Putin prefers Kamala and democrats in the upcoming US elections.

Tuesday’s bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump’s years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a “hoax,” driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy.

Those darn Republicans always lying to attack Trump

God you are stupid
It does not matter who from what party endorses a lie, it is still a lie.
What about your questions

Russia loved Trump that's why they helped him

Or did Republicans lie?
Putin may not have hated Trump like democrats did but Putin gave democrats money, which he never gave Trump, because he counted on democrat support more than once in US government matters that benefitted himself or Russia.

By 2021, all the ways in which Putin tried to regain control over Ukraine – short of a full-scale invasion – had failed. Putin failed to get Ukraine to join Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union in the 2000s and failed to get pro-Kremlin leaders in charge of the Ukrainian government in 2004.[35] Putin failed to establish full control over Ukraine even when Yanukovych was in power.[36] Putin was able to solidify some of his territorial gains in Ukraine through the Minsk II Accords that froze the frontlines in Donbas, but he was unable to exploit those gains to achieve his full desired aims.

Putin tried to coerce Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (2014-2019) and later Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (2019-present) to legitimize the Russia-created illegal DNR and LNR, and Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea in accord with Ukraine’s Minsk II commitments despite the fact that Russia and the proxies it created had not met their commitments.[37] These efforts, if successful, would have legitimized the principle of Russian military intervention in Ukraine and secured for Russia a permanent lever of influence over Ukraine’s politics. (ISW documented this deliberate Kremlin effort in detail in 2019).[38] Putin failed at that too.[39]

He ran out of options in 2021 so it was down to an invasion
Putin suffers from extreme wickedness and ignorance due to his rejection of Jesus.
Aug 9 - Dozens of Russian military personnel are being trained in Iran to use the Fath-360 close-range ballistic missile system, two European intelligence sources told Reuters, adding that they expected the imminent delivery of hundreds of the satellite-guided weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine.
Russian defence ministry representatives are believed to have signed a contract on Dec. 13 in Tehran with Iranian officials for the Fath-360 and another ballistic missile system built by Iran's government-owned Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) called the Ababil, according to the intelligence officials, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters.

Stop watching Reba! Mooooron!
Palestinian murderers and genocidalists sided with Hitler in WW2, hoping for help in destroying the Jews. The ungodly rebels against Jesus in leadership around the world tend to hang together, including brutal savages in Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, Cuba, and more (even ungodly leftists in the US.)


bipartian senate report said russians helped trump.
i posted the link.

my god you enjoy looking stupid. lol
bipartian senate report said russians helped trump.
i posted the link.

my god you enjoy looking stupid. lol
The facts the democrats are trying to keep hidden prove that Russia favors corrupt socialist democrats over republicans.
If the truth were known instead of denied, the Kremlin has always preferred socialisr democrat communists like themselves.
Logo: The Washington TimesAmerica's Newspaper

Kremlin prefers Harris, calls her ‘predictable’​

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, bottom, looks on as Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks via video call during a news conference in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, bottom, looks on as Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks via video call during a news conference in Moscow, Russia, Thursday, Dec. 17, 2020. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko) more >
By Mallory Wilson - The Washington Times - Sunday, September 1, 2024
Russian leaders see Vice President Kamala Harris as more predictable than Republicans, according to a spokesman for Vladimir Putin.

In an interview with Russian TV reporter Pavel Zarubin, Dmitry Peskov joked that the Kremlin had no candidate after President Biden dropped out.

“We have no candidate. But, of course, the Democrats are more predictable. And what Putin said about Biden’s predictability applies to almost all Democrats, including Ms. Harris,” Mr. Peskov said, Reuters reported.utin
That's probably why they helped Trump. Got it.
And we thought Trump was conservative.
Rubes still think Putin helped Trump in 2016 by buying ads for his campaign, but no such thing happened.
moorons deny that the bipartisan senate report concluded that putin helped trump in 2016.

or are you saying senate republicans lied to hurt trump? maybe you are that stupid lol
moorons deny that the bipartisan senate report concluded that putin helped trump in 2016.

or are you saying senate republicans lied to hurt trump? maybe you are that stupid lol
The 'bipartisan' report produced the lying leftist report of 3 hard-core Trump-hating leftist Obamanite officials the democrats falsely claim was written by experts from 17 different intelligence agencies.