And I take it that you 'understand' the paradoxes that scientific inquiries ultimately result in, eh?
Please illuminate us with your 'understanding'.
Without meaning to make myself look stupid... what do you mean?
And I take it that you 'understand' the paradoxes that scientific inquiries ultimately result in, eh?
Please illuminate us with your 'understanding'.
I am merely pointing out that it is not religion's fault you don't understand.Without meaning to make myself look stupid... what do you mean?
Why are you dragging cosmology into my point? My point is that the Bible has to be one of the most unreliable texts ever written. I was never taking what is in the Bible and questioning wether it is scientifically accurate/possible etc, but instead saying that what is written in the modern bible is very different from what the disciples first wrote.
there is absolutely ZERO evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ. Thats a fact.
there is absolutely ZERO evidence for the existence of Jesus Christ. Thats a fact.
Physics involves inquiry in phenomena that has the basic and measurable quantities of mass/energy, space, and time.
If a phenomenon has NO measurable mass/energy, space (linear dimension) and time, then it has no business saying anything about such a phenomenon, no?
But some branches of theoretical physics (cosmology, quantum mechanics, particle physics) is doing just that.
And since all these things are merely propositions, and not fact, then there really isn't any reason to suppose that they are any better than the inquiries of philosophy and theology, is there?
Is there any reason for it not to be that way.
After all, they are accounts of various individuals' experiences of a single and immutable truth.
Well it's hard to provide solid evidence that anyone lived 2000 years ago. Ultimately, it all comes down to word of mouth and whether or not you choose to have faith.
But it still doesn't prove that god doesn't exist. The challenge in the title of this thread has never been met. No one has proven that god doesn't exist.
Back a few posts, I challenged anyone who wanted to to prove that I'm not god. No one was even able to do that.
I've never met a Marine that had much "faith" in old myths, most of them were pretty solid, "check your own equiment and don't rely on someone else's word for the ammo in the magazine" kind of people.
These are two entirely different scenarios. Most Marines are indeed very religious but out in the field, we live by the Reagan motto of "trust but verify".
Just because we cannot at THIS moment measure the mass/energy/whatever doesn't mean that it isn't there to be measured. It's a process of discovery. Philosophy is also a journey of discovery. Theology doesn't appear to be for most of the religious folks I've run across, almost all of them claim to already be in possession of God's Ultimate Truth--no process of discovery there, huh?
So, Numi, why you arguing religion now when you are eschewing it on the homosexual thread? I suspected that you were a religious person flying stealth on the homosexual thread, but you indicated that wasn't true--which is it Numi?