Putin prefers Kamala and democrats in the upcoming US elections.

Of course lazy mmorons refuse to go to court but still whine constantly
Democrats are not afraid to go to court. They will file bogus charges against anyone for any stupid thing if it helps them secure power, prestige, or wealth.
Putin is not likely to get votes for any candidate he recommends. What he wants is to provoke dissention and chaos in the US.
You're a twisted old nut case. The upcoming defeat for Trump is enough to send you around the bend. I can only hope.
No I will be fine! But the comparisons to Trump and Harris of whom they are speaking to and how? If you feel Harris can run this Country, you have very low expectations and an understanding as to what is going on in our Country! If Harris wins it clearly states why people vote and what for! After all Putin loves her laugh!
Hate Trump if you want but there is much more going on. Degrade me if you like. I could care less! 👍🏻🤭
No I will be fine! But the comparisons to Trump and Harris of whom they are speaking to and how? If you feel Harris can run this Country, you have very low expectations and an understanding as to what is going on in our Country! If Harris wins it clearly states why people vote and what for! After all Putin loves her laugh!
Hate Trump if you want but there is much more going on. Degrade me if you like. I could care less! 👍🏻🤭
Dribble. You hate filled old tart.
Dribble. You hate filled old tart.
Me hate? Look who is calling the kettle black! Look at your posts everywhere. You are not too kind! If one does not agree or state it your way, you try to degrade people. But you are the low one, not I nor the others. It’s you! 🤭
You silly old hate filled ratbag. You've got no idea.
Democrats lie, they cheat, they kill, they destroy, and they file false charges against their enemies because they have learned to use crooked courts to persecute those they hate with demonic passions.

https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/wkd-alan-dershowitz-compares-lawfare-against-trump-mccarthyism-says-future?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter 6-29-24

Harvard Law's Dershowitz compares lawfare against Trump to McCarthyism, says the future is dark