Putin prefers Kamala and democrats in the upcoming US elections.

I know. We are talking about fake bipartisanship. Just because one republican may sign on with 100 democrats to do something wrong does not mean the wrong is justified because it is allegedly "bipartisan."
It wasn't one republican
God you are stupid
It was a committee run by Republicans
God you are stupid
Two? What was the exact figure, 90% democrat 'bipartisan' agreement? That is not bipartisan, that is leftist monopoly made to look bipartisan.
read the report if you dont want to look so stupid.
it was a report generated by a republican led senate intelligence committee.
it was run by republicans.
republicans approved it.
god you are stupid.
Russia has greatly benefited from Biden's advances in throttling American energy indepedence.
That is false, the US is now producing record amounts of petroleum, MORE that is ever did when Trump was president. The Russians may or may not be trying to prevent this, but if so, they are entirely unsuccessful. The US imports no oil from Russia, though I would not be surprised to, learn that some subsidiary of one or more US companies do, and then sell it outside the US.

The US is both and exporter and an importer of petroleum and petroleum products.
If the US actually OWNED oil wells and refineries, then the country might be independent. But it does not. Big Oil owns the whole shebang: wells, pipelines, refineries, tankers, and gas stations. The US government owns none.

So the term "energy independent" is bogus.
Two? What was the exact figure, 90% democrat 'bipartisan' agreement? That is not bipartisan, that is leftist monopoly made to look bipartisan.
There were more than two Republicans that supported the bill, and the way it works is this; the majority rules.

Trump has never managed to get more votes than his opponent. Hillary and Biden both got more votes. In any real democracy, there would have been no president Trump. A majority of Americans have rejected his sorry ass.
read the report if you dont want to look so stupid.
it was a report generated by a republican led senate intelligence committee.
it was run by republicans.
republicans approved it.
god you are stupid.
Was the report approved by Republicans only or by both Republicans and Democrats? How many conservative Christians approved the report?
That is false, the US is now producing record amounts of petroleum, MORE that is ever did when Trump was president. The Russians may or may not be trying to prevent this, but if so, they are entirely unsuccessful. The US imports no oil from Russia, though I would not be surprised to, learn that some subsidiary of one or more US companies do, and then sell it outside the US.

The US is both and exporter and an importer of petroleum and petroleum products.
If the US actually OWNED oil wells and refineries, then the country might be independent. But it does not. Big Oil owns the whole shebang: wells, pipelines, refineries, tankers, and gas stations. The US government owns none.

So the term "energy independent" is bogus.

U.S. Loses, Russia And China Win With Keystone XL Closure​

There were more than two Republicans that supported the bill, and the way it works is this; the majority rules.

Trump has never managed to get more votes than his opponent. Hillary and Biden both got more votes. In any real democracy, there would have been no president Trump. A majority of Americans have rejected his sorry ass.
Nobody can doubt that both Hillary and Biden got millions more unverified votes than Trump.
Was the report approved by Republicans only or by both Republicans and Democrats? How many conservative Christians approved the report?
By both parties
Most importantly by a republican run committee so you can't do your usual whine about partisan democrats
You know their conclusions are solid if even Republicans agree their candidate was helped by putin

Explain why conservative Christians have better insight 8nto national intelligence mooron lol
By both parties
Most importantly by a republican run committee so you can't do your usual whine about partisan democrats
You know their conclusions are solid if even Republicans agree their candidate was helped by putin

Explain why conservative Christians have better insight 8nto national intelligence mooron lol
I object to leftist liberalism, deception, ignorance, incompetence, and foolishness by politicians no matter which party they adhere to.
Nobody knows, not even you, how many millions of unverified or illegitimate votes were cast for democrats in 2020.
If by your own admission no one knows, how can you say there's was millions?
There could have been thousands or none at all.
Without evidence which you don't have, you lying.
If by your own admission no one knows, how can you say there's was millions?
There could have been thousands or none at all.
Without evidence which you don't have, you lying.
The evidence indicates that is what happened, just like the evidence indicated that O.J. slaughtered two people in cold-blooded murder in the 1st degree.