RealClear post debate polls....


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2021
Polls looking terrible for your war hero Joe Biden.

A week ago Trump was typically up around 1% in the RealClear averages among major polls. .8 of 1% exactly a week ago.
Now Trump leads by 2.3% and only about half the polling has been done post debate.

It is worse when you look at the Battleground polls for 7 key states. Biden is behind in all of them except Wisconsin which is tied. Trump leads by 3.3% on average and has a 4% or larger margin in 2 states Biden won in 2020. Georgia and Arizona.

Looking at the electoral map as a whole Trump would have 312 electoral votes to Joe's 226.

How pathetic that the best candidate your party has is a half dead guy who is going to lose badly to Donald Trump.
RealClear is an average of several polls. That is why they are the best source.

If we want to cherry pick we can use Rasmussen a pretty reliable pollster who has Trump up 9%.
Kamala polled at 1 percent when she ran for president . Newsomes record of debt and ledt wing screw up is hurting him and Mike well I dou t it

Mike has shown absolutely no desire to run.

Women never want to follow the process through. The only female candidate who did that was Hillary and it was handed to her in 2016.