Putin prefers Kamala and democrats in the upcoming US elections.

Hamas and Iran are not Russia duh
God you are stupid

Russia was ready to attack Ukraine and hoping Trump won so it would be easier but went ahead anyway because it was time

Even Republicans said putin helped Trump
God you are stupid

Hamas has reportedly accumulated over $12 million per month from taxes on goods imported from Egypt into Gaza as of 2021. Iran provides some $100 million annually to Hamas and other Palestinian groups.
They all lie!
Did Russia attack Ukraine when Trump was in office?
Did Hamas attack Israel during Trump?
Did Iran have billions to fund Hamas, China and Russia during Trump?
By 2021, all the ways in which Putin tried to regain control over Ukraine – short of a full-scale invasion – had failed. Putin failed to get Ukraine to join Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union in the 2000s and failed to get pro-Kremlin leaders in charge of the Ukrainian government in 2004.[35] Putin failed to establish full control over Ukraine even when Yanukovych was in power.[36] Putin was able to solidify some of his territorial gains in Ukraine through the Minsk II Accords that froze the frontlines in Donbas, but he was unable to exploit those gains to achieve his full desired aims.

Putin tried to coerce Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (2014-2019) and later Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (2019-present) to legitimize the Russia-created illegal DNR and LNR, and Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea in accord with Ukraine’s Minsk II commitments despite the fact that Russia and the proxies it created had not met their commitments.[37] These efforts, if successful, would have legitimized the principle of Russian military intervention in Ukraine and secured for Russia a permanent lever of influence over Ukraine’s politics. (ISW documented this deliberate Kremlin effort in detail in 2019).[38] Putin failed at that too.[39]

He ran out of options in 2021 so it was down to an invasion
Hamas has reportedly accumulated over $12 million per month from taxes on goods imported from Egypt into Gaza as of 2021. Iran provides some $100 million annually to Hamas and other Palestinian groups.
Nothing to do with putin
God you are stupid
They all lie!
Did Russia attack Ukraine when Trump was in office?
Did Hamas attack Israel during Trump?
Did Iran have billions to fund Hamas, China and Russia during Trump?
Putin’s convictions about Ukraine and the West had likely further solidified over the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Putin entered a state of isolation during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, largely confining his interactions to a small group of trusted idealogues. He reportedly began becoming ever more preoccupied with Russia’s need to control Ukraine and avenge itself against the West for “humiliating” Russia in the 1990s.[40] Sources familiar with Putin’s conversations revealed that Putin began to “obsess over the past” and ”completely lost interest in the present” during the pandemic.[41]

Putin had also just succeeded in a major domestic power play. Putin had faced a moment of vulnerability as the 2020 oil price crisis and the pandemic occurred in the middle of his campaign to retain power.[42] Putin was attempting to amend the Russian constitution so that he could run again in 2024.[43] Putin’s power play went unchallenged, however, and he successfully re-solidified his grip on power with constitutional amendments that effectively allowed him to rule for life. The success of this domestic power play also undermines the argument that Western “hybrid warfare” was somehow putting Putin’s own rule at risk. Putin’s domestic grip in 2021 was solid and faced no meaningful challenge

I realize there are a lot of big words here so do your best lol
You are good at emoticons and pictures
But you stink at thinking
You poor moooron
Aug 9 - Dozens of Russian military personnel are being trained in Iran to use the Fath-360 close-range ballistic missile system, two European intelligence sources told Reuters, adding that they expected the imminent delivery of hundreds of the satellite-guided weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine.
Russian defence ministry representatives are believed to have signed a contract on Dec. 13 in Tehran with Iranian officials for the Fath-360 and another ballistic missile system built by Iran's government-owned Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) called the Ababil, according to the intelligence officials, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters.

Stop watching Reba! Mooooron!
Aug 9 - Dozens of Russian military personnel are being trained in Iran to use the Fath-360 close-range ballistic missile system, two European intelligence sources told Reuters, adding that they expected the imminent delivery of hundreds of the satellite-guided weapons to Russia for its war in Ukraine.
Russian defence ministry representatives are believed to have signed a contract on Dec. 13 in Tehran with Iranian officials for the Fath-360 and another ballistic missile system built by Iran's government-owned Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) called the Ababil, according to the intelligence officials, who requested anonymity in order to discuss sensitive matters.

Stop watching Reba! Mooooron!
Noth8ng to do with the claim of putin preferring Harris

You get dumber with every post
And you were already stupid to start with so that's hard to do
Noth8ng to do with the claim of putin preferring Harris

You get dumber with every post
And you were already stupid to start with so that's hard to do
Ok whatever! They will probably get rid of Trump. Harris in, you’ll see! Your life not mine. All you have is calling someone stupid and a *****. Good luck!
Another moooron who believe put8ns public announcement lol
How hard were you dropped on your head as a child?
Lying leftist democrats had no evidence of Putin favoring Trump over Hillary in 2016 and democrats continue to dishonestly or stupidly deny that Putin favors American democrats over republicans.

https://www.foxnews.com/politics/hillary-clinton-sided-with-russia-on-sanctions-as-bill-made-500g-on-moscow-speech 7-18-17
Putin wants Trump in
That was proven in 2016
That was not proven. Democrats claimed 17 US agencies signed off on commie John Brennan's lying leftist report but that was a lie. There were not 17 agencies, there were three hard left Obama radicals who, including Brennan, crafted their lying leftist democrat assessment for the democrat party.

Publications | Intelligence Committee (senate.gov) 7-3-18

President Obama in early December 2016 tasked the Intelligence Community with writing an assessment that would capture the existing intelligence on Russian interference in U.S. elections. By early January, the CIA, NSA, and FBI produced a joint assessment under the auspices of the ODNI, titled Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections, which included both classified and unclassified versions. Only three agencies were represented in the drafting process because of the extreme sensitivity of the sources and methods involved.

America first helps putin
God you are stupid

No, American patriotism does nothing to help Putin, so democrats continue to lie.



The highly redacted leftist democrat assessment of Russian collusion in 2016 was a hastily concocted assortment of false allegations and lies. Obama hired his Trump-hating poals in the weaponize NSA, FBI, and CIA to put together a report the democrats could then claim was a thoughtful, careful, thorough assessment of 17 intelligence agencies. None of that was true. As I posted above:

That was not proven. Democrats claimed 17 US agencies signed off on commie John Brennan's lying leftist report but that was a lie. There were not 17 agencies, there were three hard left Obama radicals who, including Brennan, crafted their lying leftist democrat assessment for the democrat party.

Publications | Intelligence Committee (senate.gov) 7-3-18

President Obama in early December 2016 tasked the Intelligence Community with writing an assessment that would capture the existing intelligence on Russian interference in U.S. elections. By early January, the CIA, NSA, and FBI produced a joint assessment under the auspices of the ODNI, titled Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections, which included both classified and unclassified versions. Only three agencies were represented in the drafting process because of the extreme sensitivity of the sources and methods involved.