harder than poor people. Do you agree?
No I don't agree. The vast majority of the rich in this country own small businesses like the kid that cuts my grass. The leftist elite rich like al gore and teddy kennedy and john "F'ing" kerry who inherited or married their way into fortune don't but they represent the smallest fraction of the rich in this country.
Realistic ones. Do you really believe racism is gone? And what does 'telling them they're poor because others are rich' mean? Are you saying everyone's rich?
No. I recently stopped at a gas station in a predominantly black area and got terrible service and was looked at with obvious suspicion. I have been in predominantly black restaurants and gotten noticably smaller portions as well. So no, racism is still alive and well. Racism, however, has little or nothing to do with becoming wealthy or not becoming wealthy so to even inject it into economic discussions is to be no more than a race whore.
In capitalism the business owners employ the workers and pay them as little as possible while keeping their work ethic high. They pick the hardest workers and force everyone to compete, so while they sit in their desk the workers are breaking their backs to support the company they have no relation to. Just to make it clear, I don't disapprove of this, because it's the best system we've come up with so far, and though it's ugly, capitalism is effective. But you can't deny that the rich do exploit the poor to an extent.
Which country are you from? Employers don't work on the lowest bid unless they are looking to go out of business. Employers need people who can get the job done and are willing to pay what it takes to get such people. Now if the job is flipping a hamburger patty, or mopping a floor, exactly how much do you believe one needs to spend to get that work done as opposed to working on a car, or making a complicated widget?
You seem to be angry because employers aren't willing to pay more to get the job done than the job is worth.
You are obviously still naive and haven't been exposed to the real world yet, but you'll understand in time.
I have grandchildren that I imagine are older than you kiddo. I suppose I have forgotten more about the real world than you are likely to ever learn with that leftist elitist attitude of yours.