Prove that God doesn't exist.

Does God exist?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 63 59.4%
  • No.

    Votes: 44 41.5%

  • Total voters
The Framers were very straightforward about everything in the Constitution because they wanted it to be clear for the rest of the country's existence. Read the other 9 Amendments of the Bill of Rights -- all short, concise, and clear with no room for interpretation. Why do you believe the 1st is any different?

Jefferson and Lincoln?

Jefferson: "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."

Have you ever read Lincoln's Second Inagural? 702 words -- it referrences God 19 times and cites the Bible twice. Only 702 words.

I'm not so sure that the rest of the Constitution is all that clear. Take the second amendment, for example. Does it really mean that anyone can have any kind of arms that they want? Remember, arms means more that just guns. The Supreme Court exists to interpret the Constitution. If it were so clear, the SCOTUS would have no reason to exist.
Prove that God does exist.

I can't prove it to you all but He can prove it to me.

Maybe some day He will prove it to others here too. We all have a God shaped hole in our heart and if you feel something is missing then perhaps you will find what will fill the void.
From wiki:

Argument from universal causation:

1. Every finite and contingent being has a cause.
2. Nothing finite and dependent (contingent) can cause itself.
3. A causal chain cannot be of infinite length.
4. Therefore, there must be a first cause; or, there must be something that is not an effect.
I'm not so sure that the rest of the Constitution is all that clear. Take the second amendment, for example. Does it really mean that anyone can have any kind of arms that they want? Remember, arms means more that just guns. The Supreme Court exists to interpret the Constitution. If it were so clear, the SCOTUS would have no reason to exist.

You raise a good point. What I was more trying to say is that in their time and regarding their issues -- the Framers were quite clear. Thomas Jefferson obviously had the phrase "separation of church and state" in his head as he used it a few years later. Why didn't they include it into the Constitution then? Because they didn't want a complete separation of church and state of course.

The SC exists to relate their words to our modern issues. For them though, the barrier between religion and government was a modern issue that needed no interpretation.

Prove that God doesn't exist?
That's not how science works. The process is:
1. State hypothesis. The reason for the universe's existence is God.
2. Attempt to prove hypothesis.
3. If the hypothesis holds up, it's a theory because it is supported. Try another experiment.
If it does not hold up, hypothesis needs changing.

Since in this case, part 2 is impossible... it cannot be proven or disproven.

I do have a semi-logical pseudo-proof that God exists though.

1. God is defined as the manifest of the unexplainable.
2. There is unexplainable.
3. Therefore there is God.
Ill prove to you GOD doesnt exist. When i fell into acoma at the hospital i was in acoma for 10 days before i woke up.Doctors told me i had a near death experance. I saw nothing.I didnt see no heavenly clouds,I didnt see Jesus nor i didnt see all my dead relitives. All i saw was total darkness and its all silent didnt hear no noise.For years i went to church and all the sudden i found out the truth about religion.Its all Bull****! Just like all these arabs belive allah is gonna award them with paradise and give them 1000 black eyed virgins is all total bull****.You aint gonna see Jesus and your not gonna see your loved ones again! Just like when Billy Graham dies one day he isnt gonna see his wife ruth again neither.
Ill prove to you GOD doesnt exist. When i fell into acoma at the hospital i was in acoma for 10 days before i woke up.Doctors told me i had a near death experance. I saw nothing.I didnt see no heavenly clouds,I didnt see Jesus nor i didnt see all my dead relitives. All i saw was total darkness and its all silent didnt hear no noise.For years i went to church and all the sudden i found out the truth about religion.Its all Bull****! Just like all these arabs belive allah is gonna award them with paradise and give them 1000 black eyed virgins is all total bull****.You aint gonna see Jesus and your not gonna see your loved ones again! Just like when Billy Graham dies one day he isnt gonna see his wife ruth again neither.

It's official. You're completely out of your mind.

Proves nothing.
The challenge was to prove the nonexistence of God... not the nonexistence of a particular version of God or of the afterlife.
And how do you know you wouldn't have seen Heaven or Hell if you were dead a little longer?
Well my dad told me he saw the samething i saw when he was operated on when he had a heart bypass. My cousin said the samething she saw when she had a near death experance when she was playing in a frozen lake and fell though the ice. So its all gotta be a bunch of baloney right? Even Penn & Teller said religion is bull****.
Armchair: But matter undergoes accidental and substantial change. "From dust to dust." But it ahd to come into existence at some point.
Coyote: 'Cycles withing cycles" are still cycles--with beginnings and ends.
Cheshire: Kelly is an Irish males name you ignorant b****.

Actually it's a surname:)
Well my dad told me he saw the samething i saw when he was operated on when he had a heart bypass. My cousin said the samething she saw when she had a near death experance when she was playing in a frozen lake and fell though the ice. So its all gotta be a bunch of baloney right? Even Penn & Teller said religion is bull****.

Oh, well, if Penn and Teller said it, then it stands proven.

Say, steveox, are you really trying to prove a negative? Go back a few posts on this same thread, and see what was shown about the difficulty of such an enterprise.

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