Putin prefers Kamala and democrats in the upcoming US elections.

Democrats lie, they cheat, they kill, they destroy, and they file false charges against their enemies because they have learned to use crooked courts to persecute those they hate with demonic passions.

https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/wkd-alan-dershowitz-compares-lawfare-against-trump-mccarthyism-says-future?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter 6-29-24

Harvard Law's Dershowitz compares lawfare against Trump to McCarthyism, says the future is dark
Republicans should stop breaking laws if they don't want consequences
It's really simple
Even right wing mooorons should understand that
Democrats lie, they cheat, they kill, they destroy, and they file false charges against their enemies because they have learned to use crooked courts to persecute those they hate with demonic passions.

https://justthenews.com/government/courts-law/wkd-alan-dershowitz-compares-lawfare-against-trump-mccarthyism-says-future?utm_source=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter 6-29-24

Harvard Law's Dershowitz compares lawfare against Trump to McCarthyism, says the future is dark
How is that connected to Putin and Harris?
Republicans should stop breaking laws if they don't want consequences
It's really simple
Even right wing mooorons should understand that
Unjust judges and prosecutors have been turning non-crimes into horrible fake crimes for unjust political purposes.
Putin knows the difference between Kackles and Trump, which is why he went on record supporting Kackles.
On record? Lololololololololololol
Did putin swear to tell the truth on penalty of jail? Lolololol

You are another useful right wing mooron that putin counts on
On record? Lololololololololololol
Did putin swear to tell the truth on penalty of jail? Lolololol

You are another useful right wing mooron that putin counts on
Democrats must invent 'evidence' showing Putin's alleged support for Trump in spite of all existing actual evidence to the contrary.
Putin knows the difference between Kackles and Trump, which is why he went on record supporting Kackles.
He never said he supported her. He said he would work with her if she was elected.
You're ignorantly suggesting she is a communist plant. Grow up you fucking idiot.
No one should vote for president based on sympathy with or opposition to Putin. Putin wants to cause chaos in our country, but he is not very good at it. It is in the national interests of ou country that Ukraine be an independent nation that is a member of NATO.
No one should vote for president based on sympathy with or opposition to Putin. Putin wants to cause chaos in our country, but he is not very good at it. It is in the national interests of ou country that Ukraine be an independent nation that is a member of NATO.
Mark has a habit of switching the blame onto who ever we are criticism.
Trump does the same.
They said he was weird then suddenly everyone in the democrat party is weird.

1000 pages from the Republican senate committee about put8n helping Trump

God you are stupid
Nobody has provided any evidence or details proving Trump's collusion with Putin in 2016. Assumptions, speculations, interpretations, guesses, and suppositions are not facts.